Sport The Eating Clean Streak List

Sport Fitness
Not even a crumb of junk food.

Who want's to join this no junk food streak with me? If you already have a streak going post it in the below format.

Streak List (Month Day, Year- Username)
January 2006 - Chillen
June 2007 - theGOOCH
July 27, 2008- fitness_jason
August 14, 2008- MrDevine
August 18, 2008- SpiceyPumpkin
August 22, 2008 - i_love_muscle
August 23, 2008 - Phate

Once you gotta post that too so I can take you off the list. But if you do; start up another streak. It gets easier everyday <--from someone who loves food.
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What do you consider "junk food"? Fast food, potato chips, nachos, really gross desserts?

If that's what you mean, I haven't eaten junk food for 15 months (I wanted to see what it felt like to only put unprocessed foods into my body). Seriously -- 15 months.

May 17, 2007 -- i_love_muscle

That being said, I'm really ready to fall off the wagon. I'll do the challenge because at this point, I'm ready to devour a pan of brownies or half a homemade cheesecake :)

Do you consider brownies and cheesecake to be junk food? Brownies actually aren't that bad ... and cheesecake is an excellent source of protein and fat, and with some pureed strawberries on top, you've got your carbs, too! :D
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What do you consider "junk food"? Fast food, potato chips, nachos, really gross desserts?

If that's what you mean, I haven't eaten junk food for 15 months (I wanted to see what it felt like to only put unprocessed foods into my body). Seriously -- 15 months.

May 17, 2007 -- i_love_muscle

That being said, I'm really ready to fall off the wagon. I'll do the challenge because at this point, I'm ready to devour a pan of brownies or half a homemade cheesecake :)

Do you consider brownies and cheesecake to be junk food? Brownies actually aren't that bad ... and cheesecake is an excellent source of protein and fat, and with some pureed strawberries on top, you've got your carbs, too! :D

GOD thats a long streak.

Whatever you consider cheating is gonna be used for the streak.

as for me; Diet sodas ARE cheating. Sunchips aren't though (wholegrain). Thats about it.

Junk food is anything that is not clean; like chicken nuggets would be junk.

Yeah, it's been a VERY long streak. But I don't miss junk food because I never buy it. I haven't had soda pop for close to 10 years. I can't drink the stuff. And chips are too salty.

But if I see cheesecake, I want to eat it because it's high fat/protein and super rich and creamy.

So I really have a rich and creamy weakness ... e.g., a creme caramel and creme brulee weakness ... those aren't so good :(

And I also have a warm and soft and gooey weakness ... e.g., soft, warm, gooey brownies or cookies straight from the oven. Or I'll just eat the cookie dough raw at room temperature, which I have done many times.
Not even a crumb of junk food.

Who want's to join this no junk food streak with me? If you already have a streak going post it in the below format.

Streak List (Month Day, Year- Username)
May 17, 2007 - i_love_muscle
August 11, 2008- jmanjman47

Once you gotta post that too so I can take you off the list. But if you do; start up another streak. It gets easier everyday from someone who loves food.

January 2006 - Chillen

2 years and 8 months. (Actually its longer than this when counting November and December 2005), but January 2006 was when I got a solid plan together with periodic short and long term goal structures.

Best wishes,

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January 2006 - Chillen

2 years and 8 months. (Actually its longer than this when counting November and December 2005), but January 2006 was when I got a solid plan together with periodic short and long term goal structures.

Best wishes,


Wow that is long as well.

I can't wait for this no eating junk food streak to pay off...I'm seeing little changes everyweek. I have also noticed I have alot more energy on the football field so that is always a plus.
I'm trying to do this myself, but sometimes I have to budge to be polite. In the ideal world, I could eat food in it's natural form or close to it. I would consider anything with high fructose corn syrup to be junk food. Also anything with more than 10 ingredients that comes in a package is junk food. This includes most grocery store bread.

I finished up the last of the ramen in the cupboard and I'm not going to buy more so I'm ready to start. So I'm going for minimally prepared clean food, this will be an added challenge but worth it. Additives, preservatives, sweeteners, or anything that requires a lot of chemical processing are out.
what about caribean jerk chicken

about 5-6 oz of jerk chicken of random cuts with skin on
about 1.5 cups of brown rice with kidney beans

the only thing bad i think about this is the oxtail gravy that I get on it.
I get this once per week omg its soooooooo good.

Do you guys consider this a cheat, I see it as an excellent bulk meal.
what about caribean jerk chicken

about 5-6 oz of jerk chicken of random cuts with skin on
about 1.5 cups of brown rice with kidney beans

the only thing bad i think about this is the oxtail gravy that I get on it.
I get this once per week omg its soooooooo good.

Do you guys consider this a cheat, I see it as an excellent bulk meal.

I would remove this skin on the chicken, other than this it looks fine.

Personally, I do not "concern myself" with what others "think" is a cheat meal. I have a "personal" very solid understanding what this is and what it is not, and how this understanding "aides" my fitness goals.

One can go to the produce section in the grocery store thinking they are eating a good food (and if its a veggie, it is of course), but most of the pesticides that were used (when its not organic) can get absorbed through the skin of the vegetable or fruit, and one leaves the store thinking its pesticide free even when they wash them.....hmmm.....are they really? ;)

To "stay completely" away from (unspecified pesticides on labels and other untitled unacceptables ) within food we eat "commercially" and what is generally available, would lead someone to nearly to starvation. Think about it, and study how things are brought from the growing fields, to the processing plants, and to your local grocery store. It will make your eyeballs pop out.

While someone "should" strive to eat clean, of course. Its the general term of "cheat meal" that gets misunderstood sometimes, within ones fitness goals. For example, I think we could agree that a "Reeses Peanut Butter Cup" is generally an unhealthy item, though it has healthy ingredients (the peanuts) along with some undesirables (refined white sugar, H-Oils, etc). Refined white sugar is opinioned through some in the medical world to be connected to several diseases, and I despise it myself, and do not consume refined white sugar. However........A healthy person "can" lose weight on a "so-called" dirty diet when it falls within their calculated calorie deficit and allow a "Reeses Peanut Butter Cup" once in a while.

It could be considered a "cheat" in the "health" sense, but not in the "goal sense"--dependent on the person. Though these two are related, there is a difference between them, and this difference can vary per person.

If it maintains the persons sanity (and doesnt cause binges, health or other goal problems), allowing this "cheat" meal is acceptable, IMO. I havent had a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup in over 2 years, and I love them. I just replaced it with a more healthy home made NPB alternative.

If you look around in this world of ours, we have people whom have ate like crap, are severaly over weight, and live to the average age per their gender (and beyond). Likewise, we have these people die early with symptoms related to their eating and external habits.

Additionally, we have people whom have eaten (or tried to eat healthy), and STILL live to the average age, and these people also have lived past the average age. Statistics are on the side of eating more healthy of course. But, personally, I believe it boils down to how your body processes the foods you eat and other things you do to it, and its generally better to strive to eat as healthy as you can, and see what happends.

My Mother-in-law is one. She is 80 years old, 5'2" (female) and nearly 200 lbs. She is severally over weight, and eats like a wild bore in the woods and it doesnt matter what it is. Show her a food, and she devours it. She is as healthy as ever, and no medical problems.....not even High blood pressure (a definite exception to the statistics, lol)

I am pretty damn hardcore when it comes to food, and most couldn't hang one month.

(Also consider, that one bulking wouldn't necessarily consider "pizza" a dirty (or cheat meal), and one deficiting to lose fat tissue probably could consider this a cheat meal, as another example)

Best wishes,

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I can't sum up what Chillen said because all of that was informative. Good post chillen

As for me; I'm going hardcore. I just finished off a week without junk food :) No diet sodas. I think the closest I came to junk was sun chips (which I consider good because its whole grain) and wheat bread.

Most of my diet has been:
Whey Protein
Buffalo Sauce
Lettuce, carrots

Doesn't seem like much variety; but now when I am eating these foods I enjoy it because I'm letting myself get one step closer to my goals. Awesome :)

edit: Though I might be missing out on some vitamins/minerals now that I think about it. I will have to add some more variety.
Me, me, me! I had a messy weekend and seemed to have gained 1kg over the past couple of weeks which I'd like to shift and feel like I have control again.

I have had three friends birthday and normally I'd say no to the cake but the past three I have said yes which I realise I had a choice and I just went with what the others were doing and then I question myself why I'm putting on this weight despite my exercise. I am responsible for the exercise I do and for what I put in my body.

Here's to eating fresh and healthy food again and not giving into temptation just because others choose too, I have a kick ass body and I want to keep it!
Well I guess you can put me down for August 14, 2008 (I had made homemade cheesecake for a friend I had not seen in eleven years ... I made her take the rest with her).
Yeah 1 week ;) of no Junk Food. Can't wait till next Monday when I hit 2 weeks of no junk food.

Make sure you guys use the format I provided in the first post so I can add you. If I skip over you PM me and I'll add.
I don't have a problem with eating clean, the only problem I have is with my macros. I'd really like to kick the habit of stop snacking on carbs at night.

I want to keep it in the morning and noon time only, with fats and proteins at night. It's just that when i watch some TV downstairs, the kitchen is like 10 feet away and I always get these cravings to eat some fruit or peanut butter. And I know that if I can get my macros perfectly together, my body will on its own lose some fat and have better body composition.

So now hopefully that I've posted it here, next time I reach for that apple before I go to sleep I'll think twice
fitness_jason - 27th July 2008


What's the point? The skin is what makes it soooo good.

The skin is the bad part :(