What is your bad habit?

Shaking my leg when I am sitting. I probably do it so often that I don't even realize that I'm doing it. I'm sure it must annoy people too...especially when I hit the table.

in high school, there was this kid that sat behind me in english class and he did that constantly. it drove me nuts because he would always have his feet on the 'book basket' or whatever the hell it is called underneath my seat. i wanted to strangle him, lol.
in high school, there was this kid that sat behind me in english class and he did that constantly. it drove me nuts because he would always have his feet on the 'book basket' or whatever the hell it is called underneath my seat. i wanted to strangle him, lol.

I remember people doing that to me, too. Drove me nuts, but I think I probably did it at one time or another, too. I'm a pretty restless person.
-Putting Myself Down in Front Of Others
-Cutting People Off (when they're talking)
I am soooo bad for being untidy. I need to constantly MAKE myself tidy up. The weird thing is, I hate a mess! so go figure...lol
I have a habit of being too awesome.

No, but in all seriousness, I have a bad habit of being honest. I'm not honest to be mean, but I know that it can come out like that sometimes. I just hate the way it feels when people lie to me, even if it's a "small" lie, so I don't lie to other people. But, some people honestly can't handle the truth (insert Jack Nicholson impression here) and they think I'm an asshole, just because I don't pussyfoot around or walk on eggshells and tell them the truth.

Former friend of mine: Do you think I'm a bitch?
Me: Umm, what?
Former friend of mine: People at work were talking about me and some of them think I'm a bitch. Do you?
Me: I wouldn't say that you're a bitch, but you can be pretty mean for no reason at all sometimes.
Former friend of mine: FINE, WHATEVER!!! FUCK YOU!!! I don't care what you think anyway, you ASSHOLE!!!

Notice how I put "FORMER friend of mine"...??? Yeeeeeah, that's what I get for being honest.
Procrastination (sp?)

I'm always saying I'm going to start at the 1st of something...ie...1st of the year, day, month, week etc. Gives me time to slack off lol.

hate it! hate it! occasionally can conquer it (for a time) until my stress level drives me to it AGAIN!
Chewing my nails, and the sides of them. I tend to pull out the runners, and end up being in pain for a few days from it.

I'm very lazy, to the point where my apartment will be messy (laundry, dirty dishes, garbage) for up to 2 weeks before I clean it.

I have a bad habit of procrastinating. I'll say I'll do something and end up putting it off until the last minute, or not doing it at all. I also have very bad will power.

I pick things, too, which is not a very good habit.
speeding. i absolutely love it.

Same here. I need to go to " Speeders Anonymous? :smash:

I have 12 speeding tickets in 9 different states. I cant stop speeding either. I go 100+ mph at least once a day. I am currently building a bigger engine for my quad, hopefully I can get my speed fix that way but I doubt it.

I have wanted a motorcycle for a long time but my family is scared to death that I will kill myself if I do. I know for a fact that I would see how fast I could get it up to. So I have kept myself from buying one so far but I will have one one day.
I put myself down a lot, oddly enough, add alcohol and I'm self confident as can be. (No, I don't drink often, maybe I should...lol)

Poor posture, if I don't stop this, I'm gonna be stooped over like my grandma!

I obsess about food and nutrition. I research things endlessly to see what's wrong w/ all the food (unclean and cruel conditions/growth hormones/nasty additives...) When it all gets to be too much I step away 'till I get happy again, but somehow can't stop from peeking back into the gloomy truth...blah I do have a wealth of knowledge that I can't do much with.

I have an "unrealistic" view of animals (so I've been told). I think they should be treated w/ all the respect that people are given. *shrug* Therefore, I don't eat them.
Biting nails.