Weight Watchers

I'm thinking of joining ww very soon. I'm just worried about having to pay a fee....I was on ww previously when I had a bit more money. I'm now living on my own so money is hard to come by. Decisions, decisions....
If you have been a member in the past - you always have the option of digging out your books from last time and following the plan (points or core - whichever is best for you). You can monitor your own weight and follow the plan without attending the meetings.

Naturally - you do not benefit from the group support (but there is a reasonable amount of that on this forum) and WW would not be involved in your motivation.

Many people get motivation from the challenges and relationships that they build on the forum.

Others feel that the personal support that they get from their WW group is so worthwhile that they look for savings that can be made elsewhere in their expenditure.
Weight Watchers - now here is a diet that actually teaches you how to eat healthy and exercise with the help of giving you a point system for the amount of food (points) you're allowed to eat. .

I love weight watchers! I've been going since February 2008. I highly recommend it. The support meetings are really motivating.

Not trying to correct anyone in here, but WW is not a diet.It's a lifestyle change.

You eat what you want, so long as you count your points. I've come up with lots of tasty alternatives to my old favorite high calorie foods.

My average weight loss has been about 1.3 lbs per week. :hurray:

The fees are worth every penny when you lose the weight!
I have heard I am a walking WW billboard. I don't feel WW is hard to follow and I love to eat out :) I just had to learn to change my food choices and honestly sometimes I still choose wrong but who doesn't. I did it all online and NEVER went to a meeting. I tried that way a few years back and was not impressed. Good luck ladies
I did it all online and NEVER went to a meeting. I tried that way a few years back and was not impressed. Good luck ladies

My first meeting I felt the same way, but then I went to another meeting with a different leader. The members and my leader are really great! They help share ideas and support one another and give you really good tips for the week.

Going to a meeting is like getting a fresh boost of motivation for the week, something many people need. I personally like having my ww friends and getting to see them lose each week.

Sounds like you did fine on your own, good for you! All you have to do is follow the plan and it works.
you know you can do weight watchers on your own for free, right? all you need to know is your daily points allowance and a point calculator. all that info is available online for free, you just have to know where to look. you can even get weight watchers recipes with points values so you never need to buy the books.
you know you can do weight watchers on your own for free, right? all you need to know is your daily points allowance and a point calculator. all that info is available online for free, you just have to know where to look. you can even get weight watchers recipes with points values so you never need to buy the books.

I think the key is finding out how many points for the individual. Everyone is different in how many points they get, based on activity level, weight, age, male or female, etc....

Most information for diets is free, available online, or you can get it for free if you really try.

The statistics show that people who attend meetings are far more successful than people who go at it alone.

If you're the type that can't go at it alone, I say pay for the program, it's worth it!
I think the key is finding out how many points for the individual. Everyone is different in how many points they get, based on activity level, weight, age, male or female, etc....

that information is available free online. i've found it and can adjust my points requirement accordingly because i found the formula to do so. remember, weight watchers is a business like any other. they want your money. you have the choice whether or not to give it to them. all i'm saying is that with 10 minutes of internet searching you can save yourself a ton of money and get the same benefits of the weight watchers program.
all i'm saying is that with 10 minutes of internet searching you can save yourself a ton of money and get the same benefits of the weight watchers program.

I don't agree that you can get the same benefits in 10 minutes of internet searching as you do going to weekly meetings and support groups.

If that were the case, we wouldn't have so many people struggling with it alone and weight watchers would be out of business.

The meetings give people accountability, something many people need. When you know you have to weigh in each week, and you see your friends losing each week, that's a much greater benefit than sitting at home alone on the internet, and much more motivating.

Just my opinion.

Sounds like you are one of the people who doesn't need any help. Good for you! You're lucky and must be doing awesome!
i did ww and i want to start again with it. i have a question for you. when i buy frozen vegetables, there is even protein and fat written on. but why the heck should i give me points for eating vegetable ? i always thought that vegetables are for free (means without any points) ... it makes me sad, because i don't wanna lose points just with eating vegetables...
You don't count points for zero-point vegetables, even though running them through a points calculator would give you points. This is true even if you eat multiple servings, whereas for something like the Progresso "Zero Points" soups, you do run the nutritional info for the entire amount consumed through a points calculator, so two servings comes out as 1-2 points, not zero. Veggies in their natural state are the only zero-point foods that you can eat as much as you want without counting, I believe.
i believe either, that veggies out of natural state have points, but for e.g. ... i have one bag of frozen broccoli. i'm sure it is still in his natural state. nothing is addet. but on the bag is written that it has 30 calories per 3/4 cup... how can this be ? ... would you be strict with yourself and count this or not ?
It can be because the WW system is to some extent arbitrary. Zero-point veggies have zero points because whoever developed the points system decreed it should be so, not because those veggies have no calories. It's not a matter of being strict; if you're doing points, zero point veggies have no points by definition. If you stall, you might choose to limit your veggie intake somewhat, or not eat all your points, or add more activity (but not eat the activity points), but zero point veggies don't have points.

I didn't do WW to lose my weight. Out of sheer morbid curiosity, I once ran one of my typical day's foods through a points calculator, and came out with something like 36 points, even without capping fiber, and I'd have been allotted 20 base + 5 of flex plus 1 or 2 activity - so not nearly enough. I do better with more fat and fewer carbs, and the points formula really punishes fat.
All the zero point vegetables and any items for that matter have some calories - just not many.

If you search the internet you will see that broccoli in it's natural state - fresh from the garden has calories - I see 30 calories per cup given by

There does not appear to be a major difference between that figure and the amount that you quote from the bag. If there was a major difference - it would suggest that there had been additional processing / extra foods involved which would add calories - and in which case it would be correct to recalculate points based on calories and saturated fat. Sometimes vegetables come in a sauce which would fairly certainly alter the point value.

Some vegetables do have points - parsnips for example.
I am getting tremendous value for money for having recently joined WW in the latter stages of my project. I joined a couple of months ago and recently got my 10% award. My BMI is normal so I could actually class that as my final weight and go into maintenance - but have chosen to lose a little more weight.

Even people who can manage to successfully lose weight by themselves without the benefit of a slimming club meeting can gain many benefits by joining.

Great job on the 10%! You must have gotten the keychain. I love mine, though I've misplaced it and need to put my 25lb key ring on it.

I liked what you wrote about the benefits of the meetings. That's great that you are almost to "Lifetime" free membership.

When I reach goal too, I will continue to attend, because of the benefits and just helping other people as well.
Are you talking about the WW Flex plan? Or just low carb in general.

WW isn't low carb, either Flex or Core. And I don't eat particularly low carb.

What I said was that the WW method of calculating points punishes fat.

The formula is: One point = (calories/50) + (fat grams/12) - (min{fiber, 4}/5)

So 500 calories of sugar = 10 points. But 500 calories of fat is 15 points. Same calories either way, but spending your points on higher-fat foods is a lot more expensive.