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I dont know what compound movements are :confused: and yeah i tend to do the same exercises every day for back or whateva but i change the reps up or sets

Compound exercises are exercises that work more than one muscle groups

These are some compounds

Military Press
Compound exercises are exercises that work more than one muscle groups

These are some compounds

Military Press

dont do Military press, deadlifts, chinups,pullups, and dont even know what dips are.
Compound exercises are exercises that work more than one muscle groups

These are some compounds

Military Press

On what days should i add these? and for dips should i change to the free weight one of the weighted machine thing i use? and by rows its just the rows for your back yeah? military press and deadlifts i am scared about the most.
Also going to do leg day separate now. I find it impossible to do shoulders and legs in one day :( also how are machine hack squats compared to smtihmachine squats? i cant do free weight squats it is just not posible with my body i get half way down and start to lose balance and fall back. I am thinking just on my leg day squats, extensions, dead lifts, not necessarily in that order. Also maybe some leg press but from the vibe i have picked up leg press isent as good as squats or dead lifts? i don't understand this as the legs on leg press are pretty much doing all the work but as in dead lifts and squats your using much much more?

some replys would be sweet b4 i head to the gym and try out a new leg routine :) i will report back on how it goes
you need to learn to do squats. are you sitting back? Check out the technique article sticky and read up on squats.
ok did 4 sets of squats

1st set just the bar to like 20
2nd set 5 kg a side to 15
3rd set 7.5 kg a side for 12 reps
4th set 7.5 kg a side for 10 reps

then did legg press for the same.
how were the squats? did you keep your heels on the ground? how low did you go? (you need to learn to get to atleast parallel)
how were the squats? did you keep your heels on the ground? how low did you go? (you need to learn to get to atleast parallel)

yeah kept my heels on the ground but i was using the smith machine for squats, I mite practice doing it free weight next time but i am scared lol i have tried practicing doing squats with no bar and just have my hands like i am pretending in the mirror but i can only go about half way. Something about my lankynes makes squats hard i think. but yeah my legs gonna be sore tomoro i can feel it lol
yeah kept my heels on the ground but i was using the smith machine for squats, I mite practice doing it free weight next time but i am scared lol i have tried practicing doing squats with no bar and just have my hands like i am pretending in the mirror but i can only go about half way. Something about my lankynes makes squats hard i think. but yeah my legs gonna be sore tomoro i can feel it lol

That's not uncommon

read this TESTOSTERONE NATION - The Third-World Squat

I practice trying to do third world/asian squats at home now to improve the depth of my squating in the gym.
I have found that I can squat deeper with a barbell over my shoulders than without one though.
with the smith machine you'll just lean against it. you need to learn how to balance properly to go lower. Try a pretty wide stance, that usually helps. And think of your upper body as between your legs instead of on top of.
Yeah i do those on arm and chest day with other exercises....doesent everybody.

No. Stop doing machine exercises and rearrange your workouts to the compounds exercise's ive listed. If you don't want to do military presses, you can do push press, but they are pretty much the same and the #1 shoulder workout.

As for squats..i do free weight squats and just power clean the weight over my shoulders.
Its the next day and my back is really sore and think i did some damage to it with the smithmachine. When i turn my neck to the left it pulls a little bit and when i move my left shoulder as well :( so phate you think i should scrap everything i am doing and only do the compound movements you have listed? like on what days and how many days a week?
Its the next day and my back is really sore and think i did some damage to it with the smithmachine. When i turn my neck to the left it pulls a little bit and when i move my left shoulder as well :( so phate you think i should scrap everything i am doing and only do the compound movements you have listed? like on what days and how many days a week?

What exercises are you doing currently?
You don't even need machines. Just revolve your workouts around the compounds i've posted and your good to go.
What exercises are you doing currently?
You don't even need machines. Just revolve your workouts around the compounds i've posted and your good to go.

Yup but i workout 5 times a week and in what order should i do those? or do them altogether 5 times a week ?
If you did them all together, that would be more of a FBW..and thats 3x a week. What kind of split are you currently doing?

chest forearms, arms and back, shoulders and maybe legs, maybe legs on separate day. i just alternate between those and workout 5 times a week
chest forearms, arms and back, shoulders and maybe legs, maybe legs on separate day. i just alternate between those and workout 5 times a week

You don't need a chest/forearms day, i would try a new split like an upper/lower 4x a week, or push pull.