From my prospective you have already honed your body into a lethal weaponsince you already have the tools to take your body to the next level I will be cheerin' you are da make it happen.
I have always, "believed it". I am the type of person that believes that one has to have the "tools inside" (the self) to be able to prepare the path, and accomplish the things one wants to accomplish. My body (your body), can do more than it thinks it can, even at the times when it screams to the contrary.
I am sitting at 6.8 percent body fat at the present. Had a DEXA scan last week, though my body weight (at the time of the scan) dropped a bit, 167/168 (water retention was low). Being 48 (on Tuesday), my body isn't so quick to put on the muscle as it is on strength, but this is just the facts of life. Besides the physical appearance, I am more happy with the blood, urine, cholesterol, and stress tests.
Thank you for your positive comments, they mean a lot to me.
How are you Buffed Stuff? How are you coming along with your personal goals?
Best wishes for your continued success,