What are you currently reading?

Ok, so many people 'round these parts profess a love of reading... YAY US!! -- What book or books are you currently in the process of reading? Is it any good? Recommend it to others? Do tell...
I'm reading No Place Like Home by Mary Higgins Clark...

It's good summer reading, I really enjoy her books, they are fairly formulatic, but require no real brain power to read, they don't seek to educate, but only to entertain... and it's doing a good job so far...

The story started out with an obscure piece of NJ Real Estate Code, where a realtor is obligated to inform prospective buyers of a "sordid" history behind a property, ie did a murder occure there etc... the heroine of the story, accidentally killed her mother at age 10 tryign to protect her from an abusive husband and got charged with murder and was eventually freed. She was basically given a new life and 24 years later, she's married and enjoying her life, only her husband surprises her with the house that she accidenally killed her mother in (because he doesn't know of her past) ... and that's kind of wherei am in the story...
Dracula by bram stoker

I picked up a reprinting off of ebay. I have seen probably all the versions on film and tv. This seems to go into more detail. Most books do before hollywood gets a hold of them. I would love to find an original printing in leather binder you just dont see many sitting on a shelf.
"The Dragon Reborn", Book 3 of the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Actually I rereading it for the millionth time, because I love the series. A lot of people don't like the series because the books are so long. They average around 900 to 1000 pages each book and he's up to Book 11 of 12.
My problem has always been that I read too fast. My book reading addiction started when I was 12. I started checking out all those 80 page teenie bopper books from various libraries. When I realised that I'd gone to 4 different libraries and checked out the maximum 15 books per library and was back only a couple of days later, I figured I'd better read something a bit more challanging. My brothers introduced me to science fiction and then had to hide all the books they were reading so that I wouldn't steal them and read them when they weren't. Yeah, my name is Manaloa and I have a reading addiction. (That's the first of the twelve steps, right?)

It actually got so bad at one point that when my parents grounded me, they grounded me from the library for a week. Boy.....that was a rough week. I went into serious withdrawls. I was actually at the point where I was reading my dad's old college textbooks. *shakes head*
I wish I could read that much but it was always a chore. but now as I got older I really enjoy it. I like to read about vampires and werewolves and zombies and things like that. still waiting for the monster to get even just once lol......
You would like the "Diana Tregarde" series by Mercedes Lackey. Lots of vampires, witches. Short, but good books.
"Toursists Guide to Japan" Which is a beautiful book printed back in the 80's telling the story of the Band Japan.
Anything by chuck palahniuk
ive read:
fight club

and i want to read:
invisible monsters

all by the same author

i really like his writing style
I suggest reading choke its probably my favorite
though fight club and survivor+ non-fiction are really good too
hmm... Currently reading "The Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradly.

wow... this was one of the first books that I had to stop in the middle and put it away for a while because it's a rather difficult book. and LONG. and tiny print. But i'm starting it back up again, and it's still tough, but I love challenges! :)

I'm also reading a bunch of "Zanth" books by Piers Anthony. Pretty light stuff full of magic and puns that make you groan!
xorie said:
I'm also reading a bunch of "Zanth" books by Piers Anthony. Pretty light stuff full of magic and puns that make you groan!

"Xanth" books. I've read those. Great if you like puns. He also has another series called the Blue Adept series which is pretty good too.
Ok, I'm a serious Harry Potter junkie. My homepage is Harry Potter, my screen saver and desktop are Harry Potter. I have HP music to listen to and play, I have multiple copies of the books, I have calendars, bookmarks, posters, I mainly visit HP websites.... I'm a complete Harry Potter addict. :)

So in addition to my daily dose of HP I read the DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons. Both were excellent and I'd recommend them.
Harry Potter, Did they make books of the movie?

OK OK just kidding. I'm still reading Dracula by Bram Stoker. I don't think Dracula is gonna make it... :( :(
Oh wow, a thread after my own heart ;)

I started a book club with my girl friends awhile ago, and we have read the gammut from the classics to the best seller list.

We are getting ready to read _Reading Lolita in Tehran_ , we've already read Jane Austin's _Pride & Prejudice_, just finished _The Great Gatsby_ and are currently working on _Daisy Miller_ in order to read the Lolita book (apparently, these authors play a big role in the book.)

We've read:
The Da Vince Code Dan Brown
Angles & Demons Dan Brown
Galileo's Daughter Dava Sobel Deanne
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn Betty Smith
A Prayer for Owen Meaney John Irving
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
A Town Like Alice Nevil Shute
Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austin Raundi Edit Delete
Mists of Avalon Marion Zimmer Bradley
Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character Richard P. Feynman
Catch-22 Joseph Heller
Lonesome Gods Louis L'Amour
The 5 People You Meet in Heaven Mitch Albom
Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini
Ishmael Daniel Quinn
Something Wicked This Way Comes Ray Bradbury
Benjamin Franklin : An American Life Walter Isaacson
East Of Eden John Steinbeck
Prodigal Summer Barbara Kingsolver

The one book we *always* refer back to is A Prayer For Owen Meanie. The rest are good in their own right and I would recommend :)

I just finished _Voodoo Dreams_ A story about Marie Laveau.
Oooohhh, we did a book club that only lasted one week though, we read Farenheit 451. I hadn't read that since elementary/high school. Highly recommend it to every one, it's a definate classic.
.......would anyone be interested in doing an online book club?
ahh, so many books, u guys read faster than i speak :S

where do you find the time? im currently reading digital fortress by dan brown

it's good.. but its no da vinci code