Weight-Loss T2_Trucker and wishes Xmas Fight out!

What up, Fenster ?!?!

I'll be up your way Jan. 10th (weather pending, obv). I got two freebie tickets to go see Gregg Allman at the Casino. Definitely a band I'd like to see.

Well, one can either talk or do shit. I know which one I'm doing. Press your ear up to the speaker and see if you can hear me talking shit at all. Yep, didn't think so.

Crazy quiet in here. I'm def losing weight by default. Three days of soup will do that to a person :puke:
wtf you doing 3 days of soup for? lol i bounced back up over xmas - not even gonna bother weighing for another few weeks. Just get my crap under control.
Got made project manager for a project at work so im gonna be uber busy :eek:
I did well last Saturday. I did get the Veal Parm. (they baked their veal) added an extra side of salad in place of the 'skeddy' and avoided all booze except one glass of red wine. I set myself up for a 2000 cal day, with exercise burning about 300 of it off.

Welp, let's see if I can keep my house of cards from tumbling. I'm trying like hell not to sneeze in that direction...

I've never been a big fan of veal. And one glass of red wine is actually very beneficial to your health! Don't feel ashamed for that!
Just checkin' in on everyone. I'm on top of my game pretty solidly considering. There's no way in hell I'm gonna let myself down, again.
Time for some rev up! Whatchu guys up too? :D
I got rid of the xmas/NY excess. Finally culling the excess crap off! :D