Weight-Loss Summer Solstice Challenge- Blue Team Thread

Good Luck everyone.
Well done everyone! :hurray: Parkour didn't check in and was running last at the end of last week, so I guess that will be the person who gets eliminated this week. :(

I always wonder whether it is going to be me that gets eliminated! I hate to see anyone go.:angelsad2:
Great Job this week everyone! You all did so well!

I have some great news. This was a non-elimination week! You will all still get a chance to keep going on to next week!
sorry I never checked in last week!!! I never even got onto the computer last week (my computer at home is still crashed) I MISS MY COMPUTER!!!!!! (I gained 7 pounds, which would probably have me eliminated anyways)

I feel kinda happy im eliminated ....its a bit of a relief as this is a TEAM sport, and I wasnt being a team player... I kinda fell off the horse! But i'm getting back on this week!

good luck everyone!! (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))
Jillzy and Parkour - The main thing is that you refocus and get back to losing weight. Everyone has moments of weakness where they lose focus. We all splurge from time to time and a little weight is gained. For instance most people on this forum gained weight over Christmas. Immediate forgiveness is the only answer. What is done is done. It is amazing how quickly any such splurge gain disappears when you refocus and take strict control of your food once more and get back to doing regular exercise.

I feel so silly about all the weight loss projects that I abandoned over the past twenty years because I had splurged and put on a bit of weight.
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I agree about not abandoning weight loss projects Omega.

I am not abandoning mine. I must say though that I've been doing badly this past fortnight and I am resigning from the Blue Team now.

I think that this is the best thing for the team (you never know, without that weight you guys might not need an elimination). Also I think it may be better for me right now. I think that if I stay in the Challenge, the best I'll do is develop a catch up mentality - and that might be counter productive.

I am happy. My life is good. My fitness is fine. However, I do need to deal properly with my binge eating issues. On a month to month basis, they're not making me fatter - but from week to week they sometimes are. Also, they're stopping me from really losing weight and even the massive motivation boost I got from starting this challenge hasn't changed that - I just rationalized my way into letting them continue. I think I'm best off considering my next steps as though I'm in a clean slate situation.

If there is something about me resigning that actually makes things worse for the team somehow, I'm sure Brandy will let me know and then of course I will sign in.

Jillzy - I totally feel for you with the computer issues. I really do. I hope there is a way for you to get yourself properly on-line again soon.
Parkour - I see that you are still resolved to move forward into a healthier life and this is admirable because it is important and it is challenging and is a challenge many people choose to let pass. Good on you for caring and trying - persistence will turn the key.

I am putting off checking diaries for a few more days but that is a temporary thing - I've loved being part of Blue and the impetus that's given me to start getting to know you guys and I want to keep that going.

I totally agree with Omega about not giving up. I suppose that seems odd because I'm giving up the challenge!! But truly, no way will I give up trying to be as healthy as I can, being able to move properly, being able to choose and wear clothes that make me feel normal and confident! I have a quote I like (short on time for sourcing it), but it's something like - It's not falling down that makes failure, it's staying down.

Good luck to you all and good luck to me!!

Go Blue!!!!
I hope that the scales are being kind to everyone.

I am sorry that Felici has decided to leave our team. We all experience temporary gains from time to time and binge eating is something that many of us have experienced.
I'm sorry that Felici is resigning. That just means that if this team isn't in first place with weight loss, then Felici will be the one "eliminated". Good Luck to everyone. I hope you are all getting to experience the SPRING weather, and feel the sunshine on your faces. Good Luck tomorrow everyone!
I too am sad to see Felici go. We will miss you!! I can understand on taking a break from the challenge mentality, however. It was difficult for me at first as well.

Scales were kind this week - not sure why, as I've been sick for the past few days! Hope everyone else is enjoying spring!!
HELLO BLUE TEAM!! You all did very well this week. BLUE would have come in first place; but 2 people never checked in, and one person resigned. When someone doesn't check in, I have to assume no weight loss.... PLUS there is a chance that they gained weight. But... assuming everyone who didn't check in didn't gain or lose any weight... here are the team percentages:

BLUE TEAM: .47% loss
RED TEAM: .098% loss
BLACK TEAM: .037% loss.

However, every RED TEAM member signed in this week, so they are moved to first place.

Here is the BLUE TEAM break down:

Eldaweesda: 1.12% loss this week / 3.84% loss so far
Omega: .92% loss this week/ 4.20% loss so far
Bikinibound: .68% loss this week/ 2.02% loss so far
heathercb04: .48% loss this week/ 2.39% loss so far
Keepitoff83: Didn't Check in this week
Parkour: Didn't check in this week
Felici- Resigned.

Since Felici has decided to resign from the challenge, She is the one "eliminated" this week. Parkour and Priti have a chance to sign in for next week.

Again.. GREAT JOB this week to everyone.

I just wanted to say thank you to EVERYONE for checking in. Even if you gained... you checked in anyways. And I admire and appreciate your honesty. Most people get discouraged, and don't check in at all. Please don't get discouraged. I have been using this forum for 1.5 years; and I lost 10 pounds right in the beginning, then gained 20 ... and didn't lose anything for over 8 months!!! Everyone has their ups and downs. ALL of you know that. Thanks for sticking with it. It will get you to where you want to be.
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oh dear i am so so sorry for not checking in......i have no idea why it slipped my mind :( being on two blue teams really messed me up in the head!
Sorry for not checking in again :( I had a family member pass away recently and I know I've gained weight. I'm honestly scared to even check the scale. Seriously I just can't. It's really stressing me out. I'm going resign too. I'm really not mentally there right now. Sorry guys. Good luck to everyone.
Aw Parkour I'm so sorry to see you go. :( But take care of yourself!! Having yourself in a good state of mind is the most important thing - so take some time and focus on helping yourself feel better. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully we'll see you back here in a few weeks ready to kick some butt. :)

And Keepitoff - you're still in the running, girl! Let's keep up the good work! I've nearly forgotten to check in as well, and I'm only one ONE blue team. :) So no worries. Keep it up!
I too am sorry to hear that you have decided to resign from the challenge Parkour. I hope that you heal quickly emotionally and are able to come to terms with your loss.