Tornado Days 2006 Journey

Well the "map out my day" thing didn't work too well yesterday. I have no idea what happened! :confused: I was doing okay with it until after lunch...and then it went down the drain...BIG TIME!...the "I'll have to be really good the weekend so the scales will be friendly Monday" went along with it...the b/f brought chinese food home last night around 9:30 and then we went straight to bed, due to him having to get up with the birds this morning to go back to work. Breakfast was okay...1 egg, 1 slice ww bread lightly buttered, and an apple. I'm already hungry and lunch is still an hour or so away, and mom is cooking tonight so I don't have the control as to "what" only the control as to "how much" but can't hurt her feelings either...Guess it was just one of those days...maybe it has something to do with the fact I have to go back to reality tomorrow. :p

K, that's my vent for now...made me feel a bit better...WATER, here I come! :)
Couldn't wait no longer...well, it IS ALMOST 12:00. For lunch, I just had a bowl of Museli cereal...debating whether or not to have a slice of ww toast, but already had one for breakfast and don't know what mom is cooking yet for supper, so I think I'll just stick to the cereal.
205.6!!! :eek:

I will lose 8 pounds by August 31st! I will lose 8 pounds by August 31st! I will lose 8 pounds by August 31st! I will lose 8 pounds by August 31st! I will lose 8 pounds by August 31st! I will lose 8 pounds by August 31st!

I feel horrible...:( I am getting up 6:00 tomorrow morning and going for a walk. I drank 3 1-L bottles of water at work and had no munchies throughout the day; there seemed to be an unlimited amount of munchies at the office today (why?...I have no idea), but I stayed away from them all. Go me!! :)

So, I have to get to 197.6 by August 31st as my mini goal! I CAN DO THIS!!!
I know I can. This week has been good. I'm actually on over time for a bit, so not as much time to eat. There have been a lot of munchies around the office though, but have managed to stay away from them and have a mouthful of water.

We went on a bit of a road trip today (both of us were off!), and will admit to buying a pack of glosette raisins...hey, the raisins were good, right?! :confused: :p
So far, so good!

Back to work this week, so exercise has been minimal due to over time, but food-wise, things have been great! No munchies (though may be having some popcorn later tonight) and lots of water! Keep your fingers crossed. :)
Glad to see you are eating well - I have also set a goal for August 31st - I will keep checking with you and maybe we can keep pulling each other along till the 31st! Do you fit in some mini meals or healthy snacks - it may help with the munchie temptations - 3 'squares' a day? I used to eat three meals - well two really and have found that 5 - 6 mini meals is working out much better - keeps meals smaller and helps give me energy throughout the entire day. Good luck and you can do it! NAT
Hey, I've been having breakfast, lunch, and supper with a piece of fruit mid morning and mid afternoon. Lots of water (3-7 Litres/day). Nothing after 6:00ish. Still on over time so not exercising a whole lot. Lets see how friendly the scales are Monday morning.

I'll keep you on track if you keep me on track. WE CAN DO THIS!!