What is your bad habit?

When I see buy 1 get 1 free deals on snacks such as ice-cream and chips, I would go for them. It's like I cannot live without them! If only I can go without them for a month or two, I would be completely ripped!
Expensive chocolate. And red wine!
Mine is Smoking, i'm kicking the habit on Monday. After that bad habits would be ummm, chewing plastic.
ummm, chewing plastic.

wish I had that problem, mine is chewing on pizzas. LOL

procrastinating, overthinking, breaking wind in elevators, screwing with bad drivers, buying tools and kitchen gadgets, burning burnables, etc
wish I had that problem, mine is chewing on pizzas. LOL

procrastinating, overthinking, breaking wind in elevators, screwing with bad drivers, buying tools and kitchen gadgets, burning burnables, etc

Well food also for me, but when I quit smoking I tend to chew on pens, pegs lol, and don't seam to eat on my normal snacks.
Oh Pizza yum, (breaking wind in elevators) pmsl glad I'm not in one rotflmao
that's funny. :jump::jump::jump:
I've got tons of bad habits

- Picking the skin from the side of my thumbs until it bleeds
- Injuring myself - I am prone to it and never take any precautions to stop it from happening
- talking bad about myself
- Impatience. Probably my worst bad habit. I want things to happen, and I want them to happen NOW. I also get bored with things incredibly easy.

We must be twins! thats pretty much my answer. Im so accident prone I have gained several bruises just walking to the bathroom in my own home.

I also tend to get quite ratty when things arent happening fast enough for me, damn impatience.

but Im also a bad procrastinator.. it makes no sense!
I have seen a lot of people writing in this topic about how they speak to themselves and so on....well i think the purpose off this forum is to help us to lose weight and to make a better image of our body and our life.

I guess we all have some things that we don't like about our body but i also think that we are here to discus about them.
Maybe we don't realise but each member of this forum has a lot in common with the others .Why?Because each one of us is going throught troubles related to dissatisfaction with our bodies.
Why we just not talk on the forum about our ploblems come on nobody knows nobody around here : ) )
I have a really annoying bad habit- getting irritated by other peoples lack of workout in the gym.

I know its nothing to do with me, I should concerntrate on myself and etc. but its the girl who just stands infront of the mirror checking herself out for a good 15 mins, or the bloke who stands around on the treadmill (when there is a queue) or walking at 2km/h in order to get a better view of the sports channel...

And then there are those that go OTT and wind me up, many of them get on a machine next to me and glare at my speed and resistance and match theirs to mine. Really annoys me and its so hard not to smack them in the face. I end up having my towel over the machine screen so they can't see anything.

I have little patience with either group- both get in my way in some way or another and I end up giving them the evil eye/laugh at them and hoping that they back off and stop messing around (group 1) or stay clear of me (group 2)

well... I have alot of bad habits!

I like to smoke!
I like to eat when I watch tv!
I like to swim when is stormy!
I like to sleep with my dog!
I bite my nails... I almost always have my nails done to combat this. During the couple weeks every other month I have them off to let my real nails "breathe" it's bite-bite-bite.

I'm judgemental, and a bitch. Can't help it- Picked up that personality trait from my mother. Can't say I'd change it though. I haven't gotten this far in life being nice.

I am addicted to coffee. I can't live without it. I tried my hardest to kick the habit, but by day 4 of no coffee I'd made two people cry. Whoops.
Yes,I smoke too and drink a little bit.