Good recipe ideas...would you believe our grocery store does not sell whole wheat/whole grain self-rising cornmeal????? I was bummed...they had one that was not self-rising...and plenty that WERE self-rising, but were enriched, etc. oh well...I'll have to find it somewhere else
Today went well again today with food and workouts. Meals were as follows:
B: (on the road back home) yogurt smoothie, banana
Sn: (finally home) Special K red berries and 2 egg whites
L: chicken salad on a whole grain/low fat wrap; 4 baby carrots
Sn: protein bar
D: yummy chicken stir fry (broccoli, mushrooms, onion + regular soy sauce) and brown rice.
I also had literally one fifth of a cookie and may go ahead and have a whole one after I finish writing this as I am hungry and when I calculate it in, I'm still under goal for my fat for the day. I know that's not "good" fat, but it's just one little cookie
So, even with the cookie counted in I'm at 1322calories for the day.
117g protein 35%
168g carbs 46%
28g fat 19%
It was harder today to get the proteins higher than the carbs, but I'll keep working at it
I did lots of cardio and dumbell work today...1.5 hours total. I followed my Gilad shows and felt good afterward. I am still feeling like my abs are growing OUT, and not flattening...but I guess I will give it more time. I sometimes worry I will look like the girls in his videos - they are pretty bulky, not that they don't look good, it's just not what I would choose for myself. I like being slim and small....although I am enjoying having more defined muscles, I still don't want to look thick. Hard to explain, I guess.
Lofty aspirations can sometimes be confusing.
morsel of knowledge learned today: shopping for healthy food is EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!