Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

3rd- 150.6
4th- 151
5th- 150
6th- 148.8 (I'm not getting my hopes up, I'm not getting my hopes up..)
7th- 150 told ya
8th- 150.2
9th- 149.4
10th- 149.6
11th- 148.8
12th- 148
13th- 147.6
14th- 147 :) :) :) :) How come there's no dancing smilie????

My initial goal was 150, then I changed it to 140 when I realized how big 150 actually was :rolleyes:
But my stomach and thighs are still pretty big when not confined by tight jeans, so I'm aiming for 130, then we'll see how I feel.
Good for you Dari !!!

my weight has finally dropped from all that crappy sodium and fat two weeks ago - go figure - yesturday I had lasanza for breaky and salad and I ate sushit and cake for lunch - it was my bday and I had a beer and a cooler and another piece of cake lol and a slushy - LOL - after a nutriotious dinner...

So I will see how much damage I do today and then hopefully I can start doing the weight thing every day agian it just stresses me out when it doesnt change at all or keeps going up gradually when Im not doing anythign wrong...
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3rd- 150.6
4th- 151
5th- 150
6th- 148.8 (I'm not getting my hopes up, I'm not getting my hopes up..)
7th- 150 told ya
8th- 150.2
9th- 149.4
10th- 149.6
11th- 148.8
12th- 148
13th- 147.6
14th- 147
15th- 148.2
3rd- 150.6
4th- 151
5th- 150
6th- 148.8
7th- 150
8th- 150.2
9th- 149.4
10th- 149.6
11th- 148.8
12th- 148
13th- 147.6
14th- 147
15th- 148.2
16th- 148.2
3rd- 150.6
4th- 151
5th- 150
6th- 148.8
7th- 150
8th- 150.2
9th- 149.4
10th- 149.6
11th- 148.8
12th- 148
13th- 147.6
14th- 147
15th- 148.2
16th- 148.2
17th- 147.8
7th- 150
8th- 150.2
9th- 149.4
10th- 149.6
11th- 148.8
12th- 148
13th- 147.6
14th- 147
15th- 148.2
16th- 148.2
17th- 147.8
18th- 149 Way wrong way.:(
7th- 150
8th- 150.2
9th- 149.4
10th- 149.6
11th- 148.8
12th- 148
13th- 147.6
14th- 147
15th- 148.2
16th- 148.2
17th- 147.8
18th- 148.4 I was wrong the first time, but still going in the wrong direction.:rolleyes:
I'll join in here, since I weigh myself every day anyway :p ...most of the time. XD Went back as far as I could. :p

11th- 169.5
12th- 169.3
13th- 169.3
14th- 170.6
15th- 169
16th- 168.4
17th- 166.5 <-- why couldn't it have stayed there?
18th- 167.5
Wow .. a perfect thread for me .. :)

[first bit - not daily, but from start of month]
1st - 165.5
3rd - 166.3
4th - 166.4
9th - 167.5
16th - 167.8
17th - 167.2
18th - 169.0 (pasta! evil!)
19th - [fgt]
11th- 169.5
12th- 169.3
13th- 169.3
14th- 170.6
15th- 169
16th- 168.4
17th- 166.5 <-- why couldn't it have stayed there?
18th- 167.5
19th- 168.6 (Wrong way.... -_-;; )
7th- 150
8th- 150.2
9th- 149.4
10th- 149.6
11th- 148.8
12th- 148
13th- 147.6
14th- 147
15th- 148.2
16th- 148.2
17th- 147.8
18th- 148.4
19th- 147.4
Wooo Cerella! Keep going; one more day. You can do it!

Thanx Dari - Im not gonna stop and think abt it...then I might run scared the other direction :rolleyes: :eek: :) ;)