What Maketh The Man?

I was just reading this article and it came as no surprise to me that the male sex are losing their identity. More men now feel uncomfortable in the role of being masculine. Why is this?

Obviously the media portrayal of what a man should be has shaped ‘modern man’ a great deal but is this new incarnation of Mr sensitive a good thing? And if not what can we do to reverse this trend?

IMO it’s all gone a little too far. I have no problem with doing housework, cooking, ironing and taking care of the kids but I draw the line with using cosmetic products, ‘ab and pec’ workouts, listening to Leona Lewis and crying at movies.
As Bonnie Tyler so rightly said “Where’s the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?” ;)

Why are todays men so weak?
For example, against the US this week David Beckham was presented with a presentation case for his 100th cap, he said he wanted to hold it above his head but it was too heavy! What’s up with men today? Why are they so drippy?
I agree! I really do!

So many men now, are even dressing/looking more feminine! Taking toooo much care about how they look.

I cant stand it. We male's are physically the dominant sex, So why not stay true to that instead of looking/acting more and more like women!
Also i think this is concluding to more gay people.

I think in a thousand years or so (if were still here), men & women will dress and look alike apart from their genitals. I also think the %of homosexuality will equal that of hetrosexuality.
Well, I wouldn't say dominant as that implies that we are better and I don't think we are. I do think that we are different though, we have testosterone flowing through our veins for a reason, we are supposed to be the strong ones, the protectors.
I really think that if more men started acting and feeling like men then you wouldn't get so much petty crime and violence amoungst our youth, they have aggression but don't have any decent strong male role models to show them how to channel their natural physical power
Metrosexual is a growing trend. Shave your body hair, do your nails, highlight your hair, wear body spray etc. Not for me.

The problem is a lot of women think this is attractive. So of course dudes are going to do whatever they can to get the girls.

As one can see from the avatar I'm far from metro with the hairy chest LOL

The best is camping last weekend when one of the guys there was afraid to go in the woods after dark to gather firewood. LOL

guess he thought a bear was going to get him.
society needs a needle in their ass once or twice every week with some serious test.

I honestly think it's a disgrace how men act now a days and I'm gonna blame it on the women, not because it is the easy thing to do (though in this case it is very convenient :p) , but because women need to stop liking "pretty boys", you know, the ****ies, djeeses I'm so glad my GF is not like that. Society tells men that to get women they need to be women themselves, screw that! When I met my GF I looked at her, I pounded my chest, I roared and guess what? It worked, it always has worked and it always will work! This is the way it is suppose to be. We are programmed to choose partners whom are strong and will give strong offspring. Every guy needs to stop buying into the whole feminine thing. We don't have to be shovenists, but we don't have to be women either. It's like being masculine makes you a shovenist, I've actually gotten that many times just for showing some masculine traits (I've got quite a lot of them :D) while those who know me the best will say that I'm the most stubborn person when it comes to discrimination, I'll nail anyone for it, the worst thing I know is people treating others like **** for no good reason

WOW that was a long rant. I'm gonna go inject some more steroids now, BRB :p
(for anyone who doesn't know me, that was a joke, I don't use steroids, I use squats n' milk)

Also, I've heard that men with low t levels can be more agressive than men with normal t levels because men are made for high t levels, if they go to low our brains don't function properly (a guy I know who studies chemistry told me this, I don't have any research to back it up)
Metrosexual is a growing trend. Shave your body hair, do your nails, highlight your hair, wear body spray etc. Not for me.

The problem is a lot of women think this is attractive. So of course dudes are going to do whatever they can to get the girls.

As one can see from the avatar I'm far from metro with the hairy chest LOL

The best is camping last weekend when one of the guys there was afraid to go in the woods after dark to gather firewood. LOL

guess he thought a bear was going to get him.

Bring a fork and eat the bear if it tries anything!
Every guy needs to stop buying into the whole feminine thing. We don't have to be shovenists, but we don't have to be women either.

That's my view exactly, you can still be masculine and a decent guy, they aren't mutually exclusive.

Man up, guys!!
All you need to do is refer to this site:

Well, I'm a stay-at-home dad and I occasionally trim down body hair, I like shopping...I even have a pair of Crocs LOL maybe I have no room to talk

I used to drink beer in the bathtub, does that help any?:D
All you need to do is refer to this site:

That site is terrible, with articles like 'How to tell if she's the one', it's just a site for girly men

A real man's site would have things like 'How to beat a Ninja in a fight' or 'How to build a house with your bare hands'

Check out Goergen's Jerky Brothers site, the link used to be in his sig, now that's a real man's site!

P.S. No amount of beer drinking makes up for wearing Crocs :)
That site is terrible, with articles like 'How to tell if she's the one', it's just a site for girly men

A real man's site would have things like 'How to beat a Ninja in a fight' or 'How to build a house with your bare hands'

Check out Goergen's Jerky Brothers site, the link used to be in his sig, now that's a real man's site!

P.S. No amount of beer drinking makes up for wearing Crocs :)

I've only looked at the "how to throw a punch" and the one about carrying a pocket knife.

...and Crocs rule, if you put a pair on especially while recovering from a long run, you'll be hooked. at least they're close toed, no one wants to see dude toes LOL
I drink beer in the shower.

Sweet, you could argue that men don't take baths, so that would hurt me :D

Beer in the shower is awesome.LOL

I don't drink at all now, so I guess I lose a few more points.:p

I'm secure enough to do whatever I want without fear of others' perceptions
LOL, They're great if you have sore muscles. If I take one I follow up with a shower. We're moving soon and we're going to have a hot tub, so I'll probably never take one...unless my wife accompanies me, then all bets are off LOL

P.S CCR, I like to look at Leona Lewis, that's OK right?:D
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A definition of "man" is vague at best. One thing that is common though is that men must display raw power in some shape or form.

I think in our Urban world, raw power is a bit different than let's say someone in tribal areas. For example, in parts of Africa, the "rite" to manhood might be circumcision. A woman may view that as a "man." But in America, a "rite" of manhood may be just getting a new car at the age of 16 which women will view as a "man." Basically speaking, if you were to do a vice versa, if a man from the tribal area showed his circumcision to someone in America, it might be viewed as gross. However, if a man showed his brand new car in Africa, he might be laughed at since cars would have little use in the jungle or where gas powered vehicles aren't used often.

To be blunt, being a man in a urban world means showing raw power by means of transportation and method of receiving money and fashion sense. By displaying these means of raw emotions, it is accepted as "manly." Women in Urban world likes "clean" stuff, so basically a shaved man, capable of crying about his poor misplaced puppy, is viewed as acceptable only because he is able to show raw power that fits in an urban world.

This can be best viewed at gyms too. When you see a man showing off his strength, he may be just picking up heavy weights and simply wearing "tough" uniforms such as a army shirt of something that signifies hurting other people. In actuality, that man is doing nothing but lifting weights at a safe gym.

I personally think showing off a tough guy face is fake. I also think it's a good way of getting yourself badly hurt. Most people who put up the fake tough guy look are nothing more than pansies. A well placed kick in the balls will correct this misconception.
Metrosexual is a growing trend. Shave your body hair, do your nails, highlight your hair, wear body spray etc. Not for me.

I once got called a Metro by some girl for taking care of my eyebrows.
I think what we are seeing now with the role of men is one of the many after effects of the unfinished feminist movement. One of the shortcomings of the movement and the women who pushed for it was that some of them saw men as the enemy to women's equality. As soon as women started fighting in the workplace and competing with men, men became threatened. It was okay for women to "act like men". But no one made it okay for men to "act like women". I honestly think the "act like a certain gender" thing is absolute garbage. We're all just people, and we should have the right to act however we want. Women should have the right to work outside of the home and make as much as men (they currently still make less than men), and men should have the right to be caring fathers, husbands, boyfriends, whatever, and still be seen as "men".

You can also look at some of the changes that took place in the sexual revolution. Women's status changed dramatically. They went from being passive objects that just lay there while the men satisfied themselves, to fully fledged sexual beings capable of sexual desires and feelings. This put men in a very vulnerable place. Their manhood was threatened if they couldn't perform well enough. They began to fear the women with the insatiable sexual appetites. This created somewhat of a backlash, and we're where we are today. Men are the dominant ones, women are the ones to be conquered. Women who have sexual desires have been labeled whores and the ones who passively obey the patriarchy are labeled "nice girls". ( I honestly think it should be the other way around) And women weren't the only ones to be labeled. If a man chose to be sensitive and respect a woman's feelings he became a "sissy" or "gay". And if he chose to follow the stereotype, then he was a "real man".

I think the above is just a load of nonsense. People should be free to be people. They should be free to love who and what they want. There shouldn't be the need to dominate over each other. If it were up to me, this battle between the sexes would be over. Men could be men no matter what they choose to wear, watch or cry over. Women could be respected because that's what they deserve. We wouldn't even need to label people. We could just be.

Maybe this article is speaking to this new generation, my generation. Maybe it will be okay for a man to be sensitive, passive and receptive for a change. Doesn't that take off a lot of the pressure? I think men face even more pressure in society than women do. One wrong move and they get labeled as a wimp or a fruit. I think it's time to take some of the pressure off. It doesn't mean that all men have to start going out and getting manicures and facials, it just means that they can feel emotional, they can cry and they can respect a woman without being labeled a "sissy".
I dont got a shower, so i bath.

But i drink my own filth...