Tic's Reflection


4/12 is Easter Sunday so I took the day completely off.


Wt in morning on empty stomach = 176.6
waist = 31.75 '' hip = 32.75
4/14 Tuesday

More cardio but leg day today.

Ellpytical for 300 calorie
Smith squat: 225 x 3 x (15,15,12)
Smith calf raise: single leg 225x3x12
Row for 200 calorie
Leg curl: (40x1x10 + 30x1x5) x 3
ellptical for 450 calorie.

Total time - 135 minutes + 15 minutes strenching

Sure is good to be doing cardio again. Cardio keeps the mind at bay and my head clear. I am not sure what it is exactly but I feel more calm and compassionate towards the public when I am doing lots of cardio instead of mostly weight training trying to add bulk. Btw, thank you pretty looking blonde who did cardio next to me at the end; you made me push to 400+ calorie b/c my male ego will not let me get off the machine before you. :)

Trying to push for 175 lbs come next Monday (after sunday's "rest" day -- quote b/c I might be playing 2 hours of basketball; LoL). I know if I carb depeletion, come Friday I should be at 174.5 but that is not accurate measuring. Sweated the whole time while working out / cardio and did not have HR watch to keep track of things though. I did 4-5 HIITs; sure is though when on carb restriction but the cup of Starbuck coffee before working out fixed that.
4/15 Wednesday

Did not get ANY real sleep last night. So took it easy today and just did 20 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes of weight, and 1 hour of yoga. I just laid in bed but cannot get into deep sleep mode for like 6 hours.. whatever.
4/16 Thur

Bicep and shoulder workout.

Step machine for 9 minutes = 100 cal
weight training for 75 minutes
ellyptical w/o arms for 63 min = 808 cal.

Wt in morning after 10 hours sleep and on empty stomach = 174.2 lbs

Horray, I lost about 1 lbs after one week. Almost there... one more week of cardio before mini break at vegas for bachelor party.
4/20 Monday

Recap from 4/18 to 4/20

4/18 Saturday

Burnt 1,111 calorie on ellyptical w/ arms at gym while watch celtic's thriller OT's lost to Bulls.

Then played basketball for 2 hours from 3-5 pm. It was pretty hot, tempature got to the low 90's

After basketball, took a really really cold shower which helped cooled down BUT I was still suffering from minor heat stroke. Hang around with family in evening and ate good food (which means ~850 calorie intake for dinner). One of my nephew was sick and I caught the flu from him. Started to feel part of the sympton that night (or maybe it was heat exhaustion).


Took nephews to go hiking for 2 hours. Climbed Cowles mtn and went to View pt at pyles only. Legs felt like jello. Wow, a calorie restrction especially with minimal carbs makes hiking painful.

Evening went and played basketball from 6-8 pm pretty much non-stop. Wow, now I am really tired and ate another decent size dinner. Definitely sick from nephew as I had running nose all day except when I excercise. Fortunately, went to bed early at 11:30 so I was able to do yoga next day.


Woke up butt early at 4:30 am; did some chores. Burnt 275 calorie on ellpytical + 50 more on rowing machine. Did a rough yoga practice that kicked my ass from 7-8 am.

Afternoon session, started out with ellyptical w/ arms for 100 calories for warmup. Then, did military press(75x3x8, roughly) with db curl to keep HR up; shruges (315) + lat raises (35) x 3 sets x 10 reps; seated lat raise, seated, tricep extension. Finished with 65 minutes on ellyptical w/ arms for 850 calories. Actually concluded with 10 minutes of stretching.

That is roughly 4 hours of cardio each day for past 3 days; kick ass. Another I am eating more than I would like (actually barely BMR calorie) but I am trying to fight a flu. Have been eating 3 fruits a day, at least (2 bananas+1orange, or 2 oranges + 1 banana, etc). Hopefully, I will be rid of this flu by tomorrow and Wednesday by the latest.

I will end with a quot that I read that everyone should practice and I know I need to do this more:

"If you have something hurtful or untrue,
do NOT say it.
If you have something helpful but untrue,
do NOT say it.
IF you have something hurtful but true,
do NOT say it.
If you have something helpful and true,
say it but find the right time to do it."
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4/21 Tuesday Somewhat rest day.

Did ellyptical w/o arms for 280 cal
Stair machine 300 calorie
row for only 20 cal (ran out of energy)

In between did about 20 mintues of abs: seat machine crunches and cable twist at top,mid,and lower for 1 x 8.
4/22 Wednesday

Wt in morning = 175.2 lbs at 6 am.

Morning workout
ellpytical = 150 cal
row = 200 cal
Yoga for 50 minutes; Astanga style.

Afternoon workout
ellpytical = 150 cal
stair = 200 cal
weight training = chest / tricep/ bicep for 70 minutes
ellpytical = 200 cal
row = 50

I seriously need to stop looking at myself in the mirrior... getting wayy too vain but it's just a sign of hard work and diet dedication. I use those images to stop from eating sweets and carbs.
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4/27 + 4/28

wt in morning = 177.2

Did some back and bicep. Okay, the vegas trip took a lot out of me. Between the drinking and all the cigarrette smokes around me, I was grasping for air doing moderate to light weight for me. After 1 hour, I did feel better but still fairly weak. Hopefully to be recovered by Thursday to my normal health but realistically, will not happen until next Monday.

Vegas is just over-priced and hyped place. I am really really done with the whole vegas ordeal. Vegas can :action10: ; as far as I am concern. I am hoping that I did not catch the Swine flu with all the traveling that I did. I am not concern for my health as I am strong individual but I am around my 5 month nephew and 75 yrs old mother everyday; it would be terrible if they caught it.
4/25 Leg day

Did leg workout today; I swear my legs are getting weaker and weaker. Must be all the cardio that I do when I am on weight lost program. This week is mass gain again since I re-loaded w/ tons of food in vegas.

PB, thanks for asking. I am moving back to take care of my 75 yrs old mother and my sister so I have to prep + repaint the master bedroom, mine. It's slow go and hard to keep track of weight progress with lots on my head. I will get more detailed once I move in and settle down a little bit.

Btw, still struggling with re-gaining my breath while lifting. Thank you for all the booze and smokes at vegas.... On a good note, I was able to sleep 12 hours last night.

Did only yoga today without any real cardio for warmup prior. Still pretty weak and feeling effect of vegas. Definitely feel better after yoga but could not hold my pose nearly as long. Back to prepping room for painting (clean and wash room today, hopefully).

Felt pretty sick still so took another day off. That time instead of working out, I slept and slept and slept for like a 3 hour nap; wow. Must either still be super tired from vegas or partially sick or both.
5/1 Friday

Skipped out on yoga this morning. Did another leg day; I want to get bigger and stronger legs. Mine seem to be shrinking.

Did tons of sets + rep with highlight of :
squat 315 x 2 x 7

Well, I will feel the pain tomorrow; actually pretty stiff already tonight. Not sure if I want to diet or gain more mass next week, will see.
5/5 Tuesday

5/4 Monday

Only did Yoga in the morning after 20 minutes of ellyptical with arms for warmup. Wow, I was sweating up a storm in Yoga class. Weight after eating but post yoga was 176 lbs. Going to try to diet this and next week with weekend off for breaks because of mother's day and friends wedding coming up.


Happy Cinco Day Mayo everyone.

Another day of not lifting any real weights. Have been super busy with cleaning my new room. Going to try to finish washing the wall to be painted and taping (trimming) the side to be painted later this week. Hopefully, it can be done today and I can put on the Primer tomorrow and paint the room Thursday. Good thing that we have a guest room that I am staying in while I am cleaning, clearing, and painting my new bedroom.

Most likely will go do one hour of cardio later today.
5/6 Wednesday

Warmup on ellypitcal for 200 calories.
Did 1 hour of yoga; sweat like crazy for only 30 minutes
Did another hour on ellpytical.

It's uber difficult to workout and be on carb depletion while trying to get housework done.... Need to find a better balance.
5/7 Thurs

Took day off from working out. Finished taping the room and painted the Primer layer on. Tomorrow will be super busy from 6 am until midnight. Going to apply the paint tomorrow but will try to pratice yoga with some cardio workout in the morning.
5/8 + 5/9

5/8 Friday
-Smith machine squat 225,275,275 x 1 x 10
-Did 1 hour of yoga
- ab crunch machine 150x3x25
- 300 calories on Stairs machine

painted for 4 hours

Did 600 calories on ellyptical at 200 calorie increment with weight training in between.
Weight training
--Flat BB bench 225x3x(12,12,11) + DB curl 45x3x20(10 each arm)
--Lat pull down + tricep extension

Internet is not up yet at my new house so I am using my old resident's connection for awhile so will not have as much time to post and keep updated diary. Schedule have been hectic and will remain hectic until end of the week. It's go go go go with coffee all the time.
5/15 Friday

Did 600 calories of mixed cardio and
1 hour of yoga

slept a lot most of the day.

Weight after mid-afternoon nap on mostly empty stomach:
wt = 173.6