Thanks Chillen, yes I do have a problem, the thing that is letting my training/diet down the most is alcohol, when I get back from the pub after drinking I do think about diet and stuff but I just don't care at the time if you get me and I just usually make a sandwich and eat it which I know is going over my base line. I drank way 2 much last night, I don't usually, I never get pissed or anything, and now I feel bad, my own fault I know, I'm not goanna go out tonight, and I don't drink at home, so I wont be drinking. I love going out Friday and Saturday nights, I cant stop doing that or I will go crazy and I wont see anyone, I might start drinking squash down there, any suggestions??
Jackie xx
I sincerely hope this day finds you well, happy, and personally content.
I have been working some 11P to 7A shifts because the Network Supervisor for the night shift had a baby, and I volunteered to work it in his absence. My personal schedule had been "bonked", and I had to make some personal adjustments.
Actually, I like the change, because it throws my entire bodily clock for a loop (you know instead of sleeping the traditional hours), I have to sleep during the day. And, for the past several months, this hasn’t been the pattern. Like wise, I had to adjust my diet (eating pattern; I always adjust calories according need/activity so this wasn’t an issue) and workout schedule. I have done this for quite some time, with fantastic success. When life changes, use knowledge of diet and fitness to adjust to the changes to keep you on track.
And, this leads to my post for you.
There are many persons in this world that live a rich, happy, and fulfilled lives without drinking alcohol, and there are those that live a rich, happy, and fulfilled lives with drinking alcohol in moderation.
The essential key IMO, is taking the knowledge one obtains from diet and fitness and blending it within their lifestyle to such a
"personal degree" that
permits persistence and consistency within the specific diet and fitness goals one seeks to
"grant the allowance" within one's lifestyle to
"earn" this diet and fitness goal.
What a person enjoys doing when away from work (recreation, etc) can be "different" then the next person. Likewise what a person does for employment can be different. A persons overall lifestyle can be different, as can money variances, responsibilities, and other personal factors. We cannot provide a blanket effect for all, but there are some educated steps one can try to implement within their lifestyle that can permit one to maintain their goal path and allow "personal" recreation that one likes.
One doesn't have to drink alcohol, and likewise one doesn't have to watch diet or include exercise. "All three are choices" in everyday average living. If one makes the "choice" to drink and includes this in their lifestyle, and has diet and fitness goals (another choice), then one can use diet and fitness knowledge and blend this in their personal life and
"make it work through an educated reaction."
Education of diet is essential, and adapting/modifying this diet within one's lifestyle is key, along with understanding the benefits and limitations of exercise equipment available to use and blending this in--and around lifestyle variances.
Outside hiring a personal trainer/nutritionist (which I know presently isn't a option), you are going to have to be your own personal trainer and nutritionist and design a training program and diet structure within your lifestyle that works in conjunction with your activities on the weekends.
And, this is possible.
However, it will take some pre-work and personal development time to get it started. And, this begins with the "degree of seriousness" you personally have for your personal diet and fitness choice, and the willingness to garner the knowledge "necessary" to understand yourself within this diet and fitness knowledge, and then appropriately and personally applying it within your life to allow you to earn your goal you seek.
Take some time and seek knowledge of the almighty calorie and energy balance. Really and truly understand this. A lot of persons can discouraged through lack of knowledge in what there trying to do and--how to properly adapt this knowledge within their likes and dislikes and their personal environment (and when it changes).
This means making threads and asking questions. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches. This means reading books, etc.
Take the time to learn about different exercises you can do with your limited exercise equipment. Learn about the different types of body weight exercises. Body weight exercising is an excellent approach to your fitness.
This means to get to making threads and asking questions about them. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches. This means reading applicable books that are applicable to your situation and goal choice.
Earn some understanding on the calories burned during certain exercises that are applicable to you and personal situation.
This means to get to making threads and asking questions about them. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches. This means reading applicable books that are applicable to your situation and goal choice.
If you choose to drink in moderation, then
in-between work and this recreational activity, "fit in your diet and fitness goals to
such a personal extent" that this percentage cannot possibly be erased with what makes you happy and desire to do.
Application of knowledge of diet and fitness along with application and knowledge of your limited equipment is the key. You can live your life with diet and fitness and be content with it at the same time.
You don’t have to get obsessed, but
you do need to apply "enough of you".
"You need to just blend it in your life just enough" if you want it bad enough, to allow compliance progression toward your goal. We are not striving to be fitness athletes; however, the speed and agility of one's goal can be determined by application within one's lifestyle.
Go at your "educated" speed despite the naysayers. There are always going to be opinions on what you do, "let your education on diet and fitness guide you" according to the bodily feedback you are getting.
Here are some ideas for you to think about:
1. Take your knowledge of the basics and advanced basics of diet (i.e. calorie requirements particular to you, laws of energy balance, etc), and put them to work for you in accordance to what you do. Put them to work for you not against you.
For example: You could develop a 90-10% approach on your diet (or something simular). The 90% could be the time you are working, etc, or in-between your days off (or weekends you want to go out).
I know there are many variable elements from one person to the next, and what works for one may not work for another.
However, I have found with me (anyway), that the body works in "trends" or a pattern as developed through the person. For example, if I were to eat in deficits for say one complete week, and then eat over my MT Line the 8th day, say about 1000 calories, I tend to be leaner the following day. The following day I may go back to a small deficit, but the extra calories while providing some bodily benefits (because I eat healthy), didn’t impede my goal path (I have written many posts on this so I will not bore you with this information). And, I do this quite often. I do this for many reasons, but my point here is, that my diet during the 7 week period is spot on with my goal path I want, and eating over doesn’t hurt it (and IMO benefits the situation), and this is my point I am trying to make.
If you can design an acceptable eating pattern (calorie range) that fits within your personal goals during the times you work (or away from your problem weekend), then eating over (or possibly drinking over) your limit with reason, isn't going to hurt your goal you seek. A diet doesn’t "necessarily" need to be 100% clean, and in your case, this is even more the case.
The 90% period will involve a degree of self-discipline and a degree of control you are personally content with. Dependent on your knowledge of food calories (which should improve if you are reading this the way I want you to) and your ability to accurately mentally track will depend on whether you write them down or not. You could begin doing this and as time progresses and you get more comfortable, you can eliminate it; however, do what it takes to get this job completed.
One possible method is to view your calories "specifically within a 24 hour period" during the 90% period. All calorie requirements that is tailored toward your personal goal are to be eaten in a 24 hour period, and if work hours (etc) change, you can adjust this accordingly. Then with "appropriately" tracking your calories within an acceptable personal method during the 90% period you will KNOW entering the weekend where you are currently. You should know the amount of calories you ate, the deficits created each day, and the total deficit for the 90% period (say a 5 day period).
Here you have a "trend" of a specific amount of days in a calorie range shaped toward your goals, and when you are entering into your 10% (weekend), the body (IMO) will be more "tolerant" to a "reasonable" amount of surplus (be it calories from alcohol or other foods).
Have a solid understanding of what your calorie v activity ratio is like leading to the weekend (or days off your concerned with) in accordance to your personal goal, and with proper development, the weekend 10% cannot possibly wipe out the previous 90% IF you are consistent and have a degree of self control.
Here you have personal and accurate knowledge that during the week you maintained (deficits) and trained according to your personal goal, and know when entering your 10% period--that you are staying on your goal path and enjoying what you like, and know you will pick right up where you left off by entering back into your 90%. This 90-10 is maintaining a consistent deficit and the 10% cant possibly erase it (if there is a degree of self-control).
In order to lose fat tissue one has to have a history of consistent calorie deficits, and you can erase this 90% by over indulging far too much or to such an extent that you ate and drank all your deficits for the entire week in one to two days. The body can be very tolerant to excess calories after a deficit,
but this can go only so far.
Therefore allow yourself the drink on the weekend, but have a degree of self control as to not allow you to erase the 90%.
And you do this with active mental participation in what you are doing on-the-fly. You can shape the two days in two 24 hour cycles. Obtain some knowledge on the calories contained in the type and mounts of lager you drink, and have a general idea on how much you are eating. I am not saying to write these down (LOL), what I am saying is try to limit yourself to obtain a calorie circumference---so you can KNOW whether you have or have not overindulged on these two days, and have in fact erased the 90%. Lets face a fact here. If you deficit for 5 days (say you created a total calorie deficit of 700c per day, 5X700=3,500. This is an approximate 1 pound of tissue. Now you enter your two day weekend, through alcohol and eating, you could possibly eat in excess 1,500 per day, and match your deficit you created during the week. I personally believe that some of this will be tolerated by the body because of the previous deficit trend (to an extent); however, you just ate up some of your progress that you made the previous 5 days, in a two day period.
My point here, is to eat and drink in moderation--and set up a personally tolerable plan of attack for these two days--using the knowledge of DIET as your guide and the tools of this knowledge to lead you through it.
If you want I can give you some ideas. I first need to find out--just how much personal input and effort you are willing to put in to allow you to have fun---and
CONTROL your diet and fitness goals at the same time.
Jackie, I say this again, it is appropriate knowledge and application of this knowledge that will assist you, stave off heart ache, and allow you to live life to the fullest extent, and deal effectively with problem areas of life that effect your personal goals.
Have a degree of self control during these two days. Then after these two days, you go back into your 90% period. There may be times (especially) when you see personal progress, you may "opt" to remove one of the two days (from the 10%), which in this case would raise the percentage ratio of the 90%, of course.
The 90% period is the most critical. This is where you train and diet for your personal goal around work activities and is the time that will bring the most benefits. If you falter here (say diet, and not train) it adds to the 10% percentage, and can increase your odds of failure.
If for example you have an idea circumference of the calorie ingested on the weekend, and you may have went just a tad too far, you can use your knowledge of your personal calorie intake, knowledge of calories burned during exercise, and use one (or more) of the 5 days and draw the--"additional" deficit, to make up for it, and maintain your other goal deficit for the week (if you understand what I am saying). See how this simple application of knowledge can work? There are many, many, things one can do when they get ARMED with diet and fitness knowledge--to mess around and manipulate the almighty calorie v activity ratio.
1. What is your current work schedule?
2. What is your current training routine?
3. What is your current calorie approximations, and projected target deficits?
I have followed your journal form the beginning, but I want to get this narrowed down, and assist you to USE DIET AND FITNESS knowledge to work with--not against your two day problem. Never doubt my sincerety in helping you. I have been there from the beginning, and as long as you are breathing, I will always try to help you. However, my assistance (or another) can only go as far as you willing to apply it, and in some cases willing to modify what you apply. Believe me when I tell you, if you learn all you can about diet and fitness, you CAN modify the contents of this knowledge and make it work for you and your lifestyle. Lets work on this part. Okay?!
You have it within you to do all that you want, Jackie. It just takes the tools of knowledge and working these tools into your lifestyle of likes and dislikes, and applying "enough of you" to get it done.