The Locker Room... Share your stories!

We all visit the lockers rooms; well most of us. And just like driving to work / school, every once in a while you see, the bad, the sad, and the ugly (well and maybe the funny). So here's a few that I've run into...

The locker rooms at my gym have the showers that all lead to one drain, so for like 10 showers you get one drain. At the time I was showering right infront of the drain, which was some what clogged at the time. I didn't take much notice as I didn't expect to be there long... Anyways I'm shampooing up, and then a terrible smell hits my nose... The smell of a urinal more of less. Some smart guy decided to take a leak and I was standing in his... Well use your imagination... :mad:

Another interesting moment was when I got out of the showers and headed for the 'sinks'. And there stood a giant 6'10" guy, with one foot up on the sink, shaving his man hood...

Ok your turn!
Ugh! Poor you! lol.

I once walked in the middle of a convo between 2 elderly ladies,
who were discussing the size of a certain members, ahem, member!

'twas very funny!
My worst is still from high school. After morning hockey practice we would hit the showers then go to class. A lot of time some towel snapping would happen, sometimes with wet towels. One of our bright guys decided to try and get a guy who was putting on his boxers from behind but called his name before he snapped and the dude turned around. Collectivly we all winced in pain.
We all like to check ourselves out in the locker room mirror, right? Well, last night I saw a guy who really took it to extremes. He got his bag etc out of his locker and walked over to the mirror (a good 15 feet away) and proceeded to get dressed about 2 feet away from the mirror. He was quite openly admiring himself for almost 5 minutes, I'm amazed he didn't start winking at himself!! I admit, I'll glance at my reflection check for progress and, lets face it, we tend to look our best just after a workout but, this guy was just ridiculous - he wasn't even in particularly good shape!!

He left the locker room and nobody could quite believe what he had just done - it was very weird.
The weirdest locked room story I have got is this when time when I was changing for gym class in the school.

These stupid immature classmates twisted the hot air blow-dry thing upside down, turned it on, and began to spit down on it so their loogies would fly across the room.

Honestly. WTF is wrong with people?
I didn't see this, just heard it...

The gym I go to is open until 10 pm... and its pretty desolate after 9.

One night , It was alleged that a female member was giving her trainer a... umm... favor, in the oral sense...
aevans410 said:
I didn't see this, just heard it...

The gym I go to is open until 10 pm... and its pretty desolate after 9.

One night , It was alleged that a female member was giving her trainer a... umm... favor, in the oral sense...
No wonder my wife will only let me train old ladies!

I used to hate when the "older" gentlemen bent right over in front of you and all you see is a bag of gray chestnuts hitting the floor.

Not pretty.
~LV~ said:
I used to hate when the "older" gentlemen bent right over in front of you and all you see is a bag of gray chestnuts hitting the floor.

Not pretty.

It's equally disturbing when the older ladies walk free..
Welll, I go to an university gym. The faculty hardly comes so few old freaks. Got a drain for every shower and stuff...

The time I got most irritated was when somebody was using the hair dryer to dry his slippers :mad:
rip said:
Not as much as they like Brad look alikes... Watch yourself.


I can't speak for the old ladies, I'm just 23, but I can say that if Brad Pitt was my trainer I'd live at the gym. I would never ever want to leave! Tired? Take a nap in the locker room. Shower. Get back out there and train! LOL!