I'm not surprised you're tired, with child-associated sleeping trouble - let alone with six lovely children to care for through the day! Possibly the before-bedtime eating habit is linked strongly to that tiredness - and to you
at last having a moment or two to yourself, and
therefore wanting to indulge, to be the one
getting some of the goodness and comfort you've been handing out in bucketloads all day!
If that strikes a chord, maybe think out ahead of time,
every day, something really good and comforting and
kind* you can have for yourself that isn't unhelpful food - maybe it'll be a twenty minute skin-care routine with beautifully lavish creams and unguents, maybe it'll be practising ikebana uninterrupted for half an hour, maybe it'll be putting on (with headphones, until your two-year-old has
really learned to sleep!) whatever music you like until you feel like sleeping, maybe it'll be food after all - but food that's good and nutritious and doesn't hurt your teeth! Whatever works - but not the unhelpful food, because that will just get you down in the end.
kindness - there's a sub-thread here which is all about being kind to ourselves (
https://weight-loss.fitness.com/threads/be-kind-to-yourself-every-day-starting-now.113077/ ) - and see Cate's motto above!