You could've warned anyone that didn't see the fight before you threw this out.
I'm still not sure why there are those that think TKD is one of the most useless MAs out there. Let's see...they have kicking and punching. Oh, that's does kick boxing. I guess kick boxing and Thai boxing is one of the most useless MAs out there also.
Sorry Streams...that just bugs me. People mistake the jumping around and loud kiaing of Olympic style TKD as that's what everyone who's taken TKD does. Who said a TKD artist can't kick to the groin and take out a knee?
Kickboxing and TKD are completely different. How is kicking in the groin effective? That's illegal for starters. TKD is a lot more prettier than traditional kickboxing, but isn't nearly as effective in combat. I've taken TKD (albiet for a short period) but i didn't get a whole lot out of it. Sure, learning some of the pretty kicks and other manouvers looks good, but it won't get you anywhere in an MMA fight. I can tell you now that there is currently zero top MMAists out there with TKD as their primary aspect of the game. Having said all this though, if i was to mix it up with a good TKD player, i'd get my arse smashed. Thai boxing and western kickboxing are two the most effective MA's out there.
Yah, i probably should have warned everyone, but i've seen spoilers posted on here before and it's not like I'm breaking any rules in doing that.
That was a really good fight card ;-) I think GSP is one of the best (and most athletic) fighters the UFC has ever had. Sorry guys, but GSP looks amazing in those tight shorts ... and his physique? Unbelievable.
I know. And how 'bout that cup size!