Weight Loss Tattoo?

True, but I just don't see the point in having a reminder of that history shown to you every day for the rest of your life. I say get over this period and don't look back.

I hear you, but I think the poster meant for the tattoo not as a reminder not of being fat but of conquering a major obstacle in their life.
I hear you, but I think the poster meant for the tattoo not as a reminder not of being fat but of conquering a major obstacle in their life.

Yeah, but the first thing she mentioned was numbers of what she used to weigh. I just don't think that's such a good idea, for reasons explained above.
Yeah, but the first thing she mentioned was numbers of what she used to weigh. I just don't think that's such a good idea, for reasons explained above.

I agree with you on this Corndoggy, honestly I think the number idea is not the best. (do you want numbers written on you?) I think a symbol would be much more tasteful/appropriate. I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, it's just my opinion.
I have two tats. I have one on my hip and one on my back between my shoulders. My advice is to get yours some where it can be hidden by clothing if you want. I got mine at 18 and 19, so I was very young. Now I don't want the one on my back to show in church, so I won't be able to get the wedding dress I've been dreaming about.... I'm not ashamed of my tatoo by any means and my man thinks it hot, so i won't be getting it removed, but i may have to invest in that serious makeup that is supposed to cover them. Sometimes my kids ask me why I got them, and the truth is I don't know. It's pretty cool that you are doing it acknowledge a personal goal. I wouldn't go w/ numbers, maybe something about a new you. Depending on where you are located, religion, etc. celtic symbols are generally pretty cool looking.
i have also thought of getting a tattoo when im done- just a little one somewhere discreet, so i can cover it up if i want. i would love a fun one, something like thumper or tigger.
i also really want my belly button pierced but have 2 concerns. 1. it will cause an allergic reaction (my ears did and scarred) and ill be left with a big red ugly scar. 2. cause ive got a bit of saggy skin the piercing wont sit where its meant to. slim
I took my belly button piercing out when I was pregnant with my 1st. It is the ugliest scar EVER. A stretch mark went through it, even. It's terrible.
I have considered getting a tattoo, but the only thing I would get would be a symbol for a word. You can come up with a word that really describes your situation and find different languages that have different symbols for that word. For example, if I get a tattoo it will be of the word "searching" (but in a symbol). In the 2 years I have really learned that there are so many answers out there that I am hoping to find, so I should never stop searching. Also to me it means I should never accept an easy answer. There is no such thing as an easy answer, so I should always be searching for more meanings. Lol my friends make fun of me for this idea I have for a tattoo, but if I ever get one that is what it will be.
I want soo many tattoo's but I've never had the funds at the right time and for some reason I never pick a date to get one. I think they're great. If you like them, you like them...if you don't you don't. But when thinking about a tattoo you need to consider many of the obvious RULES;

Don't put any names or numbers on your body...(only if they're your kids names. your kids, will always be your kids)
Nothing extremely common. We're individual right?
If you're a reserved person, make sure you can cover it up.
It must mean something to you.
Never get tattoo's with it's dominate color green.
Consider all regrets and your future.
Make sure you go to a good artist. Nothing cheap and sketchy.
Never get a tattoo of a logo, brand or band.

I intend to get a banjo on my left shoulder and a sweat pea on my right. Under the left to read "Daddy's little girl" and the right to Read "Mommy's little angel" Will I regret this? Definitely not. Those two people are the most important people in my life. Both symbols represent who they are and how much they mean to me.
A music note behind the ear. (Are you listening?)
A left wrist tattoo of a mystical music staff with personal symbols.
Matching collarbone tattoo's of something to be determined.

But yeah. I don't have money, it's depressing. I wish I did.

I have also had many piercings. I stretched my ears to 0, 2 piercings in each ear. Eyebrow, Bridge, Monroe, Lip and Nipples. I'm fairly expressive. But that's just who I am.

I guess that's all I had to say...aside from do what you want, but always consider what you'll be happy with when you're 80.
I have my stomach inked and my right arm and Im about to have work started on a half sleeve on my left arm. Its worth looking into the meaning behind different tattoos, as even things like colour on flowers, or the number of claws on a dragon is representative of different things.

My new sleeve will incorporate two roses (if in pink or red simbolise love) for each of my sons, roman numerals on their dates of birth and a swallow meaning returning home (I suffered domestic abuse and moved away and now have a new life with a wonderful family and finally feel home) they are often tattooed as a symbol of moving away from the past to a more positive future. So perhaps this could also be applied to the way you feel about your weight loss.

Or how about a butterfly, this can represent the metaporphis from the old you (catapiller) into the new brighter beautifull happy you.
I'm saying that soooo many people have tattoos now that its no longer the statement that even having a tattoo once was.

Its true, the majority of the people on this messageboard.. even this thread picked a number on the wall when they got their tattoo.

I would rather hold out for something original instead of getting a nautical star, coy fish, butterflies, barbedwire around the arm or the worst.. Japanese words. Hack tattoos that have absolutely no meaning. Might as well get "Im a trendy douche" across your forehead.
I have 6 tattoos, and yes one on my boob above my heart..
Each has a meaning special to me..

My chest tattoo is the comedy and tragedy masks, its what my life has been based off.

I have a native american wrap around my left calf with a buffalo skull in its center, pretty soon ill get my tribes name under it and my government registered number between its horns..

My right calf has a long stemmed blue rose with a just an outlined multicolor butterfly landing on the stem (for my oldest Winter Rose)..

My tattoo on my rear is a wolfs paw with wolf written under it, symbolizes my totem and my native guardian..

My right arm up towards my shoulder has a red rose with my daughters initials in it with two feathers hanging off it, meaning im married..

Under my right ankle i have the 3 dots for mi vida loca (did that shit when i was 15)
I cba using quotes, but nahh I didn't exactly mean I want the numbers. Just something to remind me of how I achieved something a lot of people can't, something that I needed to do and something that was hard, but I got through it and it's made me the happy person I am today, and the happier person I will be when I am finished.

I will definitely research everything I can about tattoos and their meanings, and make something that is unique for me.
Every time I feel lost, scared, worried or nervous, I see a white butterfly. It's happened to me at least 10-20 times, and I feel like its a symbol/reminder of reassurance, everything happens for a reason, it will all turn out okay in the end.

Also, the butterfly comes from a caterpillar. It changes from one thing, to another. I have changed from one person, to a better person. From a chubby, shy and unconfident girl, to a healthy, more confident young woman.

I don't think white would show up very good on my skin, and they'd have to go over it a few times (ouch) and it'd fade after a while anyway, so I can get black outlines and thats it.
I dont like pain... so no tattoos here. However I knew this one girl who had "Slippery when wet" tattooed across her lower abdomen. EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
I have a couple of tattoos. One on my ankle is an eye of horus with a band around it. I follow many kemetic/egyptian beliefs in my religion. It is my symbol of protection against evil

I have an ankh on my back..again for egyptian beliefs, it means eternal life.

I have " look straight at me and you will see yourself" across my back. Long story as to why, but I will share if you are interested

And a grim reaper sitting in a cemetery on my arm. I am a paranormal investigator, it is one of the main things inmy life. And I got him to represent that.
I have 4 tats and each have their own meaning to me... (some pics are bad pics)

1. Lower back - Got this after graduating college as to me it represented 100% independence and time to swim off into the world and yet always find love in all that I set out to do. (Not to mention I'm a huge lover of dolphins and the colors are my favorite colors)

2. Right shoulder blade - I did this one I think about 2 years ago now. It represents my alma mater and the year of graduation.

3. Back of the neck - I always new I wanted an angel sort of tattoo on the back of my neck to represent my middle name. Originally I wanted to go with the Chinese symbol for angel, but when I asked a few Chinese friends they recommended I not do that as different dialects may have different symbols for the word (good point!) What I have now is actually take 2. What I first had I didn't like when it was all said and done so what's there now is a cover up.

4. My arm - Brings together my angelic and devilish side.