The ChillOut Log

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can you imagine!

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Confirmation #: 25155400-071207093810

Event Name: Summer Sizzler Triathlon
Date: 07/29/07
Location: Clermont's Waterfront Park
Event Web Site:

Post Event Snack
Plenty of Can-Do Attitude

If that was all I was bringing to the event I would never make a 1 mile swim, 25 mile bike, and 6.24 mile run would I? HELL NO!! I'd have no chance. So, I am pitching in on the Chillen Log promo feel good inspire to win thread here. since Chillen is draggin his feet today, I am taking over for just a second.

Why? and what makes me qualified? just a few things.... I have a resume of sporting activities that will impress the youngsters, and make believers out of the ol pharts!

What do I know and what would I say if I could impart all of my knowledge to you?


that's it. Everythign that I have ever been able to accomplish has been because of others. There is strength in being people dependant. As long as it is not dependance on another "individual." Individuals will let us down lots of times. BUT- other people are invariably there for us, and we are invariably there for them.

Be tranmsparent about what you REALLY WANT, like winning a 15K verses an 8 minute mile.

the sooner we can deplete our concern for what others think about us, the sooner we can become a better us.

I would not be doing a triathlon this weekend without other people. I would not have recovered from a serious skydiving injury without other people. I would not have the typing ability I have without other people-HA!

So this weekend, I will be taking this fitness community, even you Chillen (diet), Sparrow (omg), George (keep it simple) Stroutman (ART and lose some weight), PB (watch me go youngster) and definately the DOC (carrying on) oh cripes,,, and Derwyddon (look at me go) and the list goes on and on.....

That my good friends is a pile more than sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses!!

this log is chuck full of YOU CAN DO IT!! Personal Power! and Dig deep within yourself to make it- stuff.


But- for me. Without OTHERS I have a very hard time diggin in, seeking deep down, and stepping up.

SO- to this log I add.

What is not within me IS WITHIN WE! and when I allow there to be a WE, there is so much more potential within ME!

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derwydon just showed us a giant cock.
was it for FF or chillen? or both?
LOL jk

ps: use anything out of this post in out of context and i will killlllll you!

oh, and nice post, FF! I like the attitude man! nice little ryme at the end too hahahaha
threee amigooooos
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hey, chillen. i must apolagise for not replying to your posts or even reading them. since last night, to this morning, i went through the whole chillout log and skimmed over everything i didnt read. on page 17, you asked about my lat and i didnt reply. this is because i was not as faithful as i am to the chillout log as i am now. i check the log everyday now and im not going to miss a post. its too important! but thanks for the thought. i read the post you wrote for me back there. thankyou so much.
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this morning was completely AWESOME!
i ate woke up, ate awesome protein pancakes(pre w/o)
read the chillout log for a bit (back a couple pages too)
read the bible
all of this really gave me a great feeling going into my leg workout(i only work legs with bw exercises FOR NOW). i always feel good mentally after reading the chillout log, and the bible inspires me spiritually.
my leg workout was SO fun. i am really happy with how easy pistols are now. i can easily complete three sets of five perfect pistols.
my workout was
3x5 pistols with a chain
2x15 one foot calf raises on a plate
10x3 1LBS(one leg box squat)
i got footage of the 1lbs. some people dont understand what i mean when i say "i do one leg squats". i think this is my 4th set.

what do you think?
that little platform thing is my 6 inch incline for bulgarians and lunges. but 1lbs are too fun.
before, i did 3x8 1lbs. that was easy. so i increased the volume a bit and this workout was too easy also. i think i will try 3x10 next time i do 1lbs. i weigh to get the amount i was squatting with one leg is bw-working leg?
im also going to get footage of pistols. those are more difficult but just as fun!
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the pistol:

"The free-standing single leg squat is even more demanding than the off-box version. First off, you'll need tremendous flexibility in your hamstrings. This is because instead of letting your free leg hang down, you'll hold it out in front of you! Performance is very similar to the off-box version described above, but obviously it's much more difficult. "

it is a free standing 1 leg squat. you just put your non working leg locked out horizontally so that you can squat completely with the working leg.
if you want to add weight, you can use dumbells. a barbell would be tricky because you arent able to handle the weight and balance like with dumbells. i have a weighted vest, so i can add weight like that :p

but an ATG body squat with 1 leg is pretty challenging. want to compete? i bet i can do more pistols than you!
and the bulgarian? what is that exactly?

when i get back from this tri on sunday, i will do this stuff with you if i may? i have a workout from evo I've been using, in combo with a 3 day series from NAE82, and chillen is going to help me wrap it all up with nutrition, then Men's Health will be bangin down my door for sex ideas! hahahhahaa
if you want to add weight, you can use dumbells. a barbell would be tricky because you arent able to handle the weight and balance like with dumbells. i have a weighted vest, so i can add weight like that :p

but a body squat with 1 leg is pretty challenging. want to compete? i bet i can do more pistols than you!

OH!! I will not forget this one. BUT- Sparrow will kick my tail if i play like that right now. I have a mental deficiency you may not be prepared for. For fun I stood up and just did 5 on each. Balance is a strong area for me (martial artist).

NEXT WEEK! yer on!!!
hmmmm you just did 5 pistols? NICE! ROCK ON!!! was that your first time trying them? thats impressive if it was. my first time doing pistols, i fell a couple times LOL

the bulgarians are sort of like lunges. you must understand the classic bulgarian split squat before the incline.
"Stand approximately three to four feet in front of a bench with a barbell on your shoulders or a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Place your weight on one heel, and with the opposite leg, reach back and place the top of your toes on the edge of the bench. (Note: If you're having problems with the set-up, use an incline bench to "pin" your foot in and prevent it from moving around.)

Once you're locked in, "screw" your heel into the ground and elevate the rib cage. Lower your body down to a point where your opposite knee is very close to or lightly touches the ground, then drive up through the heel to the starting position. Perform for the necessary number of reps, then repeat on the opposite side.

the incline
Bulgarian Squat Off a 6" Box

Pain Rating: *****

For those that didn't derive enough pain from the lunges off a box, this version again extends the ROM to put a thorough beatdown on your wheels. Dust that aerobic step off and place it about three feet in front of the bench. All the same rules apply to this version as the standard one, and don't forget that ROM is both your best friend and your worst enemy here. During performance, chant this mantra: "Pain is good; extreme pain is extremely good!"

all quotes taken from this article TESTOSTERONE NATION
actually the single leg squat is a very common exercise for freefly skydiving, we use a sit fly as our stable base position. In martial arts a lotus defense is based in a minor single leg squat, and we rotate that position in 360's one way then the other.

You are getting tangled up with an athlete PB......hehehehe but it so happens I like you alot.
LOL oh no's! an athlete!

bring it on FF, some good ol competition is what i need right now! pshhhh... lotus who do you think you are!
hahah just poking fun. lets see what those endurance trained running sticks can do! hahahaa jk about the sticks
NOT ONLY THAT Protein Boy! but i also just bought my first container of Whey protein!!! and I gopt the mixer container too!!!! PUNK! hhahahahaaa
LOLOL omg! how old are you?! this is your first container of whey!?!?!? oh man thats strange! GJ! what flavor? i love whey! i hope it helps you out! do you have weight training experience?
and i dont drive a vehicle yet. lol just a bike. bikes can get you anywhere a car can with the right motor though lol haha
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