The Most Expensive Teas In The World!!!
- The most expensive tea in the world is the original Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) from Wuyi China. In 2002, 20 grams (about 2/3rds of an ounce) of Da Hong Pao sold for approximately $23,000 US. The original Da Hong Pao tea trees are over 350 years old. Previously, it has only been offered to leaders of government, emperors, religious leaders, etc. In 1972, Mao Zedong gave President Richard Nixon 50 grams of this tea during his visit to China. As the story goes, Nixon was apparently insulted with such a "small" gift. That is, until someone pointed out that those 50 grams represented 50% of all the Da Hong Pao harvested that year.
- Singapore Yellow Gold Tea Buds 50 grams $150. Supposedly has gold flakes sprinkled in throughout the loose leaf mix.
- Ritz Carlton of Hong Kong $8000 per couple.
- Handcrafted Diamond Tea Bags made by Boodles Jewelers $15,000 (see picture below)
- A rare Chinese tea named after the Buddhist deity Guan Yin, Iron Goddess of Mercy. $1,700 per pound. Can be brewed 7 times before losing its flavor!