Weight-Loss Summer Shake-Up Challenge Chat Thread

We just picked up a paddle and some life jackets - hopefully I will be on the water this time tomorrow!

What did you get for kayaks? I built my own a few years ago. The rest of the family has their own as well, all fairly small recreational boats, Mine is an 18' wooden sea kayak.
What did you get for kayaks? I built my own a few years ago. The rest of the family has their own as well, all fairly small recreational boats, Mine is an 18' wooden sea kayak.

Oh, nothing fancy. It is a 10' Pelican 100. It was on sale.

It says its weight capacity is 275, so I figure I am okay. :)
Heather - you make sure that you flag up to us the minute you hit 237 and get that great BMI milestone. I am sure that I mentioned earlier in this thread the fact that BMI numbers that divide by 5 are a really big deal - it seems like the medical profession likes to invent wonderful terms for them. I certainly celebrated when I got my BMI down to every one of them - whether I knew the term for them or not!!! If you let us all know then we can all celebrate with you.
Big day for me tomorrow, quest-wise.

Tomorrow marks the 3-month anniversary of my new lifestyle.

It is my weigh-in day (once a week), my measurement day (once a month), and the day I take photos for comparison (every 3 months).

Not sure if I will have the guts to post those pictures, but who knows?
Cord - that is indeed a huge anniversary. I just know that those pictures are going to show a staggering difference and you will post them somewhere on the forum. I can feel a party looming!
Cord, you have managed almost exactly a five point BMI loss. That's big stuff amigo. To post or not to post? Only you can answer, but we'll be around to celebrate if you do.

I have been managing to work in exercise despite living in a sponge. I did some elliptical this morning, a walk/run session at the college indoor track and a short but intense spinning session this afternoon.

Really hoping for a loss this week, but...
Karl - you are absolutely right - I was just saying regarding Heather - scientists and doctors make up whole new names for BMI ranges every 5 units of BMI. The border between healthy / overweight and the one between overweight / obesity are exactly 5 units apart. If you can move your physique a whole notch along that kind of scale - that is an enormous accomplishment in a 3-month period. I believe that Cord's photos are going to show a stunning difference.
Preemptive congrats on the milestone, Cord. I can only hope I have the will to stay on the right track for three months as well. That you did so is nothing to scoff at.

Well, today was a good day for me. I got up feeling great, and there was a beautiful blue cloudless sky, and I couldn't have stopped myself from going outside if I had wanted to. So I went for a run. I ran, jogged, and walked, with an occasional sprint thrown in for about 2.5 hours. I hadn't even meant to go for more than an hour, but I just kept going away from my house, and by the time I made it to a place I knew well, I was many miles away from the start.

At the school I ended up at, I spent about 20 minutes practicing some crazier martial arts type stuff, then jogged back home, getting lost in an airfield at one point. All in all it was a really nice day, and I hope to have many more like it in the coming weeks.

I just looked at the map and checked the exact route I took. It ended up being 8.3 miles all told, which was done at an average of 3.3 mph. I doubt I'll take the same route again (I like to mix it up), but who knows? Well, that's all from me for now.
Heather - sorry I cannot help on the asthma question. I have heard that swimming is really good for helping people with asthma so it might be worth you taking that up to improve things in general. I couldnt say what to do for the immediate exercise though. If I were you I would PM Steve or pop into his diary. I am sure that he will know what the best thing for you to do would be. He seems to be always prepared to help.

Jake - one minute you are saying that you are not managing to do anything and then you pull an 8.3 mile run out of the hat!!! It looks like you are doing great - even if you did delay your start by a few days.

Karl - you are getting some great exercise in - as ever.

Cord - I look forward to seeing your posting tomorrow. I know that it is going to be worthy of celebration.
My project:

Very hot weather so did my walking outdoors at approx 3mph.
In morning did 6.5 miles - followed by 2 miles in the afternoon.

Had my 5-a-day no problem with 2 pears, 1 banana, numerous apples and a plate of salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, spring onion, red pepper, celery) with chicken before going out to SW party.

Weight was up 1 pound on last Tuesday - but I knew that already - it was all down to me having eaten cheese on Sunday.

Retained food control at the party - not having much from the buffet as I could not be certain on such things as sodium content etc. Stuck to diet coke for drinks as at least I know that there are negligible calories in it. Thoroughly enjoyed the party just the same - it is more down to the gossip than the calories you take in.

More very hot weather so did my walking outside - 6.5 miles at approx 3mph

No problem with 5-a-day with 2 pears, 2 bananas, 12 oz apples, 2 small plums plus a 420g can of baked beans.

Weight is coming down so the effects of the cheese is clearly clearing.
I called my doc and asked him and he said that the pain in my chest is because of the fact that my body is using all the good oxygen but can't replace it fast enough so thats why it hurts. he said to continue exercising and if it keeps up then make an appt to come see him. I haven't had any issues today thank god.

Oh yeah forgot to tell you when i weighed in today that i was 237.8 so still not quite outta the 45 bmi range but almost there.. lol
Heather - I'm pleased to hear that you checked with your doctor. We can never be too careful with things like chest pain. It is great that you havent had any more issues though - no-one likes pain - and chest pain can be quite scary...

You may be interested to read this article that I found on the internet.

It is brilliant news that your weight is coming down ever closer to that great milestone. That is another forum party that I can feel coming along really soon!
I have just posted this in the scoresheet thread. Week 2 starts on Saturday.


I freely admit to having cut and pasted this from another challenge. Good ideas are always worthy of repetition.

Many of us don't consistently get enough water each day. It's important for our bodies to be properly hydrated for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it helps our bodies to function well, helps our skin, and the biggest reason for us is that when we're dehydrated, our bodies hold on to the water it has, causing water retention, making the number on the scale higher. When we're properly hydrated, that excess water is flushed out of our systems. Proper hydration also helps prevent constipation--along with fibre.

So this week's challenge is to drink at least 1oz (29.5735ml) of water for every 2lbs of your weight. 3 points for each day. For those of you doing metric, just round down to the nearest whole number. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs you divide it by 2, giving you 100. 100 X 29.5735= 2,957.35. So you'd drop off the .35 and drink 2,957ml of water per day. Or, 1kg= 32.53ml of water.
If someone drinks their full water allocation each day of the week they will earn 21 points.
Reinforcing week1's bonus, I will give 1 point for each day that you have 5-a-day giving a possible maximum 7 points.

In Week 2 - where the scoresheet has the first ssmtwtf replace the day of the week with W (for water) and in the second ssmtwtf replace the day of the week with V (for vegetable) on each day that you complete the task. That way it is easy to tell which days you were successful.

Many of us eat from the same limited range of fruit and vegetables – despite there being many out there that we haven’t tried. We can think that we do not like vegetables for instance when the fact is that we have only tried a few types and have no idea about the rest. If we list at the bottom of our scoresheet the fruit and vegetables that we have eaten during week 1, I will give 2 points for each different item of fruit /veg that we eat a portion of during week 2 – maximum 5 items – at least 3 of which must be vegetables. Portion sizes were given in the week 1 challenge. Check my scoresheet to get the idea…

Wk2---0hrs 00mins----ssmtwtf---ssmtwtf----newveg*0-----
If someone completes all of their tasks I would expect their Wk2 main scoresheet line to look as follows:
Wk2---5hrs 00mins----WWWWWWW---VVVVVVV----newveg*5-----
Ouch....3.7 liters of water every day....my backteeth are going to be afloat constantly....*lol*
Ouch....3.7 liters of water every day....my backteeth are going to be afloat constantly....*lol*

Lol, San, that's funny!

I won't have to worry about getting enough water, that's for sure. I probably drink double what's required. And yeah, my back teeth float a lot.

I like the idea of more points for trying different fruits/vegetables. Guess I'll have to broaden my eating habits even more. Though I suppose it would be unfair for me, since I didn't have any fruit/vegetables in week one; they'd all be different regardless. Assuming I'm not left with $50 for 2 weeks again. Meh, this week's not even over with yet, though, so I won't dwell on it too much.
Ouch....3.7 liters of water every day....my backteeth are going to be afloat constantly....*lol*

I feel for you! I remember thinking much the same thing when it was first put to me in a challenge. I tried to adopt it from then on in though. It certainly gave me cause to celebrate every time I lost enough weight to think in terms of less water to drink. It gave me a whole load of extra milestones every half litre of water I crossed :)

I know that toilet visits increased too!....

Every night I fill enough half litre bottles of water to get to my allocation and put them in the fridge - then the next morning I start to plough my way through them making a pile of empty bottles. When I get to the end - I allow myself to drink diet coke (which I prefer but know is not good for me - but I am only human).

It is quite important to drink enough because a lot of us dont (but think that we do). We may hear people speak of 8 glasses a day which is the quantity for a thin person and assume that works for larger people too. Many people mistake feelings of thirst for feelings of hunger - leading them to eat more.
Hello, fellow babies!

A good day for me, except that after my evening workout I was starving and fell for a McDonalds Junior Chicken and an ice cream cone. Still did fine, even with that.

Got my fruit and veg in, and got a _lot_ of exercise:
40 min walk
20 min kayaking (just tooling around on the lake - not strenuous)
1 hour stair climbing (went up - and down - 300 flights of stairs outside the local high school)

This morning I went swimming and then had my weigh-in: 272 lbs! That 5 less than last week, and 39 total in 3 months!
I'm guessing at least some of that is water, since I worked out hard last night and swam this morning, but I'm taking it nonetheless. Doubtless I will show a lesser or even no loss next week.

I took my measurements this morning as well, and they are all down. Instead of posting them here, I'm putting them on my journal page, since I put them there anyway.

Photos will be taken later this morning, and posted this afternoon, probably. I'll put them in the 'before and after' thread - I think that's best.

Peace out, all!
Cord - I hate to say it - but I told you so!!! :party: :party: :party:

Well done - 5 pounds :party: is a brilliant weight loss and it is great that the measurements are down (no surprise to me) and that you are feeling good about showing pictures. Many of us can be apprehensive about that side of things at times. It really helps to motivate everyone whenever they see the pictures of people here getting real results.

BTW - well done on the great work-out. We need that kind of thing to get the astonishing results that we love getting.