What have you done that 99% of WLF'ers have not?

-I own a TV my mum won on a Gameshow (Family fortunes! If you must know! :) )
-Talked to Piers morgan, played football against him, blocked a goal against him :D
-I can eat marmite on it's own... with a spoon. :eek: (Do americans get marmite?)
Could someone define WLF for me, please?

As in what it stands for? Weight Loss Fitness. Or is that not what you meant?
Lets see......I do period (as in the way they did it over 1000 years ago) calligraphy and illumination. Some of my pigments (paints) are highly toxic, containing lead, mercury, arsenic and such. So it's NEVER a good idea to stick your paint brush into your mouth, ever, and always a good idea to frequently wash your hands.

Umm....I went sky diving at SkyDive Chicago 1 week after the owner died in a dive. Though his was a heroic story where a girl was on her first solo jump, passed out, he dove under her, flipped on his back, pulled her rip-cord, and before he could turn over *splat*....not nice of the friend taking me for my first jump to tell that story on the way though.

I've held the inner doors shut when I worked at Best Buy as a tornado went through the parking lot and I saw cars go flying across the lot. Not the smartest thing I admit, but it was amazing to see. Only one workers car was damaged cause she was handicapped and parked near the store. Rest of us had to park in the back of the lot, and it saved all of our cars.

Nothing spectacular....but about as good as I gots...
Hmm...I can think of a few more things....

I met Madonna during her tour in Germany about....dunno, 10 years or so ago.

My voice is part of the background track on 4 different albums of different bands.

I've met every single WWF and WCW wrestler that was active and on tour in Europe between 1995 and 1997, and functioned as an unofficial translator during their tours when they were in German-speaking countries. I also organised to get some drugs for some of those wrestlers on several occasions.

For several generations, the age difference between women in my family has been 21 years. My mother is 21 years older than me, my grandmother was 21 years older than my mother. To my knowledge that goes on for another 4 generations.

During my work in geriatric care, I had to wash and dress 32 dead people (if people died overnight or their clothing was dirty for whatever reason, we had to wash them and change their clothing).

Three of my best friends died of cancer, and I was with all of three of them during their last days, and when they died. It might sound horrible, but there is a lot of peace to be found in being there all along the way, and it makes it easier to let go in the end.
I met a random woman from across the country that has polycystic kidneys and I was going to donate one of mine to her, but we were not a match.
--I took 95 flights in 2010 and I'm diamond level at Hilton Hotels

--I auditioned at the Juilliard School of Music my senior year of high school (Bassoon performance)

--I took music lessons with 3 bassoonists in the philly orchestra, including 2 years of lessons with Bernarn Garfield who was the principal bassoonist of the philly orchestra for 40 years.

--I've performed with the NC symphony orchestra and the charlotte symphony orchestra. I've also played in the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia 3 times.

--I've never tried / taken / used an illegal drug of any kind.
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Reading these has me feeling quite like I cannot add anything emm, let me think!

- (Nerdy) Competed abroad in video game tournaments, almost took 8th in Europe and got a chance to play in front of thousands on a big stage last year but messed up and got 9th instead (no joy =[)

- I was breech born turned over xD

- I've only been sick like twice in my life, dunno if that's rare, I'm literally trying to think of things xD
I visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem during a trip to Israel. Both were amazing. I'm really not that religious, but I definitely felt "IT" when I was standing in front of the wall.