Weight-Loss T2_Trucker and wishes Xmas Fight out!



Coffee Addict
Both T2_Trucker and myself have had trouble with those peskty last 30lb.
The challenge has been laid down, first to loose 30lb gets an xmas pressie from the other (even if its late!)

So my start weight: 176
Goal weight: 145

Anyone else wanting to talk smack (no offence taken or given here, it is all talk) feel free to join in :)

That last 30lb need to BE GONE!
Bring it on old man!
Just read this and although i would love to lose 30 more i think i would be too skinny.I would love to follow along and wish you both the best of luck. I love competition.


PS. Las Vegas has trucker at a 3:1 favorite. :D
anyone can join in, doesnt need to be 30lb. Just needs to be that annoying bit you just cant seem to shake and need some kickass!

Oh yeah, and bring on the smack talk!

Im gonna kick all you're butts!
As for the xmas pressie, i was thinking people who loose can send people who win an xmas card or postcard of where they live or similar :)
Cheap and fun!
woops!! Missed your 'in' post!! Well now, another contender....hrrrrrmmmmm! I can tell this is gonna get competitive!! :D
The puck has been dropped at center ice, bitches.

Swoooooosh !!

223 to 193.

Loser has to post a full frontal 'Nudie of Shame' pic.
oooo now theres an awesome idea! cheaper and easier!
But i do say cover the 'bits' pic.
This is a family show here ...

but a hidiously grotty pic of saggy skin whilst in a thong bikini and face blurred may be acceptable, though disgusting.

So you might wanna break out your thong T2_Fucker ! Cause im gonna whip your tubby ass :D
I'm not "in" but I can be a little thread cheerleader with curvie!! :blush5:

I'll send the wiener (of course I mean winner!) a post card of where I live!!!!!

Do y'all like Elvis??? :angel:

Now, lets get the show on the road!!!
:lurk5:I've got my popcorn out:lurk5:

This is gonna be fun!

Will Wishy get washy? Or will the Genie grant that last wish...

Will Korrie be a Force or a Farce?

Will the Trucker drop his load, or get hijacked?

Stay tuned...