Weight-Loss Summer Shake-Up Challenge Chat Thread

G'morning all!:waving:

This is a glorious morning here in my area, which will be followed by yet another week of horrible weather, so it is my intention to make the most of it by doing some cycling. I'll pop back in later.
Happy "official start of challenge" day to you Karl.

Great idea you going cycling in nice weather. I know how you like your cycling!

It is beautiful weather here in the South East of England - but I have done my exercise walking indoors on the treadmill. Rod is off (it being Saturday) and he used to feel like I had abandoned him when I went off walking when he was here.

I did 6.55 miles on the treadmill varying the speed between 4.0 and 4.3 mph in 95 minutes.

It is my normal practice to get weighed after my morning walk and before eating. I weighed in at 8st13.8 which is 125.8 pounds. That is a fifth of a pound under my goal weight and pretty damned near perfect.

I have edited my scoresheet

I am just tucking into my first frozen fat free yoghurt of the day.
Looking forward to having time later this week to chat. :)
My main goal right now is not so much to lose weight but to get my self back into the right mindset for eating properly.
I know, I know eat properly and the weight loss will come along on its own.
I just think for now I need to get back to having my brain be in charge of this party.
I have loads of ideas for a tasty snack. When I get a free moment I will try to post it over in the food section.
Catch ya'll later!
I got a Graduation Party to whip together!!!
I got a Graduation Party to whip together!!!

says the lady who I have seen looking very very proud in the photos of TWO graduations this month.

Enjoy the party! :party:


I cant wait for your yummy food ideas. The thing with our gang is that we certainly appreciate yummy food!

Dawn - I know just how focussed you can be when it comes to picking up points on these challenges. You always loved to win team challenges - just like me. That is why we used to choose to be in the same team for those. I just know that determination for points is going to have your brain in total control - and the rest will follow.

I cant wait to hear of the weight losses that you are going to be notching up.
I hope that everyone is remembering to have their 5-a-day. This is actually really easy for me (dont worry it is healthy too - not just a cheat so I get lots of points)! I eat tons of fruit and vegetables every day - it is the only way that I dont feel like I am too hungry for words.

Today for instance I have had 1 banana, 2 pears, 6 small (3 oz) apples, and a mountain of vegetables in my main meal (carrots, celariac, cauliflower, brocolli and green beans). I reckon that I could probably do 10-a-day without even trying LOL - but that WOULD be cheating because the recommendation is 5-a-day. Having extra does you no harm as long as it all fits into the calories that you want to spend that day.

I am sure that it makes it really easy when I check that my fibre level is where I want it to be - I never seem to come close to needing any extra supplements to get that right.
I'll have to keep a lookout for places selling past-sell-date fruits and veggies. I never really thought of that (stupid, since I worked at a grocery store). But even if I can't, I won't let it bother me. I'll start my 5-a-day on week 2.

As for exercise, I won't have too much problem putting in at least an hour a day. It's not really easy, per se, but with this challenge going I'll be fine.

As for work, and comfort eating; I don't have extra food to eat at the moment, but even if I did, it was just one off day where I had no energy whatsoever. I lived through it and today is a much better day.

As for teaching, I will be moving back to Washington State, where I first started, and take it up again. But that won't be for a few months, and I kinda want to be in good shape before I go back.

As for...haha, just kidding. Well, better focus on what I'm going to do for exercise after work tonight. I'm going to need all the points I can get now.

Hey thought I better introduce myself :)
This challenge has come at a perfect time for me, lately I've really been trying to eat more fruit and veg plus I need to a kick in the but where exercise is concerned!
Wishing everyone good luck, we can all do it!
forgive the newbie question, but I want to make sure I understand. On the worksheets, do we just keep editing them as we workout/eat veggies and fruits? Should we wait until the end of the day to fill it out or just keep updating as the day goes on?
Just a really quick post as it as 1am here and my husband is on his way up to bed so I havent got time to chat. Great to see you chatting together.

Just edit the scoresheet as you go. I update things as I do them. It means that you dont forget something. Of course if you dont get around to it and edit a few days at once that is fine too. Some people leave it to the end of the week in challenges - but I never know how they remember - also they have a problem if the internet goes down!!!
Hi everyone.

Hope your first challenge day is going well.

I am fighting an inexplicable depression (which is really strange since I tend to analyse my every mood to the nth degree so I usually know exactly why I do or feel anything) right now. I don't know if it is because of stress due to my weight loss efforts, or what.
Heck, it may well be envy. I know I feel inadequate compared to a lot of people on this forum re diet and exercise.
If that is the case then I have to work on understanding that it is not a competition (well, except for this challenge!), and I need only measure my activity/diet against what I have done before, and not what anyone else is doing.

Still, whatever the reason, I feel lousy. And it doesn't help that I am working a couple of overtime midnights right now on my days off before going back onto day/evening shifts on Monday.

On the up side, the big veggie plate and mound of cherries I ate at work on my midnight already puts me past the 5 servings of fruit and vegetables. And I went swimming today already, so I have got some exercise in.
Cord - it sounds like your first challenge day has gone brilliantly with getting your 5-a-day in so early and getting your exercise done.

If you are looking for negative competition should we all compare how many years we were big before we managed to do something about it. I notched up over 20 years with a level of severe morbid obesity that seems to beat that achieved by most of the rest of you. I suppose that makes me the negative situation winner that no-one wanted to be!!!! Over twenty years of my life that I wish that I could do differently - but I just couldnt at the time. I tried and failed....

Whatever you do - do not compare your efforts to mine. I battle a multitude of demons that say things like "if you ease up on your exercise and food control you will be back at your big size before you know it". It is amazing how that notion can make you walk an extra mile.....

I have confidence that any stress triggered by weight loss efforts will ease when you see the pounds falling away. There is a joy to getting onto the scales and seeing a new low.

Think of it not so much as a competition as a party game. We all like collecting points - but it is the fun that we have along the way that gives us the real buzz. We adore celebrating each others achievements. I have made some unbelievably good friends on this forum. We stop being strangers and view each other as people where we have more in common than many people you meet in real life. Kimberly and I met up several times last year when she came over to England.

Many of us have tightened up our nutrition and exercise a lot in the time we have been on the forum. It may well be that in a couple of months time - newer members will look at your nutrition and exercise and feel inadequate against you. Remember the success that you have already achieved. Your ticker shows that you have lost weight and are coming well down towards the healthy range. You are doing really well already.

Working long hours will certainly not help. I know that I did that during some of those failed diets of yesteryear.
Very successful first day. Got a 1 hour 21 minute cycle in, 21.5 miles and a 30 minute pull split workout.

Fruit with breakfast, fruit for a snack, and a huge salad for dinner, veggies are good for the day.

I'm too tired now in the wee hours to log it all in, I'll do it when I get up for the actual caloric value, but it should all be well within my range given my exercise level.
I too had a good first day.

8 or 9 servings of fruit/veg, 1hr 15min or so of exercise.

I still feel pretty low, but now I think it is just the night shift.

Hope everyone else had a good first day too.

I have a friend who is doing Jenny Craig, and she lost 36lbs in three months. If I can lose 3 more pounds by next Thursday I'll have beaten her by a pound. Maybe not the most noble reason to lose weight, but what the heck. :)
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wow you guys did better then I did. I didn't even think I would make it to 5 veggies today, lucky I couldn't sleep. So I went for another walk and had some veggies. Still only 35 mins of walking...but its better then I did yesterday
Sorry for not being around much yesterday....it wasn't a great day. Not sure what it was, just one of those 'bleh' - days. For one thing, it's entirely too warm. Not just warm, but really heavy and muggy. The sun has disappeared and it's all clouded over. :( Today is the same, and while I can deal well with heat, this oppressive weather gives me major headaches - no fun! *pouts*

Sorry to hear that you don't get along with your mother-in-law. I never expected to get along with mine either - then again, it's probably because I do pretty much everything for her. And if she was living with us, it would probably be a completely different story altogether. Fortunately she lives across the road, so while it is close by, there is still some distance.

I'm 34, just for the record.:) And yes, we used to chat about that when I first joined. No change here either, if anything, hubby has put a few more pounds on. At least he is being supportive now, as good as he can, and encourages me to do my exercising and whatnot. I just wish he would join instead of watching me from the couch while stuffing his face with chocolate!

I must admit, I have a black thumb when it comes to gardening, but I am trying to at least keep it tidy. On Friday I managed to get sunburned while doing the weeding and mowing though - I was only out there for maybe an hour! I am not used to being in the sun anymore at all, I am such a couch potatoe! :( Note to self - use sunscreen next time, even if it is just for 10 minutes. My friend died of skin cancer, so everything like this makes me kind of panicky - especially because when I was younger, I had a few really bad sunburns! :(

Maybe horrible was the wrong word when it comes to the exercise. Compared to what I used to do, it's certainly quite good, but it feels so insufficient to me. I see people here talking about running, lifting weights, resistance training, hitting the gym for hours every day and all that stuff, and I wonder if my 45 minutes eliptical are really enough. Especially considering that I've quite obviously hit a very stubborn plateau. I feel as if I should be doing more.

I'm still thinking about the gym. I want to do something more, and start incorporating weight training and stuff. I would probably go to the gym twice a week, because I don't have any more time than that. Maybe it would really be a waste of money, because twice a week doesn't sound enough. I would love to just get myself one of those multigyms and do stuff at home, whenever I feel like it. The only problem is that I just don't have the room for a multigym. :(

All classes that they offer at the gym are included in the gym membership though, and the swimming as well, and it's only 20£ a month, so maybe it would be worth it after all. I'd just have to get my time managed a little better.

I just looked through all the other posts and well....hi to everybody who showed up! :)

Kyropaladin - I have been, and still am in the same position to a certain degree. Money's rather tight at the moment, and fresh fruit and vegetables are just ridiculously expensive. I have found a few ways around that though. Most big supermarkets reduce fruit and veg on Friday evenings/Saturday mornings, because they get restocked during the weekend. So there might be some bargains there. But more importantly, what I do is to go to the local markets here (we have two close by), short before they close (which is around 3 pm here). They don't really want to take stuff back with them, so most fruit and veg stalls sell their leftovers for reduced prices. I usually manage to come home with 3 - 4 days of fruit and veg for about 5 £. And none of the stuff is really in bad shape, it doesn't go bad after a day or so. Plus, after doing this for a few weeks now, the guys at the stalls know me, and know that I'll be coming around, so they put some stuff aside for me. Not all of them, but some are nicer than others. :) Just a thought.

I will hop on my eliptical now and get at least a little bit of exercise in. I am somewhat frustrated because I didn't lose anything last week, but at least I didn't put anything on either. And my back is still killing me. :(
Hey everyone, Its me heather. I have been here almost 2 years.. off and on of course.. with having a baby and losing a few in the last few years. Plus the 4 months of living in the hospital with my oldest son,alexander. So yeah.. I'm 26 will be 27 on thanksgiving day.. hoping to be at least 225 if not lower by then. Since my goal is to get to 225 by the time my baby, cameron turns a year old.

My goals right now besides what the challenge has laid out for us is to exercise at least 30 minutes a day and to drink at least 96 oz of water a day.

If you have any questions about me or my kids please don't be shy.. ask away.. i'm not really that shy when it comes to questions and I'll let you know if i feel offended or uncomfortable.. with something..
Hey I'm new here, I came accross your challenge while looking up weight loss forums. When I saw that it was starting I join right away. I have logged in 50 minutes of walking but I am having trouble with the 5 a day but thats from lack of groceries. Going shopping today, going to get good whole foods and healthy alternatives.

Good luck everyone!
WOW - you have all been chatting again - that is great.

It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well to me.

I have been out all day - so am only getting a chance to look in on you now.

I was in such a rush this morning I didnt get to post much. That was because I had to get straight onto the treadmill as I had to get my 6.5 miles walked and my husband wanted me to be ready to leave the house by 10am. As it turned out I was late - but that is a woman's perogative isnt it?!!!

We were heading out to spend the day at the beautiful home of a cousin of mine. They live in the countryside about 90 miles away. Well the exciting part of the story is that I hadnt seen them for 3 years - so they hadnt seen me since I was my biggest size. Otherwise all that they had seen was my facebook picture which was taken after the bulk of my weightloss last September.

I love seeing people - but I particularly love seeing people that havent seen me since I lost over 160 pounds! It is the kind of thing that we fantasize about on the way down - and then so good each time that it happens in reality. They are only a few pounds overweight (they dont look it but they assured me that they were) and said that they were going to try and lose a few pounds! You never know - they might even join us here!

Now I have to admit that all my food choices were not as strict as I would have applied on a normal day. It was something about me having a glass of wine (which in itself is very rare - 4 drink units last year and none the year before) plus I had cheese (which tends to cause a gain for me so I tend to avoid - but looked and was really really yummy) and there was little amaretti biscuits too.

The bottom line is that I did allow myself more latitude than I would on a normal day - but it was not a normal day. It was more of a party situation (as I said we dont meet up too often) and we can kick back the traces a little. The food was absolutely yummy - and they had actually gone to a lot of effort to ensure that it wouldnt strain the diet too much.

There was a greek salad with chicken in little pitta pockets in a sauce and I remember that 0% yoghurt was used in the sauce. Afterwards there was gorgeous mixture of fresh fruit with low fat creme fraiche.

So despite kicking back the traces a bit the meal couldnt have been too high in calories (for a special event) and I certainly got my 5-a-day in.

In fact (because I love my fruit) I have also had 2 pears and a banana and an apple since I got home.

No problems on the 5-a-day here and as I said 6.54 miles between 4.0mph and 4.3mph on the treadmill (95 mins) at the start of the day.
wow you guys did better then I did. I didn't even think I would make it to 5 veggies today, lucky I couldn't sleep. So I went for another walk and had some veggies. Still only 35 mins of walking...but its better then I did yesterday

You have to remember that we are all at different stages and different sizes. It does make a difference.

I can assure you because I know pretty much where you are and I was a very similar size at the start of my project - walking 35 minutes is an excellent days exercise at your stage. It will have been of amazing benefit to your project.

When I started - my first walks were around the block - and no-one could say that I was walking briskly - I didnt do anything briskly. I was shattered at the end.

I made sure that I did it again every day - and every time that I could I extended the distance and therefore the time.

Congratulate yourself on a great workout. Your 35 mins will almost certainly have been more effective in terms of fighting fat than my 6.5 miles at over 4mph. Well done for increasing up to 35 minutes.

Do as I did and increase it every few days as soon as you feel up to it. I cannot wait to see how far you are walking by the end of the challenge. I am sure that you will feel yourself getting fitter each day.
Hey I'm new here, I came accross your challenge while looking up weight loss forums. When I saw that it was starting I join right away. I have logged in 50 minutes of walking but I am having trouble with the 5 a day but thats from lack of groceries. Going shopping today, going to get good whole foods and healthy alternatives.

Good luck everyone!

Welcome to both the forum and the challenge.