Sport What is wrong with bannanas?

Sport Fitness
Hey, this might seem like a strange thread, but i've seen a lot of posts where people have put up their diet and would say for example "One piece of fruit - Except Bannanas". Has it got hidden stuff thats bad for you because thats one of my favourite fruits!! lol.

If they are doing me no good then i can stop eating them and replace them with something else. I can go through a few bannanas a day easily sometimes.

I do eat a lot of other fruit too, but this just happens to be one of the favourites! lol.

EDIT: Whats wrong with them....apart from the way i spell it lol.
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I personally see nothing wrong with bananas. One banana a day isnt going to totally kill you is it?
People avoid bananas because of the high fructose (fruit sugar) content.

It has a high glycemic index, which means that it raises your sugar levels in your body quite rapidly, causing a surge of insulin. This is why people with diabetes should avoid eating them.

Not only are they a great, on-the-go snack, but they're packed with energy. EAT THEM, but in moderation. :)
It has a high glycemic index, which means that it raises your sugar levels in your body quite rapidly, causing a surge of insulin. This is why people with diabetes should avoid eating them.

The body doesn't digest individual foods independently. This is true if the banana is eaten alone and on an empty stomach, but that really shouldn't be the case for anyone here.
Mmmm. An arrogant, full-grown adult trying to e-pwn a 17-year-old on a forum by following her where ever she posts, quoting her and nitpicking everything in an attempt to prove her wrong all the time. I'm loving this. :cool:
The passive-aggressive stance will get you nowhere here.

I'm quasi-trolling cause I'm bored, and being quite nice about it compared to my usual standards. I just figured that with your healthy zeal for the topic (good), I could add a bit of a challenge for you since you seem to be borderlining into know-it-all land (bad).

Though if you'd like to see true pwn4g3 I'll be happy to oblige :)
...since you seem to be borderlining into know-it-all land (bad).
Here's my deal Sensei...

I will admit, I am quite impressionable. I tend to be easily swayed from what I am told by my college professors, "experienced" people I've talked to (trainers, dieticians, and so forth), and also through what I've read through many, many textbooks, articles, etc. It's just a matter of weeding out what is myth/flawed and knowing what is actually fact.

I don't mean to come off as a "know-it-all," as all I'm trying to do is SIMPLY help people from my knowledge and from what I know that are indeed, facts.

Yet, while I do somewhat appreciate your "challenges" on my knowledge (even though you're probably doing it out of entertainment), it's almost as if EVERY single thing that I post is wrong. It seems as if you'll very carefully spot out what I posted may be false/flawed, and then get on my case about it. What I've said, although probably not spot-on (to you, at least), I'm sure isn't at all misleading and will cause any harm to the person asking the question(s). I'm just trying to help others by sharing information, that is all.

I'd assume following me around and nitpicking through every sentence would get boring after awhile. I'm a little girl anyway. Older men shouldn't be st4lker1ng t3h y0uNgnz.

I couldn't care less if you view this post as some sort of "victory" as if you've "pwnd m3," but dang. Leave me alone man.

Not to get my nose dirty or anything, but PMDilly, you're teh ****ing own.
I knew you'd intervene and say something like that.
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Here's my deal Sensei...

I will admit, I am quite impressionable. I tend to be easily swayed from what I am told by my college professors, "experienced" people I've talked to (trainers, dieticians, and so forth), and also through what I've read through many, many textbooks, articles, etc. It's just a matter of weeding out what is myth/flawed and knowing what is actually fact.

I don't mean to come off as a "know-it-all," as all I'm trying to do is SIMPLY help people from my knowledge and from what I know that are indeed, facts.

Yet, while I do somewhat appreciate your "challenges" on my knowledge (even though you're probably doing it out of entertainment), it's almost as if EVERY single thing that I post is wrong. It seems as if you'll very carefully spot out what I posted may be false/flawed, and then get on my case about it. What I've said, although probably not spot-on (to you, at least), I'm sure isn't at all misleading and will cause any harm to the person asking the question(s). I'm just trying to help others by sharing information, that is all.

I'd assume following me around and nitpicking through every sentence would get boring after awhile. I'm a little girl anyway. Older men shouldn't be st4lker1ng t3h y0uNgnz.

I couldn't care less if you view this post as some sort of "victory" as if you've "pwnd m3," but dang. Leave me alone man.

Now you're just showing your age.

If you're taking my input as an attack, then I'm sorry for you. Don't venture out into any of the grown-up forums because you'll be in tears very soon.

What I am trying to do is nudge you a bit in the right direction; however you've evidently taken offense at this, which is unfortunate since you'll find that two of the greatest attributes you can have as a performance consultant of any kind is the ability to take criticism of and subsequently defend your ideas, and most importantly the ability to understand that there are no absolutes. Thinking critically and not just regurgitating what you're told will determine your success or failure in this field.

Then we have to segue into your attempts to relate my input to some sort of Internet stalking, complete with requisite 1337-speak; the hallmark of the frustrated teenager, even trying to contextualize my behavior by your own viewpoint. You have potential. Don't blow it by collapsing into a crybaby just because your ego can't take the hit.
You've actually made a good point there.

Taking criticism with a bad attitude have been serious flaws of mine that have affected my life for the worst, and I had no idea it would manifest itself on a forum; of all places especially. I get butthurt quite easily, and usually tend to believe that "I'm always right," and that having the last word indicates victory, because I silenced the other person. Terrible, yes. Am I willing to work on that and overcome that obstacle? No doubt. Even my family, especially my parents, have told me to work on my attitude, short temper, and to learn how to take criticism.

So rather than bitching and whining, I'll play my role as the grasshopper, and question why some things I thought were true....might not be.

Consider this a surrender, a white flag, whatever...but to me, this is just the start of seeing and understanding that not only what you said now was a true, excellent point; but I re-evaluated my immature behavior and am seeing this response more as a peace offering.
Well, good....though from my end there was no peace to make, really. As I said, what you saw as an attack was more me pointing out scenarios whereby such "laws" might not hold true.

It tends to spark conversation/debate on other boards I frequent. I realize it may come off as a bit crass and rough-edged, but that's just how I roll. If you don't take offense to it and actually use it as a learning opportunity, you can pick up a lot...believe me, I do sympathize. It was letting go of my hardheadedness and letting others slap me around that got me to this point in the first place.
whoa :D

...well back to the banana post.. I've got a question, aren't bananas high in fibre enough to hinder the effect of all the sugar? Same goes with carrots (well they're even higher in fibre and a veggie) since they're high in sugar but very fibrous.. personally i don't get the sugar effect from bananas as much as other fruits. I'm guessing they're higher in fibre but i'm just treading on water here.
Well, good....though from my end there was no peace to make, really. As I said, what you saw as an attack was more me pointing out scenarios whereby such "laws" might not hold true.

It tends to spark conversation/debate on other boards I frequent. I realize it may come off as a bit crass and rough-edged, but that's just how I roll. If you don't take offense to it and actually use it as a learning opportunity, you can pick up a lot...believe me, I do sympathize. It was letting go of my hardheadedness and letting others slap me around that got me to this point in the first place.
I actually see my defensive outbursts as attacks towards you, hence the apologetic tone. I had a few more things to say, but completely forgot. I'm done for tonight.

EDIT: Sorry Elle. Carry on with the thread.
If you eat carrots with the skin still on, the GL is low. So it has less effect on blood sugar levels.

Oh and, the GI of a banana is 51, that is a low GI. So really, unless you live in AUS, feel free to eat bananas! The fructose (fruit sugar) in bananas is actually very slow digesting, because of the way the liver deals with it. Fructose actually has a GI of 22! Just try not eating too many before bed that's all.

People, please keep it on topic, if you have an argument PM each other :p
Have to agree - whilst I can see both points of view based on what was said, I shouldn't really have been exposed to either. PM your arguments please - or PM an administrator if you feel unhappy with the conduct of others :)

Back on topic - I hope bananas aren't bad for you, they have been my preW/O snack for ages which is a real struggle as I genuinely do not like the things!!