What Birth Control Do You Use?

I have a mirena and I love it.

Dont even get periods anymore :)

I had a hysterectomy, took care of the periods and the birth control issue. :eek: :rolleyes: ;)

That probably came out a little wrong. I had cancer almost 14 years ago, so had to have a hysterectomy. I don't miss my Aunt Flo!!
Aren't they coming out with male birth control soon?

Even if they do, I'm still taking mine because I don't trust anyone except me when it comes to that.. sorry to say but it's the truth.

As for the temperature thing, it's interesting but would personally never work for me. I get too scared as is, and like people have mentioned so far, if you aren't a text book type of ovulator, who knows if it'll work right for you.
I'm on depo, for the second round, stopped short of becoming pregnant the first time and I have had no serious side effects other than mood swings. So far so good, and I like not having a period. It's one less thing to have to worry about.
I'm on depo, for the second round, stopped short of becoming pregnant the first time and I have had no serious side effects other than mood swings. So far so good, and I like not having a period. It's one less thing to have to worry about.

I don't get regular periods, but i do get irregular bleeding occasionally, which is quite common apparently. So i do still have that to worry about, because it just happens completely out of the blue lol.
Well I'm on day 10 of the Lady Comp device. Allypoe, I've always had a brilliantly regular cycle so I think this has the potential to work well for me. Only problem is that during the first few months the computer needs time to analyze your cycle and temperature readings so you get lots of red and yellow (use caution which = red in my book) indicators (meaning no sex unless green, which will be right after or one day after ovulating).

My bulging stomach (that I never had before) seems to have gone down just a bit since I got this mirena out. My body had started distributing more fat in the middle and not in my usual spots in the butt, legs and hips which I believe may be due to less estrogen (all the fake progesterone strongly tempers the amount of estrogen).

My libido is definitely improving too! I mean I NEVER had a problem with that til I got on that thing! I thought all these changes were from having the baby, but possibly they're from these synthetic hormones, as I'm now hoping is the case so I can get my old body back.

I wholeheartedly agree with Jeremy (that's a first :D). I just think with AIDS and a trillion other dangerous diseases about its frankly crazy to be with anyone without a condom unless they've been tested. I've had several men show me their tests over the years (not that many but I AM 39!) before throwing caution to the wind.

As far as the side effects of hormonal BC, are we at all surprised that weird things happen when we so fundamentally change our bodies' normal hormonal chemistry? I mean, if you research it you will find hormones of different kinds pretty much RUN US. From my understanding, the buck stops with the hormones.
I have a mirena and I love it.

Dont even get periods anymore :)


I realize the lining of the uterus doesn't really build up when you're on progesterin (which is what is emitted from the mirena), but I started thinking that maybe my body needs to clean out old and dead cells every month and why am I messing with that. I was so relieved to finally get TOM again, believe it or not (though I loved not having it at first, before I thought about side effects). I just felt like this hard bulge called my stomach was holding all this old yucky stuff that hasn't come out. I'm not a scientist though so I'm probably totally missing the boat on this one!
I just think with AIDS and a trillion other dangerous diseases about its frankly crazy to be with anyone without a condom unless they've been tested. I've had several men show me their tests over the years (not that many but I AM 39!) before throwing caution to the wind.

at test is only as accurate as the last partner both people have been with... and even then - some diseases don't show up immediately... So until people are in a committed relationship for period of time -then both should get tested before throwing caution to the wind :)
I don't have sex, so I don't know how effective it is as a contraceptive.. but I was having really irregular periods (the longest lasted 3 months, but sometimes they didn't come at all), so my doctor put me on birth control.. she wanted to put me on Yasmin, but I had a lot of friends who used the patch and loved it, so I asked to be put on that instead. It's called Ortho-Evra. I haven't had any side effects from it, but it regulated my periods and it's great for me because I can never remember to take pills but the patch is a visible reminder. You change it once a week for three weeks, and the fourth week you take it off. I have a few friends who are sexually active and use it (no condoms or other contraceptives along with it) and so far it's been effective for them. One of them has been using it for about two and a half years now, and she highly recommends it.
something that a lot of doctor's don't tell you (because heaven forbid a doctor should mention weight) but heavier women, and I saw an article recently that the above 160lbs is the be careful point - that birth control becomes less effective...

And never ever ever go without a condom unless you know exactly where your partner has been... and has tested clean recently.. ( sorry blancita I can't help myself :D
i use seasonalle. i can't really tell you if i has negative side effects as i have so much crap going on anyway. but i didn't notice any changes when i switched to this from something else. except my cramps are not as bad. i was on ortho evra for a couple years but my doctor does not allow her patients to use the patch anymore. i like the seasonalle better anyway. the patch made me itch. i did happen to gain a ton of weight but i was also taking anti depressents and i quit smoking. soo..yeah. too many factors in there to say which did me in, probably a combination.
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i used to be on Loestrin24Fe. There was no weight gain or any other side effects that i could tell. My period was 3-4 days long and always on time (very nice!). Plus, my skin looked great. I recommend.
I've tired the patch, but I didn't like it because the sides would left up and it'll get all dirty. Naw.. I'm a Yasmin user and haven't had any side effects. Sometimes I think about.. you know.. tying the tubes.. but I'm not so sure about that.
You could play the Tylenol game. You take a Tylenol capsule and place it between your knees. If it falls, you lose. lol j/k

My sister-in-law opted for 'the implant' that was placed in her arm. Not sure what the name of it is, or if there's any side effects (if she's gained weight, I haven't noticed). But she says that she hasn't had a period for 2 years.

Now, I'm a guy so I don't know about all this woman stuff... but that doesn't sound very healthy to me.
Ladies i recomend BUTTSECKS, give it a chance. im sure you s.o. wont mind. just remember to keep the tunnel clean.
>.< i dont use any.. lol this way i have no worries about weight gain through birth control lol

Now if i get pregnant yea then i'm kinda screwed with my weight loss plan. lol But hey 3 years now not preganat *knocks on wood* so working for us! LOL