I apologize, but I do not remember your goals, can you tell me what they are?
How long have you been doing the current program, and can you break this down for me?
Its good to hear you are doing well. Hang in, be tough, very good results go to people who hang in when the going gets tough; no one every said meeting a goal would be easy. If were, all would be walking around in skin they wanted. Tougher than tough, you are.
Haven't really posted my goals on here lol, just starting posting without introduction after I joined
Pretty much my goals right now are weight-loss and strength.
My exercise is pretty good, diet is my downfall though, always has been.
Right now my weekly exercise is pretty much
Monday - Rest day
Tuesday - Boxing class
Wednesday - Cycle class
Thursday - Weights
Friday - Cardio (machines at gym)
Saturday - Cycle or cardio
Sunday - Weights
And I do a whole body program for weights, not split. And pretty much my cardio will consist of 10 minutes on 4 machines (cross trainer, treadmill, rower, bike or stepper)
But yeah, this schedule definantly varies - like that pilates class was a one off instead of boxing. And sometimes when I have work all day I get tired (on my feet the whole shift) and I end up not going to the gym.
Also, I posted a question in the weightloss section to you (in the "I want to be lean" topic), and my question was - Is it bad to be hungry? When I restrict my calories, as expected, i get hungry - is it really bad for your body to be hungry for a while? I find personally if I stay hungry for too long I just end up like bingeing on carbs. Lol I think I just answered my own question. When I am hungry I should eat something otherwise I will end up bingeing haha
Also with my personal schedule - I am a casual employee so the days I work varies which can affect my exercise, and I have like no contact hours at my course so yeah, work dictates my time.
I changed my weights program. I used a template I got given by my instructors at the Fitness Institute of Australia where I study, the guy there said sticking to this will always work (like, don't do it all the time but if you are lost go back to this for guidance) for clients. Pretty much it is
Horizontal Press
Horizontal Row
Vertical Press
Step Up
Vertical Row
Outside/Inside Leg Press
*60 secs aerobic station between each.
Couldn't really do vertical row this time because I did this particular session at home with my dumbbells and fitball. But yeah, was pretty happy with it.