Weight Loss Tattoo?


New member
I'll be 18 soon and legal to have a tattoo.

Since the best thing I've ever done is learned how to lose weight and put it into practice, and it's a big lifestyle change for me (for the better), I thought.. what better way to remember this forever than to get a tattoo?

I would love to look at it every so often and think of how brave and will powered I was/am/will be and how I can do anything I want if I set my mind to it.

BUT, I'm not sure exactly what I could get. Numbers of what I used to weigh, what I weigh now, how many lbs I lost, a good health food, scales, weights, what? I need some tips please guys.

If any of you have any tattoo's to show me, or any tattoo websites.. I'd love to see! :D
I was actually thinking about this too! I soon will be 18 and I was looking at star tattoo's :] hrmm.. I was looking at this site. I am sure you can browse that, maybe there are different category's than stars! :] It's just people who post tattoo's they have gotten.
i have seven. but will put pics soon!

tattoos are wicked but please think long and hard about it first. in 20 years will you still want it there? things you do as you are young mean a lot to you then but they will seem like a breeze once you get older and face bigger challanges.

all my tattoos have some hidden meanings, all of them mean somwthing to me :)

and p.s. it doesnt hurt!
Whatever you do, get something original. Don't pick a number off of the wall or get a tramp stamp.

PS: Tattoos on or around boobs are gross:rolleyes:
When i hit my goal (6 pounds to go) I am getting a celtic resurrection butterfly. The meaning behind it: The butterfly is a symbol of the Resurrection.
Rising from the seemingly lifeless chrysalis of the ugly caterpillar reminds one that after suffering through some major change in life we will be rewarded with a more beautiful phase.
I'm considering getting a tattoo once I make it to my major goal of 250....I'm thinking about getting a Grim Reaper because it'll represent the death of the "old me."
Heh...I was thinking. If my stretch marks don't go away, thats kinda like a "tatoo" that will remind me daily of my long journey I've been through.
Whatever you do, get something original. Don't pick a number off of the wall or get a tramp stamp.

PS: Tattoos on or around boobs are gross:rolleyes:

LOL, I'd never do that. Maybe on my arse.. Kidding! I'm thinking just below my wrist (closer to the elbow than the palm) on the inside. Painful? >_<
Heres my tatts they dont pertain to my weight loss though

the cross i got the day i turned 18 its jus a plain celtic cross on my right arm and the praying hands i got when my grandmother died if u cant see it across the top it says my guardian angel and at the bottom it has her name.....and the initials on my leg ...well i got that one bout 2 weeks ago ....cause my sister told me she would pay for me to get it jus so she could watch them do mine b4 she got hers lol....so yea
A tattoo is the exact thing I've been planning to do when I reach my goal weight. I'm not wanting anything to show off, I want it to be small and personal, probably on my upper leg. I love stars and am thinking of a shooting star or something along those lines... Sort of representing accomplishing something that seemed out of reach.
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I have two tattoos that are very personal and I will never regret getting them. I want to get another one as soon as I get off the blood thinner I am on. Which should be soon. I already know what I want it to be. I just have to find the perfect picture of it.
If you do it, I would say to keep it personal, like a hidden meaning, or else do something defining that is kind of like a rite of passage. As a guy, I can say that if I were approaching a girl who had a tattoo that obviously meant "I used to be fat", I just wouldn't exactly find it very attractive. Not saying that to be mean by any means. A tattoo would be cool, but you don't want to be branded with something obvious like that for the rest of your life. Also think about it in terms of the fact that you aren't even 18 yet... this really shouldn't be a defining moment in your life. Well, that didn't sound right...

What I mean is that, for example... I used to be fat. I don't want anything to remind me of this period in my life. I don't want other people knowing about it. So, I can't imagine getting something that would do both of these things every day. If I were going to get a tattoo, I would get something that reminded me that I'm now every bit of as good as the skinny and fit folks. For example, I have worked all year to get good enough to enter Xterra triathlons, and I have thought about getting a tattoo that went all the way around my arm of the X logo... kind of an "I'm elite now" statement instead of an "I used to be fat" statement.

Basically, if you get one, I say get something that has no reference to your bad old self at all, only your new, good self. That's all I'm getting at.
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If you do it, I would say to keep it personal, like a hidden meaning, or else do something defining that is kind of like a rite of passage. As a guy, I can say that if I were approaching a girl who had a tattoo that obviously meant "I used to be fat", I just wouldn't exactly find it very attractive. Not saying that to be mean by any means. A tattoo would be cool, but you don't want to be branded with something obvious like that for the rest of your life. Also think about it in terms of the fact that you aren't even 18 yet... this really shouldn't be a defining moment in your life. Well, that didn't sound right...

What I mean is that, for example... I used to be fat. I don't want anything to remind me of this period in my life. I don't want other people knowing about it. So, I can't imagine getting something that would do both of these things every day. If I were going to get a tattoo, I would get something that reminded me that I'm now every bit of as good as the skinny and fit folks. For example, I have worked all year to get good enough to enter Xterra triathlons, and I have thought about getting a tattoo that went all the way around my arm of the X logo... kind of an "I'm elite now" statement instead of an "I used to be fat" statement.

Basically, if you get one, I say get something that has no reference to your bad old self at all, only your new, good self. That's all I'm getting at.

Just because you are/were fat doesn't mean you aren't the same person. You still have to love yourself when you are fat. Its part of your history whether you like it or not.
Its part of your history whether you like it or not.

True, but I just don't see the point in having a reminder of that history shown to you every day for the rest of your life. I say get over this period and don't look back.