The ChillOut Log

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oiy, all of those recipes sound good, but man, sounds like a lot of work :p

I can see it being worth it if I was baking for many people, but just for me... too much work... and I would have to buy a whole bunch of ingredients that I don't have.

Maybe you can make em for me Chillen? Send some my way? :yelrotflmao:

Just think of it as: "Kitchen Fitness" that will improve hand and eye coordination and stamina. ;)

Thus it improves your lifts in the gym! :)


Best regards,

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Heya Chillen,

u finally give us some recipes lol. HAHA what u been up 2? i went out with a mate last night clubbing lol, it was good. Hope your ok.

Jackie x

I deserve that one! LOL. :)

Did you have a good time with the "mate?"

What have you decided to do on your diet? Have you outlined your dietary plan?

Best regards,

I deserve that one! LOL. :)

Did you have a good time with the "mate?" yeah i did thanks

What have you decided to do on your diet? Have you outlined your dietary plan?
i dont really know how to make a plan, my diet is pretty healthy, im probably closed to the 90% clean, its just a eat a tad 2 much lol.

how do i make a plan?

Best regards,


Thanks Chillen

Jackie xxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for the response. How should I determine my true BF then. I am in quite good shape. I've lifted consistently for over 15 years, I run and cycle and am also in good aerobic shape...
The "Chillens" recipe is definately a great recipe.

I think you need to add the nutmeg and salt to this line in the instructions. "Beat together Smart Balance, splenda, eggs, vanilla, cinnnamon, baking soda, until creamy"

I used the 2 tbls of peanut butter and cut the butter in half as you recommended. My mixture ended up a little dry (I think because of the peanut butter substitute) and I had to add some water to get it all mixed. I used a cup of walnuts in place of the raisins. I'm thinking of bumping up the amount of peanut butter next time I make them.

Thanks for this Chillen. I always like finding a recipe for a new healthy treat.

I'm a little skeptical on the other two recipes because of the chocolate chips. I have been trying to avoid sugar as much as I can. I was thinking of trying the bars without the "frosting".

I would be very interested to see your recipe for the peantut butter pie you mentioned.
The "Chillens" recipe is definately a great recipe.

I think you need to add the nutmeg and salt to this line in the instructions. "Beat together Smart Balance, splenda, eggs, vanilla, cinnnamon, baking soda, until creamy"

I used the 2 tbls of peanut butter and cut the butter in half as you recommended. My mixture ended up a little dry (I think because of the peanut butter substitute) and I had to add some water to get it all mixed. I used a cup of walnuts in place of the raisins. I'm thinking of bumping up the amount of peanut butter next time I make them.

Thanks for this Chillen. I always like finding a recipe for a new healthy treat.

I'm a little skeptical on the other two recipes because of the chocolate chips. I have been trying to avoid sugar as much as I can. I was thinking of trying the bars without the "frosting".

I would be very interested to see your recipe for the peantut butter pie you mentioned.

The chocolate chips are optional (I listed it in the event one wants to add it, I dont personally use them). And NONE of my recipes have refined sugar in them. Where do you get Frosting from?

When I make the "Chillens" I put the entire mix in a 9X13 pan and bake it (I usually "double batch it" when making bars and when putting it in this size pan), let it cool for about 5 minutes and then cut into 3"X1" bars.

I am happy you enjoyed them! :)

Best regards,

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Hey Chillen, for the "frosting" I was referring to the "pour one cup each of peanut butter and semisweet chocolate morsels over hot cake" on the bars. I was assuming this meant peanut butter chips and chocolate chips, which I thought had a lot of sugar in them, but I could be wrong. They were just things I had in my head to avoid.

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you use.

Great recipes though and thanks for sharing them.
Hey Chillen, for the "frosting" I was referring to the "pour one cup each of peanut butter and semisweet chocolate morsels over hot cake" on the bars. I was assuming this meant peanut butter chips and chocolate chips, which I thought had a lot of sugar in them, but I could be wrong. They were just things I had in my head to avoid.

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you use.

Great recipes though and thanks for sharing them.

What I usually do is melt "crunchy Smuckers NPB" over the bars and leave out the chocolate chips. I should have mentioned that, and have since modified the line in the post.


Have a good night.

Have to get to bed, then get up around 4:30 AM to train then get to work.

Have a great night Drex!

Best regards,

We have a recipe section C. Maybe you could put your cookbook samplers there too.

Also I removed that poll that you had, seeing it next to the title was driving me insane and it had been closed since July 07 I think.
We have a recipe section C. Maybe you could put your cookbook samplers there too.

Also I removed that poll that you had, seeing it next to the title was driving me insane and it had been closed since July 07 I think.

That's cool TM.

The poll mysteriously reopened a few weeks back after being closed for several months.

I will post the recipes in the recipe section.

Good to see you posting in here :)

I see you rather like your new admin privelidges, LOL :)

Best regards,

Hey man, hope all is well.



Geesh! Been a while Steve! How are you man? Good to hear from ya! :)

My wife was rather cranky this weekend (she has lupus, and her legs swelled up, and was retaining alot of water), and I tend to be the human magnet. So, I just shower her with love and kindness, and try to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Other than this, things are going well.

How are you?

Best regards,



Geesh! Been a while Steve! How are you man? Good to hear from ya! :)

Haha, yea, I've had a little more time on my hands as of late so I've been venturing around to some of my old 'stomping grounds' on the net.

My wife was rather cranky this weekend (she has lupus, and her legs swelled up, and was retaining alot of water), and I tend to be the human magnet. So, I just shower her with love and kindness, and try to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

Good man.

Other than this, things are going well.

Glad to hear!

How are you?

I've been extremely well, thanks. I've been working on taking my training business to the next level and the ball is rolling fabulously.

Plus, warm weather is here... that always lifts the spirits for me.

I found this board, and the ChillOut Log, about a month ago. I've been reading since then, and I figure it's about time to say thank you for the all of your motivational thoughts and insights.

I'm 43, and am finally making better decisions regarding health and fitness. With age comes wisdom, I guess. :D After years of false starts and half hearted attempts I am now exercising consistently and eating healthy. I just wanted to drop a note to say that of all the information I've found on this board, your forum has been the most helpful, motivational and insightful. Thank you for taking the time.


I found this board, and the ChillOut Log, about a month ago. I've been reading since then, and I figure it's about time to say thank you for the all of your motivational thoughts and insights.

I'm 43, and am finally making better decisions regarding health and fitness. With age comes wisdom, I guess. :D After years of false starts and half hearted attempts I am now exercising consistently and eating healthy. I just wanted to drop a note to say that of all the information I've found on this board, your forum has been the most helpful, motivational and insightful. Thank you for taking the time.


Thank you, Wojo! I really appreciate the time you had taken to post that!

I am 46 (47 in August). Just because we are over 40 does not mean we are over the hill, baby!

Two years ago, I was an aging and "old" 44 year old. Diet and fitness has changed my life and has awakened my personal potential and turned my body into a healthy and thriving human machine! :)

You can do it too! Yes, you can!

Don't let this age number play a role in negative mental arena. Just educate yourself on the "Bare facts" and "Truth" on what happens as we age, accept them, and then deal with them----->effectively.

What I mean by this is accepting some biological internal and external changes that naturally occur as one ages, and then take this knowledge and apply it to DIET AND TRAINING.

You WILL be pleasantly surprised what the body can do, even with us middle aged men.

We cannot do anything about the natural aging process, BUT WE CAN do something with a circumference of understanding of what happens when we age, working WITH IT, not against it, and optimizing what this has to offer.

Some important biological changes that occur are: 1. The metabolism naturally slows as we age (but this can be effectively dealt with through diet and fitness activities), 2. The Skin tends to be less elastic and doesn't bounce back--as quick (and this too can be effectively deal with--if not too serious), 3. Testosterone levels tend to drop slowly as we age (and this too can be dealt with, but still will not be as good as one in their prime).

These can be effectively dealt with in a healthy individual through appropriate diet and training.

Keep working hard, adapt to your "personal" bodily feedback, and be able to apply diet and fitness knowledge accordingly.

Good to hear from you! And again, thank you!

Open up your heart! Let our goal dreams enter! ROCK YOURSELF! :)

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I've been extremely well, thanks. I've been working on taking my training business to the next level and the ball is rolling fabulously.

Plus, warm weather is here... that always lifts the spirits for me.

Training Business?

When did you start this?

Do you have a web site?

If you do give me the address, I would like to see it!

How do you work with clients? Is it more one on one (like in person), and/or through e-mail (IM) corespondence?

I wish you much success.

I have always liked your attitude and demeanor toward fitness (very direct and knowledgeable approach), and your attitude toward members on the Weight Loss/Fitness Forums, and your class of assistance (IMO, especially the Weight Loss Forum) is second to none. Have much respect for you.

If I were looking for a trainer (which is always a possibility in the near future), you would be one of the first on my list.

I wish you much success---->young man! :)

Best regards,

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Training Business?

When did you start this?

I've been training for years. I started training while I was in college for a couple of the local gyms up there. When I graduated, I went the finance route (shoot me now) but never stopped training independently. Loved it too much.

Now I'm looking to start training full time again. I got hooked up with a sweet new gym in the area and will start training for them next month.

I've also partnered up with my college roomie who is the head trainer at a gym outside Philly. We started our own business a few months back. Some of it isn't off the ground yet, like the online training. But we started some corporate fitness, consulting with gyms, and some youth clinics.

Do you have a web site?

I do but it hasn't been released to the public yet.

We're busily shooting videos for the instructional exercise video section. We're looking to have a couple hundred vids so it's a long process. We were hoping to be open by June but that's not happening.

How do you work with clients? Is it more one on one (like in person), and/or through e-mail (IM) corespondence?


I wish you much success.

Thanks man, I really appreciate that. I was just getting really tired of the finance gig. I knew all throughout college that I wasn't following my heart... was only following the money. Immaturity at its finest. Now, with the benefit of hindsight and a bigger set of balls, I'm taking my life back, lol. I'm in no rush, but things are really looking on the up and up.

We're actually talking about running the supervised training division of my partners gym, which would pretty much allow me to stop finance all together if I want.

I have always liked your attitude and demeanor toward fitness (very direct and knowledgeable approach), and your attitude toward members on the Weight Loss/Fitness Forums, and your class of assistance (IMO, especially the Weight Loss Forum) is second to none. Have much respect for you.

If I were looking for a trainer (which is always a possibility in the near future), you would be one of the first on my list.

I wish you much success---->young man! :)

That's incredibly nice of you to say. I can't thank you enough. The respect is mutual.

Best regards,

Steve you have been seriously Negged! :yelrotflmao:

I wish you much luck in developing your business, hope it gets up and running soon!

Best wishes to you!

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