What can I do at my age?

You're going to need some heavier dumbbells soon for your legs, chest, and back. 35 is a lot of reps to get much benefit.

I see a couple things in this list...

Stiff leg deadlifts work your lower back and hamstrings, not your upper back muscles which is what I think you're looking for. Do bent over rows instead.

No tricep exercises here. Maybe overhead dumbbell extensions?

3 days a week isn't a bad start.
Im 15 5'8 135 lbs and pretty much in your situation also and could probaly give you some tips.You have to have to have to eat lots and well. i overlooked that alot when i first started lifting. if your just starting i would condition your body, then take a look at this program
its a good program thats shown good results. im only on my second day on it ( ive wasted alot of time during pointless workouts that never worked) but i can already tell a difference. i sweat more, feel it more, and like it more. i also added workouts on some of the off days because im in my offseason. but give it a look. i wouldnt recomend however just jumping into this program as it puts a little more stress on your muscles than usual.
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OK I turned 15 today. Happy Birthday to me. I think 4.5 is good enough for me at the moment. If I was to do 5xS but 10xR would that be better than 3xS but 35xR? Just wondering what will give a better result.
Yeah, I'd say 5S and 10-15R would give better results than 3S at 35R. But if the weight is too light and you can do 35R, then stopping at 10-15R won't give you any advantage. The weight has to be heavy enough to put your muscles near failure.

If you want to build muscle you definitely need to take in enough protein, whether it's through a protein drink or by eating plenty of meat and dairy. Look for a big name whey protein and take it either immediately before or immediately after working out. I prefer after because it can be hard to exercise with too much stuff in your stomach.
Thanks, Trainerbob. Are there any recomendations for whey protein?

You haven't been training long enough to need it.
Just eat tons of protein daily and you'll grow just fine.

Also, your workouts need more compounds, build the rest of your workout around compounds :)
I'm not a great lover of squatting because I seem to get a problem in my right knee which clicks when I straighten my knee. I went to see a GP and he gave me a really long technical name which he shortened to "inflamed cartilage". He said I would grow out of it in a few years, so I'm steering clear of squattage if I can.
I buy a whey protein made by a company called . I find it at Wild Oats and Vitamin Cottage (which I think is a mostly local store). It doesn't have lots of sugar or any artificial sweetners, mixes pretty well compared to other protein powders I've tried, and tastes okay in milk.
They're just natural foods grocery stores. If you hit the Jarrow link in my prior post you can probably order online or find a local retailer if you're interested. I'm sure there are other brands that care about how the protein is created and what kind of junk they throw in there with it.
Commendable, all you young guys already looking to get involved in your fitness. I was in a very similar situation when I was that age. My doctor did indeed scare me off weights a bit for the reason of stunting growth but hey, it was 15 years ago and I'm sure his intentions were good.

Any how, I think the single greatest thing I did at that age to get in good shape was indeed EAT. The summer between 8th and 9th grade I decided I wasn't gonna be scrawny anymore and went at it like a mad man. For example, breakfast was generally 2 servings oatmeal, grapefruit/apple/fruit of some kind, 16 oz. skim milk, vitamins, 96 g egg protein shake (GAWD awful tasting stuff, I doubt it's even made anymore YECH! :eek: ). Egg protein is excellent though and cheap. Tuna is a good inexpensive option as well. If you can spring for a good shake though that's the way to go, I know they've come a long way from the vomit stifling sludge I inflicted on my young self :) .

Then I rode my bike a couple miles to the gym, free weights for a couple hours, back and legs got there own exclusive days, i worked other groups together. Then lunch; 2 ham/turkey sandwiches, carrots or something, yogurt, more milk (bowl of cereal maybe), more coagulated egg protein lol. Then back to the gym for some swimming. In those 3 months i went from about 130 - 155, and cut my body fat dramatically at the same time. When I got to school the next fall people could barely recognize me. I'm convinced eating a really good diet, and eating like a horse too, with the training is what did it. Take out the diet and I probably wouldn't have seen much change I believe.

Oh and yeah, the weight you are using is a tad light I'd think. What I did was, one warm up set - bout 50% max weight, 12 - 15 reps, pyramid up with 2 8-10 rep sets, one heavy 4 - 6 rep set, another 50% weight set. Then I would do a 'burn out' set where I dropped the weight to about 2/3 max and went to failure not even counting reps til the muscles were on fire, then I'd try to squeeze another 5 or 6 once I was in pain. I looked to add some amount of weight to the bar every couple weeks or so generally. I am not educated in physical training though, that's just my unprofessional little routine, it may not be advisable for someone your age so don't take anything I said with out checking with someone smart ;) . On the diet though I am pretty certain.
If I was to do:

7AM: Brankflakes and toast + protein shake
11:20AM: Banana
1pm: Sandwhich + Apple
5pm: Dinner. Usually consists of a mix of everything. + Protein shake
7pm: Apple

and drink water throughout the day, would that make me gain muscle/weight on top of the schedule above? Thanks in advance.
you should probaly be eating more than that. i dont think a banna and apple consists of a small meal. ill give you an example of my day so far today . im also bulking up.

breakfest 10:00 full bowl of rasin bran with a english muffin with peanut butter on it.

12: bowl of chunky soup with a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread and a orange

2 30 protein shake with ham and cheese sandwich on wheat bread and a fruit cup

thats how my day has been so far. im on an off day so no workout today. but ill have another meal around 4 :30 and my dinner around 6 and then a snack at night. you should add more than just a banna and apple
There are certain things I want to avoid, like crisps and chocolate. Would this sound better?

7AM: Brankflakes and toast + protein shake
11:20AM: Banana + Chocolate muffin
1pm: Sandwhich + Apple
5pm: Dinner. Usually consists of a mix of everything. + Protein shake
7pm: Apple

If I was to eat all of that, how many calories (average) would that be? And how many should I be burning a day?
There are some good websites that will calculate your daily intake for you. Fitday.com is pretty good off the top of my head. Free too.
i couldnt say how many calories that would be, but i still think you should be eating more than that. id recomend going to the nutrion part of this website and look at what people are eating to get bigger. if you want to gain weight you should be eating more calories than you burn. besides working out what do you do for activities? are you in your offseason and just bulking? i am currently in my offseason and bulking, but i make sure to get outside and get some excersise. find something that interests you. im currently involved in a paintball team. its not one of the most difficult of hardest sports, but it keeps me moving and i like it .