Weight-Loss Team 2 Chat Thread

Oh and I am happy to report that I am down 7 pounds from the start of the year and 4 pounds down since the start of the challenge!!!

Starting weight Jan 1st: 203
Starting weight for challenge: 200
Current weight: 196
YAY congrats! and welcome to the challenge!

PS, You're on the winning team! :)
dreamingthin- UHHH why are you talking about buttholes? Oh and you have a fabulous bum.


Its Karls beautiful bum.
You have a nice ass too. ;)

OH and what are both of you guy..sies names? :D
apparently I missed one hell of a chat session. that's what I get for going to sleep. :ack2:
finally found my team sweet cheeks avi. didn't want to post a pic of my own backside, and since Kate's already taken Karls ;) I had to resort to google. ah well. it's still a great set of cheeks. :D
Darn, I was thinking of getting my own "Sweet Cheeks Avatar" last night after I saw cabbies and then I woke up and everyone else had already done it! I guess that means we're thinking as a team huh? Yay!
Innocent bystander

You guys are making it hard for me to look at this site while at work! :smilielol5:

Good thing I work nights and the boss isn't in.

Good Luck everyone.
With all the cheeky avitars, I had to change mine to a picture of my cock. Enjoy. biggrinjester:
I guess I'm just really immature, because I'm still giggling each time I see his avitar now. I can't help it. he really is the cock in the hen house for Team 1 now.
Awwww, guys! Your bums all look so good. Go Team Sweet Cheeks! I'll have to look for a picture later, or GASP! Take a pic of my own.

Just an update: Have lost 2.8 pounds since start of challenge, woooo! And my grad school applications are due today (AH!) So after many hours of writing about myself, I'll be done this sucker. And will go to the Y and do weights and my first swim of 2009! Hope everyone has a fantastic day. And Trops, nice cock.
Just to let you guys know, Team Tits is going with all original avitars.

Take that you cheeky guys. :D
in response to trops snide comments about snagging pictures from the internet and using them....HA! just for that, ya'll get to stare at MY ass for the next 6 weeks.

too bad the pic's so small, it actually has "sweet cheeks" written at the bottom.
in response to trops snide comments about snagging pictures from the internet and using them....HA! just for that, ya'll get to stare at MY ass for the next 6 weeks.

too bad the pic's so small, it actually has "sweet cheeks" written at the bottom.

Love the real shots! :hurray:
How' everyones EXCERCISE and EATING going.... I never thought in a MILLION, TRILLION years I would say that I'm sick of the Tits and Ass!!! :D I will be keeping my avitar... if you squint, it kinda looks like an ASS!!! OR.... some of my posts prove I can be an ASS!!! :D