I got the idea from this article on Tnation:
TESTOSTERONE NATION - Stripped Down Hypertrophy
It is suppose to be "a quick 45 minute full body workout" but if you read through the program there is no way you could do it in 45 minutes... unless you used very low weight I guess.
Here is the workout:
Upper body horizontal push — Flat, incline, or decline barbell or dumbbell bench press, close-grip bench press, iso-ballistic push-up
Upper body horizontal pull — Bent-over row (supinated or pronated grip), one-arm dumbbell row, seated row (triangle handle, straight bar, double-D bar handle)
Upper body vertical push — Standing military press, push press, push jerk, dip, wide-grip dip, close-grip triceps push press
Upper body vertical pull — Pull-up (pronated, supinated, or semi-supinated grip), pulldown (pronated, supinated, semi-supinated grip, wide pronated grip, double-D bar handle)
Quad-dominant lower body — Back squat, front squat, hack squat, lunge, leg press, duck deadlift
Hip-dominant lower body — Deadlift (sumo or conventional), Romanian deadlift, sumo squat, good morning, one-leg back extension, glute-ham raise, dumbbell swing, one-arm dumbbell snatch
I am going to switch up my quad and hip dominant lower body movement each time. I am not gonna squat or deadlift each workout.. ya know?
But yeah, all the other exercises will be the same each time.
The sets and reps are according to this:
Group 1
A1) Upper body horizontal push
A2) Upper body horizontal pull
B) Quad-dominant lower body
Group 2
A1) Upper body vertical push
A2) Upper body vertical pull
B) Hip-dominant lower body
Group 1 5x5
Group 2 4x10
Group 1 4x10
Group 2 5x5
Group 1 5x5
Group 2 4x10
Group 1 4x10
Group 2 5x5
And so on...
So yeah.. I think it will do a good job of burning me out.