The "Slingshot Training System" 8 week mass gain program. With weekly progress pics!

Way to go dude, looking great

Thanks brotha.

Well, just an off day here, been playing video games all day... :) Got kinda bored so I just quit and now I don't know what I will do.

Got a final test this Monday so I spose studying would be the smart thing to do huh?


I think i'll just eat some more steak instead :D
haha thanks girl! People always seem to bash me for my boxers, lol.

well i couldn't resist! :D
Huge Chest! :d

Hey thanks my friend. How have you been doing lately? You've been quieter..

Oh, BTW everyone... I am going to track my workouts in this journal still, at least for a while... then I might start a new one this summer, I am not sure.

Just an off day today again, I am going to be starting a 5 day per week full body program tommorrow. My plan is to burn myself out because I am going on a vacation to Lake Tahoe, and won't have access to a gym for nearly 2 weeks.
I've always wanted to try full body workouts 5 times a week, but no time :( Maybe this summer, only thing is, if my current program continues to work I won't want to drop it for an experiment.
hm.. I want to throw out some ideas. 5 full body a week, low volume each workout, but high intensity. Over the week though, the volume would build up to be the same or more as a regular full body workout.
only problem is if I should be doing a lot of the same lifts or only different lifts. let's say you do cleans on monday for 3x3, then no more cleans the entire week. I think, at least for the o lifts, it would be a good idea to do them more often, like twice a week with 4x3 or something to make it 8 sets total, since for a lot of people low volume on them means a slow learning curve, but I dunno. I really wanna try something like this when summer comes up. I'm gonna have to send G a PM or have him come to some thread and help me out. One thing I'm also thinking about, with low volume each day there will be time for some isolation for my arms, which I really need :p
I got the idea from this article on Tnation:

TESTOSTERONE NATION - Stripped Down Hypertrophy

It is suppose to be "a quick 45 minute full body workout" but if you read through the program there is no way you could do it in 45 minutes... unless you used very low weight I guess.

Here is the workout:

Upper body horizontal push — Flat, incline, or decline barbell or dumbbell bench press, close-grip bench press, iso-ballistic push-up

Upper body horizontal pull — Bent-over row (supinated or pronated grip), one-arm dumbbell row, seated row (triangle handle, straight bar, double-D bar handle)

Upper body vertical push — Standing military press, push press, push jerk, dip, wide-grip dip, close-grip triceps push press

Upper body vertical pull — Pull-up (pronated, supinated, or semi-supinated grip), pulldown (pronated, supinated, semi-supinated grip, wide pronated grip, double-D bar handle)

Quad-dominant lower body — Back squat, front squat, hack squat, lunge, leg press, duck deadlift

Hip-dominant lower body — Deadlift (sumo or conventional), Romanian deadlift, sumo squat, good morning, one-leg back extension, glute-ham raise, dumbbell swing, one-arm dumbbell snatch

I am going to switch up my quad and hip dominant lower body movement each time. I am not gonna squat or deadlift each workout.. ya know?

But yeah, all the other exercises will be the same each time.

The sets and reps are according to this:

Group 1

A1) Upper body horizontal push
A2) Upper body horizontal pull
B) Quad-dominant lower body

Group 2

A1) Upper body vertical push
A2) Upper body vertical pull
B) Hip-dominant lower body


Group 1 5x5
Group 2 4x10


Group 1 4x10
Group 2 5x5


Group 1 5x5
Group 2 4x10


Group 1 4x10
Group 2 5x5

And so on...

So yeah.. I think it will do a good job of burning me out.
Oh, and about the isolation for the arms... I don't think that's hard to fit in at all, get some bicep curls and some skullcrushers in or something.... doesn't take long at all.

I would always do isolation for my arms after my back day, fit it in at the end of the workout, only took like 10 minutes and since my arms were already used a lot during that workout I got a great workout from it.
My workouts are always 2 hours, sometimes even more. after my last circuit of upper body push, row and abs I don't have time for anything else, I can't keep adding things saying "well what's another 5 min?" :p
My workouts are always 2 hours, sometimes even more. after my last circuit of upper body push, row and abs I don't have time for anything else, I can't keep adding things saying "well what's another 5 min?" :p

Just pack a sleeping bag, pillow, and some food and you can just camp out at your weight room...

No, I see what you saying now.. heh
I might start this:
I'm doing their intermediate program now, good gains, 3 times a week. That is 4 times a week full body, lots of good compounds.
I might start this:
I'm doing their intermediate program now, good gains, 3 times a week. That is 4 times a week full body, lots of good compounds.

Man that program looks badass! If I was comfortable with my form on those lifts I would love to try something like that too.

I am going to be moving back home after this semester ends, and a buddy of mine will be there too...

We are going to spend quite a lot of time trying to master those olympic lifts.
It is badass! Yeah, the oly lifts can be very fun, specially the snatch! Hard to learn though. If you don't get a coach, post up a lot of videos here for critique.
It is badass! Yeah, the oly lifts can be very fun, specially the snatch! Hard to learn though. If you don't get a coach, post up a lot of videos here for critique.

That's what i'm planning on doing, hopefully all the dudes on this forum can help me learn the form....

So... I was looking at the program I created and realized I am unsure if I can do any chest exercises, any shoulder exercises, or any hamstring/quad exercises...

So I am not sure what I will do.... I think I might just extend my 5 day split for this week and hopefully I will be all healed and ready to do a full body program 5 days per week.

I guess I am just going to kinda dink around in the gym now... figure out if my shoulder is OK to do some DB bench presses/pec fly's. If they are I will just do chest/calves, then hit the back tommorrow as planned, and see how my shoulders feel on Wednesday... then arms friday and legs Saturday I guess...
Olympic lifting is something that I really want to get in to. I feel like if I do those my gains in strength and muscle mass will just skyrocket, but I definitely need someone to teach them to me, and right now don't have that kind of person. For the basic lifts I think teaching myself was fine, but getting into more advanced oly lifts is something that needs to be perfected with the guidance of someone who knows what they are doing.

Hope everything with your shoulder works out. Then again, having an f'ed up shoulder might work out for you... it did for that kid in Rookie of the Year.
Then again, having an f'ed up shoulder might work out for you... it did for that kid in Rookie of the Year.

lol about rookie of the year :rofl:

Well I went into the weight room today, shoulder still wasn't 100%, so definitely no bench press was happening.

I started out with some 20 pound dumbells and started doing flat bench db presses. The only part of the movement that was painful was the initial push to get it up, for the rest of the set it was fine.

So I worked my way up to 50's, still felt good... then I went to 55's, it started hurting a bit more initially pushing it up...

SO, then I went to 60's but this time had a spotter help me push it up initially so I could do the whole set pain free, did ten reps easy, 65's no problem, then 70's no problem, much easier on the shoulders is DB presses... if my shoulder is healed completely next week I will move up to the 80's which is the biggest dumbells in the room.. haha.

So yeah, shoulder didn't hurt too bad, it really didn't hurt much at all, just wasn't 100%, so I did my normal STS workout, chest/calves.

here it is:
DB bench press
50 X 10
55 X 10
60 X 10
65 X 10
70 X 10

hadn't done these forever, plus I was testing the waters with my shoulder...

Pec Fly's (used the machine this time cuz it's easier on the shoulder..)
90 X 10
90 X 10
90 X 9
90 X 8
90 X 6

Calf Raises on smith
290 X 10
340 X 6
290 X 10
290 X 9
225 X 15 (felt AWESOME burning out)

Calf raises on leg press
170 X 10
185 X 10
185 X 10
185 X 10
185 X 10

Was a good workout.... the pump I had in my chest was HUGE, much bigger than the bench press gave me, I think I will stick with the dumbells for a while, I have read it's a better exercise than bench anyway..:cool:
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Light weight baby! Yep!

Man, this workout was freaking HUUUUUGE... probably too much actually. Took like 2.5 hours. Back day, here it is..

185 X 10
215 X 6
185 X 10
185 X 10

Mainly was just trying to perfect the form here... dropped the weight quite a lot from last weeks.

Weighted Pullups:
belt plus 15 X 10 (Just PEANUTS!)
belt plus 25 X 6 (shee, too easy!)
belt plus 17.5 X 10
belt plus 17.5 X 9
BW X 13

Bent arm pullovers
twisty bar plus 22.5 each side X 10
25 X 10
25 X 10
25 X 10
25 X 10

Bent over rows:
105 X 10
125 X 6
105 X 10
105 X 9
105 X 8

Seated Row:
140 X 10
150 X 10
160 X 10
160 X 10
110 X 15


Tricep pressdown machine
190 X 10
200 X 10
210 X 10
210 X 10 (phew! this last one I barely made it)

Supersetted with..

standing DB bicep curls
40 X 10
35 X 11
35 X 10
35 X 6

Then also abs...

Was a huge workout, I took like 20 BCAA pills before the workout haha, I should have brought some whey along too because it was a long workout. I had my signature shake..

1.5 scoops ON whey
3 cups skim milk
1 banana
3 servings dextrose
AND 2 teaspoons leucine
2 teaspoons BCAA
2 teaspoons creatine
5g glutamine

And soon I am going to make my best muscle gaining post post workout meal, some pasta with steak, chicken, pasta sauce, and some peas/carrots.

It's delicious. I attached a pic
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on the road to burning out.

this was another huuuuge workout. Was shoulder day today, not having worked my shoulders for 2 weeks this really fried them.... my shoulder wasn't 100% but I did the workout anyway... will talk about what I did as I go along, here is the workout.

Sitting DB shoulder press:
50 X 11
60 X 6 (heavy set)
55 X 9
55 X 9
45 X 13

My shoulders didn't have any pain during these, I had a spotter help me on the first initial rep, or set me up on the heavier sets.

Side laterals (with iso holds at the top):
12 X 10
15 X 8
15 X 7
12 X 8
12 X 10

Alright, this was where it was uncomfortable. This is where it was somewhat painful... I lowered the weight a lot because of that and that made it more tolerable.

Rear Delt Machine:
55 X 11
60 X 10
60 X 10

Felt fine, no pain

80 X 10 (5 count hold at the top from rep 1-5 and 3 counts from reps 6-10)
80 X 10 (5 count hold at the top from rep 1-5 and 3 counts from reps 6-10)
80 X 10 (5 count hold at the top from rep 1-5 and 3 counts from reps 6-10)
80 X 10 (3 count hold at the top)
80 X 10 (3 count hold at the top)

no pain here either

THEN I also did leg knees weren't 100% either but they are getting better....

Leg press:
145 X 20
160 X 20
175 X 20
190 X 20

Leg extensions
130 X 15
135 X 20
140 X 23 (Daaaaaaamn, had nothing left at all)

Leg Curls:
130 X 10
130 X 15
130 X 19 (yep, all out of gas)

Thoughts: So that was the workout, I had about 75g of carbs before the workout, 20g of BCAA's, a whey protein drink AND I brought another whey drink along with me and I sipped it throughout the workout. Wanted to make sure I was fueled because I planned on doing a big workout.. After the workout was over I got off the scale at 185 pounds... was so damn full from my PWO shake...

Once I get up to 200 pounds let's all go to a buffet and celebrate with a big ass cheat meal, who wants to come?!?!
no working out for me today, off day.

I took one of my final exams today, brought my camera along and took some pictures of people I met during my time at college. It was sad knowing that I would probably never see them again..

Now I am just studying for another final that I have tommorrow.. and the damn internet is distracting me! :)

Oh, and LOST is on tonight, something to look forward too.

Have a good day everyone!
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no working out for me today, off day.

I took one of my final exams today, brought my camera along and took some pictures of people I met during my time at college. It was sad knowing that I would probably never see them again..

Now I am just studying for another final that I have tommorrow.. and the damn internet is distracting me! :)

Oh, and LOST is on tonight, something to look forward too.

Have a good day everyone!

yeah, I remember when I was done with high school I felt the same way. I had a lot of good friends, but most of them were just "school friends" so as we said "hi, cya later, let's get together some time, stay in touch.." etc I knew it wouldn't happen. Sorta sad really, but then life moves on.