Sorry for not being around much wasn't a great day. Not sure what it was, just one of those 'bleh' - days. For one thing, it's entirely too warm. Not just warm, but really heavy and muggy. The sun has disappeared and it's all clouded over.

Today is the same, and while I can deal well with heat, this oppressive weather gives me major headaches - no fun! *pouts*
Sorry to hear that you don't get along with your mother-in-law. I never expected to get along with mine either - then again, it's probably because I do pretty much everything for her. And if she was living with us, it would probably be a completely different story altogether. Fortunately she lives across the road, so while it is close by, there is still some distance.
I'm 34, just for the record.

And yes, we used to chat about that when I first joined. No change here either, if anything, hubby has put a few more pounds on. At least he is being supportive now, as good as he can, and encourages me to do my exercising and whatnot. I just wish he would join instead of watching me from the couch while stuffing his face with chocolate!
I must admit, I have a black thumb when it comes to gardening, but I am trying to at least keep it tidy. On Friday I managed to get sunburned while doing the weeding and mowing though - I was only out there for maybe an hour! I am not used to being in the sun anymore at all, I am such a couch potatoe!

Note to self - use sunscreen next time, even if it is just for 10 minutes. My friend died of skin cancer, so everything like this makes me kind of panicky - especially because when I was younger, I had a few really bad sunburns!
Maybe horrible was the wrong word when it comes to the exercise. Compared to what I used to do, it's certainly quite good, but it feels so insufficient to me. I see people here talking about running, lifting weights, resistance training, hitting the gym for hours every day and all that stuff, and I wonder if my 45 minutes eliptical are really enough. Especially considering that I've quite obviously hit a very stubborn plateau. I feel as if I should be doing more.
I'm still thinking about the gym. I want to do something more, and start incorporating weight training and stuff. I would probably go to the gym twice a week, because I don't have any more time than that. Maybe it would really be a waste of money, because twice a week doesn't sound enough. I would love to just get myself one of those multigyms and do stuff at home, whenever I feel like it. The only problem is that I just don't have the room for a multigym.
All classes that they offer at the gym are included in the gym membership though, and the swimming as well, and it's only 20£ a month, so maybe it would be worth it after all. I'd just have to get my time managed a little better.
I just looked through all the other posts and well....hi to everybody who showed up!
Kyropaladin - I have been, and still am in the same position to a certain degree. Money's rather tight at the moment, and fresh fruit and vegetables are just ridiculously expensive. I have found a few ways around that though. Most big supermarkets reduce fruit and veg on Friday evenings/Saturday mornings, because they get restocked during the weekend. So there might be some bargains there. But more importantly, what I do is to go to the local markets here (we have two close by), short before they close (which is around 3 pm here). They don't really want to take stuff back with them, so most fruit and veg stalls sell their leftovers for reduced prices. I usually manage to come home with 3 - 4 days of fruit and veg for about 5 £. And none of the stuff is really in bad shape, it doesn't go bad after a day or so. Plus, after doing this for a few weeks now, the guys at the stalls know me, and know that I'll be coming around, so they put some stuff aside for me. Not all of them, but some are nicer than others.

Just a thought.
I will hop on my eliptical now and get at least a little bit of exercise in. I am somewhat frustrated because I didn't lose anything last week, but at least I didn't put anything on either. And my back is still killing me.