What are you currently reading?

That's a list of books that most of the British public have never read, but like people to think that they have read, except the Harry Potter and Bridget Jones books. That's about as brainy as most get these days!

Odd. Most of the English in my life have been quite fond of literature. :) Still, it's a good list. Most I have read previously but others have been nice to come across on the list.
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Death's Head and Maximum Offense (the sequel to Death's Head)
Great read for a mans man... Totally quick, violent, sexy and adult oriented material.

For the geeks, nerds or comic book fans I am reading The Watchmen the graphic novel soon to be a movie... Definately not a just a casual read, so much social implication.
What are you reading?

I've been trying to get Fatal Burn by Lisa Jackson. It's really good (she's one of my favorites), but I just haven't been able to find the time to finish it.

So, what's everyone else reading these days?
A thread on this very topic was started not too terribly long ago. I'd find it for you but I'm lazy, lol.
Food for Sports Performance by Dr Louise Bourke

and one of my text books

the fitness leaders handbook
The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Not the first time I've read it - won't be the last - it's amazing how something written in the 6th century is so appropriate to every day life
I bought some new books yesterday but haven't started any of them yet. One is called Demon in the Freezer and it's about the eradication of smallpox. I also got Robert Harris's new novel, and a book about the Mayflower. Should be good.

I just finished re-reading Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. Genius. :smilielol5:
I just finished re-reading Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. Genius. :smilielol5:

My favorite part was where he was drowning a mouse and the van of tourist pulls up. Damn, that was funny. :smilielol5:

I think he has a new book out. I'm going to have to get that.
I am currently in the middle of 4 different books:

You are what you Eat
A Guide to Your Auras and Your Chakras
The last Vampire
'Lies My Teacher Told Me' by James W. Loewen. Pretty shocking and enlightening. If you think ignorance is bliss, you won't like it...
'Lies My Teacher Told Me' by James W. Loewen. Pretty shocking and enlightening. If you think ignorance is bliss, you won't like it...

That's why you have to love History... This Text book vs. that text book, my memory vs. your memory... somewhere in the middle of all of that... is the truth!