Tornado Days 2006 Journey

Well lets hope so on Monday.

However, I'm not holding my breath because I've noticed since I got up that my belly is bloated. :(

and...we had chinese last night for supper; however, been working hard at overtime this week and have sweated a lot, so it may not be as bad as I think, but I'm definitely bloated. Any suggestions that might be able to get a bit of the bloating down before tomorrow a.m.? I do have house chores to do in the next 3 hours before it's time to get ready to go to mom's for supper.
Hey guys! :)

Fantastic news...weighed in this morning at 198.4! Yippeee!!! ;)

I ended up drinking approx. five 3/4-Litres of water throughout the day, which meant a lot of bathroom breaks, but I feel great and even went for a walk/run with the puppy. Now, I'm off to do some more house chores.
Well, boy talk about water intake!!! Every day this week while at work I've drank almost 4 L of water per day plus what I've been drinking in the evenings. Don't know if it's too much or not enough, but I feel fantastic and believe it or not, I can already feel a difference in my waist line. The true test will be at weigh in on Monday, but I'll know on Friday when I put on my jeans, as they tend to be a bit snug. :D
Sorry so lack in the posting.

Whew!, what a couple of weeks. Last Monday, at weigh in, I was 201.4, which I believe was about 2.5 pounds higher than the previous week, but I attributed that to my body dealing with the water intake...and lots of it at that! We've been walking every day now for about this past week and still drinking that water. We tried this "thing" with just salad and chicken for a month. HA! That didn't work...after about two days, we needed something else. My portions are smaller than before and I'm eating slower, which is feeling me up faster. I'll let you know how I make out in the morning, but I certainly "feel" the difference, whereas last Monday I "felt" bloated. Will let you know how it goes.
Hi Everyone! Long time, no post. Been super busy with work, planning a trip, taking care of 4 dogs and a cat, that I haven't had any time for the computer lately. I'm so disappointed to report that I'm 200.1 as of Monday, the 10th of July. However, I do have a new goal of losing 25 pounds by March 20, 2007, as I'm going to Disney World and some other places in Florida for ten days. I'm back on track and promise to update weekly. I'm off work now for two weeks so I won't know until the 31st how much weight I've lost since the 10th, but will let ya'll know how I think I'm doing on the 24th. Feel free to e-mail me at any time or chat with me on MSN. (Tornado Days)

Take care all. :)
you haven't been herein 2 months, and you still managed to drop .3 pounds -t hat's terific... you haven't lost any ground at all... :)

You'll be ready to hang with mickey in march -- though I hear that Goofy is a much better date, that sense of humor and all, besides, with mickey's high pitched voice... i gotta wonder if... oh nevermind... :D

Enjoy your time off - see ya when you get back :)

Goofy is my man's favourite, but Mickey is mine....

Anyways, I need MAJOR support today...Day 2 of my holidays. I started off great...toast and muslix cereal, but now it's 9:30 in the morning and on my fourth cup of coffee. I know it's not good for me, but for some reason today I just can't get enough of the stuff. Any suggestions?

Hey Tornado - Sorry no suggestions to kick the coffee - hope you had a better and more nutrional afternoon - with all that coffee you could run some laps with your pups. LOL...My daughter loves your BOOTS and is repeating TORNADO, thanks for the little laugh.

My afternoon has been okay...took 2 of the 4 dogs outside for an hour and played, drank lots of water, and for lunch had a multigrain tuna sandwich with honey mustard and peanuts for dessert. Not sure what's on the menu for supper.

BTW, I noticed you're in London, ON. My aunt lives there on Aldersbrooke Crescent (I think that's what it is called) and my cousin and his family live somewhere in London, too, but I'm not sure of the road. Beautfiul city, I was there a few years ago for a visit. My aunt keeps asking me to come of these days, and I can't wait.
Today has been fantastic!!!...well, except for the heat. I started off with a 1/2 cup of coffee with fresh milk and sweetener, fresh fruit salad and scrambled eggs. For lunch I had a slice of multigrain whole wheat toast with strawberry jelly and a bowl of muslix cereal with milk. Supper...not sure yet...more than likely a BBQ'd chicken breast with something. I was outside earlier before it got really hot and ran around with the dogs. We mostly stayed in the shade. I was more energetic then them, but didn't want to overheat them so pretty much let them do whatever. Before bed last night maybe an hour or so before I had a bowl of raw veggies and a huge glass of water. Gonna lose the belly and bum for Mickey...:p
Good morning!

This is going to be a fantastic day! I started off okay...bowl of Post Pecan and Date cereal and a slice of toast with a dabble of strawberry jelly (any input on if jelly is good or bad for you?) and a cup of coffee. It's starting to heat up out there now, so taking the dogs out back for 30-45 minutes to play. For lunch...we'll see, but for supper I'm having BBQ chicken breast with low-fat BBQ sauce and some veggies.
I'm not a big fan of jelly, I prefer jams and preserves myself... I think they are good for you, but it also takes label reading, many of them have added sugar or corn syrup, as long as you are sticking with the 100 percent fruit.. you're good... though i'm not entirel sure that it counts as one of the 5 fruits and vegggies you're supposed to get a day...

One of my favorite snacks is wasa crisp bread with some low fat cream cheese or goat cheese and raspberry preserves on top...
Well, the b/f cooked breakfast this morning...turkey bacon, eggs, and was very, very heavy on my stomach and now I just feel BLAH!!! I didn't eat a whole lot, just enough to make me wish I hadn't had any. I guess it will be garden salad for lunch. However, I am painting my kitchen and cupboards today, so that should burn some fat off...I hope...
Good morning, y'all! :)

This is going to be a fantastic week for ALL OF US!! This past week has overall been good, with the exception of Saturday night...large popcorn at the movies split between me and the b/f. Smothered in butter and salt...YUMMYYYYYY! :p We stopped at the supermarket on the way home and bought a fruit tray, so we (meaning me) didn't feel so guilty. I've been getting out everyday this past week with the dogs, so that has been productive (except poured; I don't mind drizzle or showers, but way!). I've been drinking about 4L of waters a day.

Gotta run....
I'm terrified to weigh in on Monday when I go back to work. I think I've dropped a pound or two, but one never knows for sure until the evil moment! ;) I've been overall doing okay, so maybe if I'm extra good for the next three days, the scale will be friendly on the 31st. :p
Last day of my "official" holidays. Funny how we don't count the weekend on the end of it, only the beginning. :p

Anywho...been noticing other people mapping out their days. I think I might try it...I haven't gotten out yet to buy the book for marking things down and clips of things and such, so this method might work. I doubt it will be everyday, as once I'm back to work on Monday, there will be days I don't get a chance to get on the computer, but I'll do my best.

1. Up at 7 am.
2. Put on coffee, cook breakfast (1 egg, 1 slice ww bread toasted lightly buttered, 1 apple cut up).
3. Bring b/f to work.
4. House chores for rest of morning, once I get off the computer. :D
5. 12:00 noon, lunch - plate of raw veggies (before they go bad in the fridge!) with milk.
6. 12:30-2:30 - just relax and watch some TV (do loads of laundry during commercials).
7. 2:30-3:30 - take the dogs down back and play.
8. 3:30-4:00 - take a dog and walk into the mail.
9. 4:00-4:30 - shower and pampering. :eek: (Ah, c'mon...who doesn't?!)
10. 4:30-6:00 - cook something for supper and get it ready (not sure yet what to have, but I'll figure it out).
11. 6:00 - get ready to go to town and putt around until 8:00 when the b/f gets off work.
12. 8:30 - have supper (it's Friday, so it's okay for us to eat that late, as we'll be up until at least 12:00). We usually have supper 6-ish and bed 10-10:30-ish, but he is doing over time this week.
13. 9:00 - do the dishes and than afterwards take the dogs down back again (this time with the b/f) and play for 30 minutes. Then it's time to chill out for the rest of the evening.

No eating after supper whatsoever...Lots of water throughout the day.

Hey, your schedule looks good! I hope planning everything out helps you as much as it has helped me so far, hehe. Have a great weekend. I probably won't be around at all, but I'll be stopping by your diary at some point Monday to see how things are going. Keep up the great work!!
The schedule worked extremely well for me. Wish I'd started it sooner. I did, however, make it out to Wal-Mart last night and picked up a note book. I plan to take some time out of my day and schedule my week out. I think the structure of knowing what time to do what will really help. I don't know how realistic it will be on paper, so throughout the week I'll make modifications and try to post here everyday with an outline of my plan at least until I get a routine going, then it will be updates and everything else.

So, for today...
1. Up at 8:45.
2. Breakfast (one bowl of cereal) and coffee.
3. 9:15 - Dishes.
4. 9:30 - Make bed.
5. 9:45 - 10:30 -
6. 10:30 - 11:30 - Work on note book.
7. 11:30 - 12:30 - Put dogs out and putt around for a bit (it's starting to RAIN, so I won't be going outside today unless it clears up).
8. 12:30 - 1:00 - lunch, probably tuna sandwich on ww bread and milk.
9. 1:00 - 1:30 - computer time (e-mails, msn, forum).
10. 1:30 - 4:30 - house work as I bop around to music.
11. 4:30 - 6:00 - get supper ready (have no idea yet...will depend on weather...if rain stops more than likely bbq chicken and garden salad).
12. 6:00 - 6:30 - shower and pampering.
13. 6:30 - bedtime - whatever happens. The b/f is working today, so when he is home, we may end up going out somewhere or getting a movie or whatever.

No munchies! Lots of water!!