Sport The Eating Clean Streak List

Sport Fitness
been going since august 25th. over 2 weeks in.

I think 1 "cheat" a week should be allowed for as gooch said "the mental state". There's nothing fun about eating healthy if you can't have a cookie or two once a week.

problem is phate gotta be all hardcore up there lol

I'm kinda glad the thread died; getting lazy updating it .

How many of you are within the limits of your diet and staying put?

How much of this holiday season is "mucking" up your diet and fitness goals?

How many times post this new year, are you going to fall off the merry-go-round, before you decide you want to say on for the ride?

The bumps and bruises hurt?

Throw a way the box of tissues for the win.

They ought to be banned from being sold.

Jump back on, and take a friggen a ride.....and stay on.

It is going to be rather interesting, to see how many regulars are at or near the same place they are now.....8 to 10 months from now.

Band-aides....are cool......or are they? ;)


Best wishes

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LOL i ate KFC today. :(

May the "Fitness Deity" of thunder and lightening from the skies above, throw a lighten bolt at your feet, and the electric shock go up your crack of your butt, up your spine, and "thunder" your brain so violently that your eye balls pop out of their sockets.....

........then lay on the ground...............smoken' like hot coals................looking at you


WTF, is up whichyou, bro?! :(


Best wishes

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I don't really remember when the last time i ate some real crap was.

Two weeks ago i had one beer on the weekend.

Several months ago when i was sick i had a chocolate bar, but i threw it back up afterwards, so it didn't count.:beer2:
May, 2008. It may have been April but I don't quite remember. Definitely by May though there has been zero lapse. I have no desire anymore so it isn't even an effort. I see no reason why my streak would really ever end. After a few months I find I got completely used to it, it was just initially when say my sister was baking cookies downstairs that it got hard. But, I got over that.
You have imprinted bad karma into your mindstream. You will be a fat@$$ in your next life
This made me LOL.

I ate great all week, but i was at a mall for hours shopping for my neices christmas presents and had little to choose from. Although im sure there were better choices, i am on a bulk and chose milk instead of pop.

I dont think it gives me bad karma to indulge once in a while and by posting it i make myself accountable for eating that garbage.

And FWIW it made me feel kind of