Weight-Loss The Saucy Sisterhood

ALRIGHT!!!! Pineola got a siggy!!! We all match now. Like five peas in a pod.
Five SAUCY peas that is!!

Thanks to all you non Saucy Sisters for stopping by with your good wishes!! Much appreciated!!

p.s. I just realized I like the way Pinnie's is at the bottom like that....I'm copying her!!!
I can't ever think for myself - me too me too
Wow! Look how long our thread is getting already! ;)

Warning: This is posted already in my diary if you've already read it there! Lol! :p
I have to fess up. I only had coffee and 4 fat free newtons for breakfast while I was on my way out the door this morning. Thought I didn't have to be in court until this afternoon and then realized that I had to be in court this morning. At least I remembered to grab a tuna lunch-to-go kit on my way out the door. Lunch break was so rushed, I probably wouldn't have had time to eat anything if I hadn't remembered to take that.

Ok, now that that's off my chest, I can get on to other things! Lol! What the heck do people think we are going to be doing in here besides talking? We are 5 saucy sisters! I mean, sheesh! :p Maleficent's right! We definitely needed some fun in here! :D

Hmmm... I think I like it better at the bottom too.... I might go change mine .... lol!
(EDIT: Nope. After doing some "testing," I decided I like mine better at the top. Sorry I'm not conforming. Lol!)
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just popping in to say good luck to you ladies... but not too much luck cause that's reserved for my own team. ;)
Good morning Sisterhood!!!! My first goal for the day is to go grab a big glass of water and get on the treadmill!!! After checking some diaries of course :)
I've got a new secret weapon for us sisters.... Don't tell the other groups.. it might give them the edge.. :)

Are ya ready?


ATHENS, Greece — Dieters looking for another edge might want to consider exercising their sense of humor — scientists have found that a good laugh is a calorie burner not to be ignored.

It may not be as good for reducing the waistline as going to the gym or resisting that ice-cream sundae, but American researchers have found that 10-15 minutes of genuine giggling can burn off the number of calories found in a medium square of chocolate.

The findings on the weight-loss possibilities of the uniquely human experience of laughter were presented at the close of the annual European Congress on Obesity (search) on Saturday.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University (search) in Nashville, Tennessee, recruited 45 pairs of friends, shut them in a room decorated like a cheap hotel — scientifically known as a metabolic chamber — played them comedy clips on a TV screen and measured how many calories they burned when they laughed.

The researchers separately tested seven pairs of male friends, 17 pairs of female friends and 21 mixed couples.

"We didn't tell them that the goal of the study was to measure laughter, because then they might have forced it and forced laughter is regulated by a totally different part of the brain. We wanted it to be genuine laughter," said the lead researcher, Maciej Buchowski (search), director of bionutrition at Vanderbilt.

The volunteers were told the researchers were testing emotional reactions to various video clips.

The room was specially designed so the scientists could measure how much oxygen the volunteers inhaled and how much carbon dioxide they exhaled — the gold standard for measuring energy burning.

Noting differences in the oxygen and carbon dioxide patterns before and during laughter allowed the scientists to calculate whether laughter used more energy and how big the difference was.

Heart rate monitors were also fitted on the volunteers as a back-up measure of changes, as heart rate tends to respond to changes more quickly than breathing does. Microphones were fitted to record the laughter.

The volunteers were told not to talk or move and to just kick back in the reclining chairs and watch what was on the screen.

"First it was half an hour of something boring — an English landscape," Buchowski said. "During that time we measured the baseline, the resting metabolic rate."

Five different comedy clips, starting with a take-out from the Cosby show — minus the canned laughter _were then shown for 10 minutes each, interspersed with five minute intervals of sheep wandering around fields in England.

The heart rate, laughter and breathing information was then lined up in the special laughter lab and the tapes were analyzed second-by-second.

"They burned 20 percent more calories when laughing, compared to not laughing," Buchowski said.

"Then we calculated what would happen if somebody laughed for 10 or 15 minutes a day and we found that it was up to 50 calories, depending on your body size and the intensity of the laughter."

That means that if you laugh for 10-15 minutes a day, you'd burn enough calories to lose two kilograms (4.4 pounds) in a year, Buchowski said.

Physiology experts say it's not exactly an effective way to shed extra weight — but the idea is worth a laugh or two

So -- laughter is good for us... it burns calories... :) seriously - like 4.4 pounds a year worth of calories... :) and that's from only laughing for 15 minutes a day.. surely we can giggle more than that...

Let's get giggling silly saucy sisters :0
OMG!! I knew it, I knew it!! Cassie and I have already been testing our theory on this! We've been on AIM almost every night this past week or so laughing so hard that my side has started hurting and teasing each other about the laughing burning calories! Even to the point that we were joking about how we were helping the other team out! ;) This is hilarious! :D
Woo Hoo!
Snoopin' on the competition has scored me some *valuable* info!


Good luck little Saucy Sisters - we're all coming out of this Big Losers!!
Okay, here's a Saucy Sister "before the challenge" picture. In the sauciest dress I own.
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nice gams... :) but you really shoudl see a doctor about that facial condition.. I hear that whiteblockitis is treatable these days.. :)
mal, count on you to make me snort water out my nose....note to self...do not read mal's posts while drinking water.

you crack me up!!!

Calling all Sisters!!!!! There is a sister down! Repeat there is a sister DOWN!!!!!!!

Rendevouz in Lily's diary STAT!!!! Over and out.
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:eek: ON MY WAY!! :eek: