Thoughts on men wearing spandex / lycra running tights

That trisuit is begging for me to squeeze my body into it ... I don't care if it's for men. I want to wear it :D
I actually just bought a pair today. The weather is getting pretty chilly and I'll need something underneath my shorts to keep the wind off my legs.
here a pic of me in my running tights before i went for a run one day

Should it come as any surprise that a person in good shape, simply looks good in whatever they choose to wear so long as it's tastefully done? I truly defy any woman to look at that pic and contend that men should never wear lycra. Sure, there are some men that shouldn't wear it...but there are just as many woman as well.

OMG, does this mean we've answered the question and the thread shall finally meet it's end????

This thread is just starting to warm up :D

paulrc's picture speaks volumes about just how awesome lycra can look on the right guy.

He is to die for gorgeous in his running gear. If I saw a guy that looked like paulrc in lycra running on my street, I'd start running behind him just to get my mental freak on ;)
If I saw a guy that looked like paulrc in lycra running on my street, I'd start running behind him just to get my mental freak on ;)

Ah HA!!! Liar liar, lycra on fire!!!!!

Your mental freak doesn't have an off switch, therefore it's always on. In said deposition you imply clearly and lucidly that you'd pursue said lycra-clad runner for the sake of getting your freak on, YET, we can show clear evidence from several threads that your, said "freak" is perpetually in the state of "on" your agruement and contention is truth-functionally inconsistent and fails to stand. You have incriminated yourself. Case in point. Your damn right I ordered the code red.....and she's got the boots in her avatar to prove it!! To the dungeon with you little missy! :animal3:
OK, point noted. Guilty as charged. My freak has no "off" switch :D

I'll gladly go down to the dungeon, but I cannot be owned for very long, so you need to get ready to be owned, BSL!!! BTW, you'll be the only one in lycra. I'll be wearing black and red leather. I'll even wear the thigh-high leather boots ;)
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I'll gladly go down to the dungeon, but I cannot be owned for very long, so you need to get ready to be owned, BSL!!! BTW, you'll be the only one in lycra. I'll be wearing black and red leather. I'll even wear the thigh-high leather boots ;)

You mean......again?? :sad3:

We really need to take a break from that routine. The Dungeon is soooo old & cliche'

How about we do the one where we're on Seasame Street; I'm Ernie, you're The Grouch and we see just how deep that trash can goes! :cheeky:
Oscar the Grouch? Me? No. That's not a good fit for me at all. There's no trash going on here, BSL.

If you don't want the dungeon, we can take the kink to the streets if that appeals to you more :D
Okay. How about your The Roadrunner and I'm Wiley Coyote....I'll set-up an elaborate trap involving Acme products and a large anvil, then you....

No, wait a minute....I don't like the way that scenario turns-out. How about German Beer Maiden who demands a tip, let's get our Kraut on baby! :yelrotflmao:
This thread has been going on for nearly 4 years now! I stumbled upon it tonight and have read it from the beginning. It started as a joke and something to make fun of. It got serious with Burntmonkey and turned to "spandex good". Then back to "spandex bad" with a brief period as a substitute for msn messenger when messenger wasn't working.

Then BSL joined in! He broke it down with 4 simple yet lengthy rules. BTW the seam down the center on men is called a "moose Knuckle"!

Then some guy tired to make fun of spandex again, but he (klink) obviously didn't have the body or "balls" for it! It's been "spandex good" ever since with the odd narrow minded opinion here and there. Not sure how cartoon characters got involved lately though?!?

About me now... (after the brief synopsis)

I love long distance running. I have been wearing MEC fastforward tights for wintertime running for the past 4 years now. I live up north where the temps dip well below zero from Oct thru til April. For some crazy reason this is the time of year I enjoy running and take the summer months off. The tights are essential. They are the only thing that will keep me warm and comfortable while running in the cold. Sometimes I concern myself with what others will be thinking when they see me out in them, but lately find myself caring less and less for the following reasons. The people that I will encounter on my run will most likely be strangers and I will never see them again. The encounters will be so brief that they will likely not have enough time to conjure a thought of either approval or disapproval. If they do I'm sure they will dismiss the thought as quickly as it came to them and carry on thinking of whatever it was they were thinking before seeing me.

I do watch peoples eyes as I run past them, and can't recall anyone glancing down to get a closer look at my ''leotard''. I don't hear snickers or sneers. Oh actually, I did hear a couple young ladies whisper as I sped past them just after I got the tights. They said something to the effect that they were sexy, but I suspected that the ladies were being sarcastic. Who knows though.

One last thought is that I often see other guys in town running in tights and the only reason I notice is because I wear them too. I check them out to see what I might look like. Otherwise, I would probably never notice.
BTW the seam down the center on men is called a "moose Knuckle"!

Ya learn something new every day! :)

Even around my neighborhood....where Winter means temps around 50 in the morning, I see guys running in "tights" all the time. Don't mean nothing, not a thing!

Now...if I saw a guy wearing actual tights...basicaly panty-hose with sheer fabric, then I'd figure something was up. But what you are referring to as "tights" is a much thicker fabric and I'd hardly think you could refer to it as a leotard.

I think the gist of the issue is that men are starting to wear stuff that brings the fabric snug around the groin. If the fabric is thin and a light color, definition is going to be an issue....BUT most quality outfits have a thick liner or a pad of sorts. Along with tension, it pretty much reduces things to a gentle bulge and if the color is black, people would really have to go out of their way to really have an issue with it. Add to that a lengthy shirt, and it's defiinitely a non-issue. As for the other areas being caressed by snug fabric, I highly doubt even the most vanilla of woman have an issue with seeing a guys legs or behind if they're in good shape.

These outfits are being made by Nike, UnderArmour and other main-stream's just becoming more and more popular.

About 20 years ago guys ONLY wore socks that were at least as high as 3" above the ankle-bone, more often we wore tube-socks that went well up our shin. Only woman wore those small socks that stopped at the ankle, usually denoted by the little cotton-ball on the backside of the sock. Then we saw Adidas make some ankle-style socks for men that came pretty close to being right on the ankle-bone (the actual joint)....but today men's socks come right down right to or just below the ankle. In spin-class, just before class when people are changing shoes, I see most the guys wearing socks that would be considered woman's socks 20 years ago. Today it means nothing, but 20 some years ago a guy wearing these socks was clearly cross-dressing!!

What I have found is that it's mostly in our heads. Men don't really care or much notice what other guys are wearing....and woman are generally very tolerant: they follow the fundamental rule of: if it's comfortable, wear it AND who cares what anyone else thinks! End of story.

If you think running in tights is tough, you should try my gig. I go to the gym and take a spin-class, then run 2.25 miles on the treadmill, then take a 2nd spin-class, then swim a mile+ in the pool. Cycling shorts have pads that are a bit cumbersome to run in and you can't swim in them. Jammers can be swam in, but they have no pad for the bike and aren't quite snug enough to run in. I wear a one-piece triathlon suit....but I wear a sleeveless shirt over it so it just looks like I'm wearing cycling shorts. Once class starts and the lights go dim and I get hot...I take-off the shirt. I've caught a few woman checking it out, but they seem to be admiring. I've asked a few female friends I've made and they all say it's way kosher and even kinda stylish. Honestly, most woman and guys don't even notice. My personal trainer, she thinks it's downright hawt. But hey...all I can say is that it's ONE outfit that I can bike/run/swim in....and it helps keep my heart-rate monitor in place while I swim and offers a place for me to put my waterproof ipod. The shirt goes on as class ends and comes off again as I shower just before jumping in the pool. Woman have described it as sporty, sexy or just gym-wear. Ain't no big thing....but it is very functional and you darn well better be in good shape cause it doesn't do much anything to hide flab! :)

Would I wear it into the bank, market or anywhere else? No

Anyways, fashion trends come & long as things are tastefully done and kept within reason, I don't think it really matters. But on an interesting note, I think it's funny that for so long only woman were expected to wear snug clothing and look good in's a bit of a different thing for a guy to be held to the same standard. Quite frankly, the average guy couldn't pull it for us few "elite", so goes the spoils of lycra! :D
I've been wearing spandex since I was 11, when I got into speed skating. Spandex is my life. I cycle in it. I roller blade in it. I had a job as messenger, I wore spandex tights. That's how I met my last 2 girlfriends, in spandex tights. All I get is compliments. Honestly.

My current girlfriend INSISTS I wear tights when we go out to the gym, running, or biking.

If men have the physique for spandex tights, and they want to wear them while working out, biking, etc, by all means. go for it.

Women have been complaining for decades about equal rights. I think men have the right to wear spandex (assuming they are in shape, mind you- and not to church, etc.), too.

I have tights in black, navy, forest green, gray, red, and maroon. In about every style. In shine, too.

I have no qualms about spandex. In fact, I put together a little spandex etiquette series on You Tube.

There was a time when I was uncomfortable in spandex around men, cause I worried they'd think I was gay. But I'm to the point now where I don't care. It's their problem, not mine.

And to those guys who have a little bigger bulge, just do what I do: speedo jock straps under the tights. Or get a cod piece through a ballet store.

Spandex tights are comfortable and provide support.
I've been wearing spandex since I was 11, when I got into speed skating. Spandex is my life. I cycle in it. I roller blade in it. I had a job as messenger, I wore spandex tights. That's how I met my last 2 girlfriends, in spandex tights. All I get is compliments. Honestly.

My current girlfriend INSISTS I wear tights when we go out to the gym, running, or biking.

If men have the physique for spandex tights, and they want to wear them while working out, biking, etc, by all means. go for it.

Women have been complaining for decades about equal rights. I think men have the right to wear spandex (assuming they are in shape, mind you- and not to church, etc.), too.

I have tights in black, navy, forest green, gray, red, and maroon. In about every style. In shine, too.

I have no qualms about spandex. In fact, I put together a little spandex etiquette series on You Tube.

There was a time when I was uncomfortable in spandex around men, cause I worried they'd think I was gay. But I'm to the point now where I don't care. It's their problem, not mine.

And to those guys who have a little bigger bulge, just do what I do: speedo jock straps under the tights. Or get a cod piece through a ballet store.

Spandex tights are comfortable and provide support.

Finally, a guy who has the balls to wear spandex all the time! (Are you my boyfriend? You sound just like my BF!)

I am in love! :luxlove: