4/20 Monday
Recap from 4/18 to 4/20
4/18 Saturday
Burnt 1,111 calorie on ellyptical w/ arms at gym while watch celtic's thriller OT's lost to Bulls.
Then played basketball for 2 hours from 3-5 pm. It was pretty hot, tempature got to the low 90's
After basketball, took a really really cold shower which helped cooled down BUT I was still suffering from minor heat stroke. Hang around with family in evening and ate good food (which means ~850 calorie intake for dinner). One of my nephew was sick and I caught the flu from him. Started to feel part of the sympton that night (or maybe it was heat exhaustion).
Took nephews to go hiking for 2 hours. Climbed Cowles mtn and went to View pt at pyles only. Legs felt like jello. Wow, a calorie restrction especially with minimal carbs makes hiking painful.
Evening went and played basketball from 6-8 pm pretty much non-stop. Wow, now I am really tired and ate another decent size dinner. Definitely sick from nephew as I had running nose all day except when I excercise. Fortunately, went to bed early at 11:30 so I was able to do yoga next day.
Woke up butt early at 4:30 am; did some chores. Burnt 275 calorie on ellpytical + 50 more on rowing machine. Did a rough yoga practice that kicked my ass from 7-8 am.
Afternoon session, started out with ellyptical w/ arms for 100 calories for warmup. Then, did military press(75x3x8, roughly) with db curl to keep HR up; shruges (315) + lat raises (35) x 3 sets x 10 reps; seated lat raise, seated, tricep extension. Finished with 65 minutes on ellyptical w/ arms for 850 calories. Actually concluded with 10 minutes of stretching.
That is roughly 4 hours of cardio each day for past 3 days; kick ass. Another I am eating more than I would like (actually barely BMR calorie) but I am trying to fight a flu. Have been eating 3 fruits a day, at least (2 bananas+1orange, or 2 oranges + 1 banana, etc). Hopefully, I will be rid of this flu by tomorrow and Wednesday by the latest.
I will end with a quot that I read that everyone should practice and I know I need to do this more:
"If you have something hurtful or untrue,
do NOT say it.
If you have something helpful but untrue,
do NOT say it.
IF you have something hurtful but true,
do NOT say it.
If you have something helpful and true,
say it but find the right time to do it."