I found this board, and the ChillOut Log, about a month ago. I've been reading since then, and I figure it's about time to say thank you for the all of your motivational thoughts and insights.
I'm 43, and am
finally making better decisions regarding health and fitness. With age comes wisdom, I guess.

After years of false starts and half hearted attempts I am now exercising consistently and eating healthy. I just wanted to drop a note to say that of all the information I've found on this board, your forum has been the most helpful, motivational and insightful. Thank you for taking the time.
Thank you, Wojo! I really appreciate the time you had taken to post that!
I am 46 (47 in August). Just because we are over 40 does not mean we are over the hill, baby!
Two years ago, I was an aging and "old" 44 year old. Diet and fitness has changed my life and has awakened my personal potential and turned my body into a healthy and thriving human machine!
You can do it too! Yes, you can!
Don't let this age number play a role in negative mental arena. Just educate yourself on the "Bare facts" and "Truth" on what happens as we age, accept them, and then deal with them----->effectively.
What I mean by this is accepting some biological internal and external changes that naturally occur as one ages, and then take this knowledge and apply it to DIET AND TRAINING.
You WILL be pleasantly surprised what the body can do, even with us middle aged men.
We cannot do anything about the natural aging process, BUT WE CAN do something with a circumference of understanding of what happens when we age, working WITH IT, not against it, and optimizing what this has to offer.
Some important biological changes that occur are: 1. The metabolism naturally slows as we age (but this can be effectively dealt with through diet and fitness activities), 2. The Skin tends to be less elastic and doesn't bounce back--as quick (and this too can be effectively deal with--if not too serious), 3. Testosterone levels tend to drop slowly as we age (and this too can be dealt with, but still will not be as good as one in their prime).
These can be effectively dealt with in a healthy individual through appropriate diet and training.
Keep working hard, adapt to your "personal" bodily feedback, and be able to apply diet and fitness knowledge accordingly.
Good to hear from you! And again, thank you!
Open up your heart! Let our goal dreams enter! ROCK YOURSELF!