Weight-Loss The Easiest Nutrition Guidelines Ever

Here is the thing, if you want explanations then you will look up further. Chances are though you just want the guidelines now and you'll ask questions later. So here you go.

The Easiest Nutrition Guidelines Ever​

1)Eat For Your Goal-

If needing to lose weight eat below your caloric needs. No more than 30% cut.
If needing to gain weight then eat above. Increase by 15% as needed.
Figure that out by going here.
BMI Calculator

2) Eat for Balance-Get at least 30% of every nutrient in a day (protein/carbs/fats). The other 10% is to do whatever you want with it.

3) Eat the right foods-This goes as follows.
Protein-Lean and Complete (chicken, turkey, egg whites, whey)
Carbs-Fruits and veggies should make up the majority of your diet and be paired with every meal.
Fats-Poly/mono fat balance high(fish oils, nuts, olive oil);Low Saturated fats

4) Eat Often- Eat 4-6 meals a day.
Each meal should contain 1 complete protein.
Each meal should contain 1 carb source of either fruit/veggies.

5) Eat 1 ingredient items-85% of your meals should be of one ingredient items.
An apples ingredients are an apple. An egg is an egg. You can certainly mix and match on ingredient items, but other than that your items 85% of the time should only be 1 ingredient items.

6) Drink Water-1/2 to 1 gallon a day for women who exercises, 1 to 1 1/2 gallon for men who exercise.

That's it. If you stick to that you will get results, plain and simple.
Thanks for posting this! I already knew these but it's nice to be reminded of it just incase I forget myself, thanks! :)
im finding that my weight has just crept up on me over the past two years...im in a sedentary job and not feeling motivated....HELP!!!
Well looking at these guidelines is a good place to start. If you want more specific help, hop over to The Harsh Truth section.
Which one do you recommend buying? I see many of these at Walmart, etc.

i purchase protein from atlargenutrition.com it's a combination of whey and other types of protein that act in the short and long-run.. tastes really good and doesn't have any sugar and it's low-cal 110 cals/serving
Thanks for the easy reminders. I was glad to see that because it tells me I am on the right track. About a month ago I started making smoothies for breakfast with soy protein powder and eating more fruit, fish, chicken and veggies and cutting out a lot of stuff that is full of carbs but still eating some carbs a day just the good ones from fruit and veggies and in the last two weeks I have lost 10 pounds. That motivates me to keep up what I am doing and hopefully the results will keep coming.
2) Eat for Balance-Get at least 30% of every nutrient in a day (protein/carbs/fats). The other 10% is to do whatever you want with it.

Protein: 15% to 20%
Fat: 30% to 35%
Carbs: 50% to 55%

(for regular people)
(reference: OMS)

Sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass :S
What are the other 10% for?
What are the other 10% for?

Read below...

2) Eat for Balance-Get at least 30% of every nutrient in a day (protein/carbs/fats). The other 10% is to do whatever you want with it.

Does that explain it clearly enough?
Use that last 10% anyway you want. Want to have more Carbohydrates? Make it a 30/40/30 split. Want more protein? Make it a 40/30/30 split....Get it?
Read below...

Does that explain it clearly enough?
Use that last 10% anyway you want. Want to have more Carbohydrates? Make it a 30/40/30 split. Want more protein? Make it a 40/30/30 split....Get it?

Oh I got it thanks. What I dont get is that distribuition, but fine ;)
This is an awesome thread! So many times I've been on diets where my every waking thought was counting up calories or grams or points, or trying to plan what I'd eat next so I'd get it right...

It just doesn't have to be that hard, does it?

when you say eat for your goal, do you mean at as many calories as you would need to maintain your "goal weight?"

i feel like this is a silly question.
Difficult? The thing is, I don't want to have to count calories, and I don't want to have to skimp either. I just need someone to tell me what I MUST cut out of my day to day eating. I was on a diet that worked very well. I lost 13kg's in just over a month. But I had to be very strict and was always preparing the right food. I cant live like that though. Thus I have out all 13kg's back on again. Gotta be an easier way?
Flugel - I share your pain. For a long time I would count calories and it was extremely difficult and didn't scale well - you can't know the total number of calories of every food you eat.

My 'solution' was to learn how many of each food group I am supposed to eat and then counted food groups instead of calories. It's far easier to remember how many fruits or grains you eat in a day than to count calories.

The best part is that food groups are now a part of my life. When I make a grocery list I think to myself 'What grains do I need, what fruits, what veggies.' rather than, 'I feel like Dorritos'. Now I completely avoid the aisles in the grocery store that don't contain real food groups (junk food) or the frozen food section that contains pre-processed boxes of stuff.

When I pack my lunch in the morning I have five piles, one for each food group. A vegetable pile with 1-2 veggies, next it is a fruit pile with at least 1 fruit, then a dairy pile with 1-2 servings of cheese or yogurt, a meat pile (hummus, peanut butter, leftover chicken, etc.) and finally a grain pile with 3-5 grains (cheerios to triscuits).

A search for Food Pyramid or the USDA government website can provide more details about eating your food groups.
Thank you for posting this. I had no idea. I am new to this and I am really trying to put forth an effort and make this happen. So thanks again. Very insightful.
thanks for posting that... it helps to have a reminder every once in awhile.