What is your bad habit?


New member
I can be anything from smoking, to unsuspectingly picking your nose haha.

Mine is tobacco, I dont smoke, I use snuff. I'm trying to wean myself off of it tho.
flirting....it would never go past that but yeah flirting....i think its because my fiancee isnt here with me right now i just miss her, i get married next week and i am pretty sure after that all my desires will be satisfied to keep the flirting under control :D
flirting....it would never go past that but yeah flirting....i think its because my fiancee isnt here with me right now i just miss her, i get married next week and i am pretty sure after that all my desires will be satisfied to keep the flirting under control :D

aww, hell i didnt know you were getting married. congrats dude! everyone always says im flirty, but i think im just nice. and i have a playful demeanor anyhow.
I've got tons of bad habits

- Picking the skin from the side of my thumbs until it bleeds
- Injuring myself - I am prone to it and never take any precautions to stop it from happening
- talking bad about myself
- Impatience. Probably my worst bad habit. I want things to happen, and I want them to happen NOW. I also get bored with things incredibly easy.
Skoal Long Cut Wintergreen here.......

when i use to dip i would use the skoal spearmint, winter green was good but i also liked the spearmint....all the kids in highschool did it lol

and yeah thanks mike....next saturday is the date :D and i cant wait
Talking myself down is my bad habit. To the point of tears sometimes.


andd used to smoke but have been doing good quitting =)
food has such better taste when you dont smoke. and you can breathe!

thats always a plus :p

I talk myself down, but thats how I push myself really hard.
Ya Mike..... I quit smoking 5 Years ago.... it does feel good to breath again....
it took awhile to relize it, But i feel it now on the treadmill.... I get the heart fired Up... but my Breathing is good!
Bam! Bam!

Hawgdaddy 2009
Ya Mike..... I quit smoking 5 Years ago.... it does feel good to breath again....
it took awhile to relize it, But i feel it now on the treadmill.... I get the heart fired Up... but my Breathing is good!
Bam! Bam!

Hawgdaddy 2009

eh when i was younger i did, but my freshman year of college my dorm was way on the other side of campus in relation to my classes. walkin in the the texas sun and smoking sucked ass. so i stopped. i only use snuff in the mornings right when i wake up and then like once during the day at work, then at night. I dunno, keeps me levelheaded haha.
My bad habit is to go straight to muchies when im stressed (im pretty sure that's how i got here!) I am trying to find a healthier habit to replace the nibblies.
flirting?? noooo thats soooo not a bad habit..it can't be b/c i do it!!

then again i'm just touchy feely with everyone...old/young/same sex/opposite sex...whatever...i'm open to all hahaha...
lifes too short to be blummin standoffish...well thats my excuse anyway :)

if you asked my son he'd say i had slight OCD...i don't line things up in cupboards or anything...well not exactly!! but i do like things to have a place (sort of) so the other day when i noticed he'd put the ketchup & mayo & milk on different shelves in the fridge it bothered me a bit (ok a lot LOL) we'd also had a bit of a tiff so i said did you do do it just to annoy me??

he was like do you know how insane you sound right now??

i said...no it'd be insane if i said the bottles were telling me to put them back in the right place...with their lables facing forwards too of course...otherwise they all look muddled...anyway...............

he said no i don't mean that i mean b/c you thought i was doing it to bug you on purpose....ok he kinda had me there...don't you just hate smart arses??! :)
i'm not sure if it's a 'bad habit'...but i have extreme OCD.

i can't stand when things are in the wrong place, anywhere, including the cupboards and fridge. i hate when there's dirty laundry in the basket...i like everything to be washed and put away, organized by color in the closet and drawers. and i can't go to sleep unless everything in my bedroom and closet is put away in its specific place...

i'm nuts.
Shaking my leg when I am sitting. I probably do it so often that I don't even realize that I'm doing it. I'm sure it must annoy people too...especially when I hit the table.
Shaking my leg when I am sitting. I probably do it so often that I don't even realize that I'm doing it. I'm sure it must annoy people too...especially when I hit the table.

I do that as well, when I'm sitting at the computer I do it all the time. Drives my husband nuts! *lol*