Weight-Loss Summer Shake-Up Challenge Chat Thread

Thanks for the hugs - sometimes a girl needs all the hugs that she can get...


Well - its a new day now. I am hoping that I can be better today. I will only know as the day progresses as that is when I will see if I have broken it.

I will go out on my walk soon and will not eat anything until I am back. Then I will see if I have my control back again.

Hope things have been going well for you. :grouphug:
Hope things have been going well for you. :grouphug:

Thankfully I seem to have my control back - which is a huge relief. Now it is down to repairing the damage of the last few weeks. I've managed to keep my calories towards the low end of my range over the weekend too which was a good idea as my weight it up. I actually look bigger around the midriff area - Rod can see it too!!!

We are heading away to Newcastle later today so things will get busier for me. I do not plan on going to SW this week. If I was at home on Tuesday I wouldnt be going because my weight is above the SW range. Luckily I was within range last Tuesday (weighed in at 128 pounds in the afternoon) and told her that I was going away for a few weeks.

I do appreciate all the support. Thanks. :grouphug:
Margaret, you are a very supportive sweet heart. I often think your too hard on yourself but I guess you know yourself and your body the best!

Thanks Cerella.

My damned hormones mean that I gain weight so easily... Other people seem to get a lot more latitude before they are punished at the scales. I really walk a tightrope because I cannot face putting it all back on. The fact is that if I did put on weight - I know that my body would not stop at "pleasantly chubby" - it would go all the way to "life threatening".
Do I ever get that statement! I'm right on the edge myself most of the time it seems.

I tooka much needed break this weekend, and weighed in at 306 :(

Yes, that is down a lb from last Monday, but I was down to 304 during the week. Okay, so I should only count my weigh in once a week, but...

Dammit! I put the effort in!, Sometimes the friggin scale is just evil!

Okay, end rant! I'm alright, just a little disappointed.
Do I ever get that statement! I'm right on the edge myself most of the time it seems.

I tooka much needed break this weekend, and weighed in at 306 :(

Yes, that is down a lb from last Monday, but I was down to 304 during the week. Okay, so I should only count my weigh in once a week, but...

Dammit! I put the effort in!, Sometimes the friggin scale is just evil!

Okay, end rant! I'm alright, just a little disappointed.

I can understand your disappointment. Sometimes the scales punish us for the merest transgression. I never realised when I was big and getting ever bigger quite how easily and rapidly I was punished. I tried to never weigh myself. It is only on this project that I have understood this - but thankfully I have also understood how quickly we can all rectify things as long as we get our firm control back.

I would take the attitude that you have seen the 304 so the territory is regained. Day to day fluctuations happen for everyone - and I am sure that the slight gain is just a blip (maybe a sodium gain if you have taken a break) that may be off again tomorrow. The key thing is that the weight has come down to 304 and you are still on project. The 300 milestone will be yours very very soon. You are doing amazingly well. :party:

Many of us would dearly love to be able to say that we were a pound down from a week earlier. A pound is after all a good weight loss - especially if you think of it in packets of butter. That is actually quite a lot of fat.
Sorry I've been mia the last few days. Was up every 1-2hrs last night with a feverish baby--had her 4month shots yesterday and I guess they didn't settle so well. Thankfully dh looked after her for a couple of hours this afternoon so I could get in a 2hr nap. :hurray:

Margaret--I don't think you did so horribly the other day. I have done much worse, trust me!! :blush5: If my binges were as innocent as yours, I would be proud of myself.

Karl--The scale IS evil..lol Mine's not been too nice to me lately, of course I've not been so good with the eating/exercise the last few days either. It's been so hot/humid I just can't bring myself to go walking--especially with the baby.

Cord--Very nice job! Those are impressive measurments! I'm jealous!! :D
I have just posted this in the scoresheets thread.

challenge to date (weeks 1 to 5)
....................................prev...wk5...t ot
Omega...........................239 + 77 = 316
Bikinibound..................... 201 + 68 = 269
San.............................. 199.5 + 17.5 = 217
Cord the seeker.............. 225 + 47 = 272
Charlieemma................... 220 + 78 = 298
Momma4alex................... 131 + 23 = 154
Reluctantcabbie.............. 225 + 74 = 299
Kyoropaladin................... 010 + 0 = 010
Othie............................. 040 + 0 = 040
Swankychap................... 048 + 6 = 054
Solty............................. 183 + 67 = 250
Cinderelly........................114.5 + 39 = 153.5
Lisajacobs.......................022 + 0 = 022

Totals for week 6 only - only showing those reported

Omega........................... 40 + 21 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 4 = 109
Bikinibound..................... 19 + 21 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 4 = 88
San.............................. 19 + 12 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 0 = 66
Cord the seeker.............. 28 + 12 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 02 + 4 = 63
Charlieemma................... 28 + 15 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 06 + 0 = 81
Momma4alex................... 00
Reluctantcabbie.............. 40 + 21 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 4 = 109
Swankychap................... 02 = 02
Solty............................. 24 + 21 + 2 + 7 + 3 = 57
Cinderelly....................... 26 + 12 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 5 = 4 = 56

challenge to date (weeks 1 to 6)
....................................prev...wk6...t ot
Omega...........................316 + 109 = 425
Bikinibound..................... 269 + 088 = 357
San.............................. 217 + 066 = 283
Cord the seeker.............. 272 + 063 = 335
Charlieemma................... 298 + 081 = 379
Momma4alex................... 154 + 000 = 154
Reluctantcabbie.............. 299 + 109 = 408
Kyoropaladin................... 010 + 000 = 010
Othie............................. 040 + 000 = 040
Swankychap................... 054 + 002 = 056
Solty............................. 250 + 057 = 307
Cinderelly........................153.5 + 056 = 209.5
Lisajacobs.......................022 + 000 = 022

Let me know if you spot any of my mistakes.
Sorry I've been mia the last few days. Was up every 1-2hrs last night with a feverish baby--had her 4month shots yesterday and I guess they didn't settle so well. Thankfully dh looked after her for a couple of hours this afternoon so I could get in a 2hr nap. :hurray:

I hope that May is feeling a bit better. I will be keeping an eye on your regular updates on FB. As ever - give her a hug from me. I was pleased to see on FB that despite feeling ill and having a temperature she was still smiling and eating - what a little sweetie she is!

Margaret--I don't think you did so horribly the other day. I have done much worse, trust me!! :blush5: If my binges were as innocent as yours, I would be proud of myself.

A binge is a binge and whilst directing it at fruit reduces the impact - they are still scary because you know that the lack of control is there. My weight is still up.
Just wondering, in the scoresheets, on the weekly thing (for week 6) what's the last number for?

Oh, and sorry for being so quiet and not contributing much....I'm trying to get everything done, I'm just failing miserably.....:(
Just wondering, in the scoresheets, on the weekly thing (for week 6) what's the last number for?
I think that one was for a light recipe that we could contribute?

Oh, and sorry for being so quiet and not contributing much....I'm trying to get everything done, I'm just failing miserably.....:(

San, there is not one of us here that hasn't fallen and felt like we didn't want to come in here because we felt crappy about ourselves for a bit.

That very thing is WHY you SHOULD come back in here and get involved again. We all get it. We don't judge people who have temporary lapses.

We give you hugs instead :grouphug: and tell you to come back by again.
Just wondering, in the scoresheets, on the weekly thing (for week 6) what's the last number for?

Yes - Karl is right. Just to remind you...

Many of us will know of a really useful weight loss recipe that others could benefit from. Add it to the
food ideas thread http://weight-loss.fitness.com/club-challenges/32234-summer-shake-up-challenge-food-ideas.html – I will give a further 4 points.

Wk6---0hrs 00mins----ssmtwtf---ssmtwtf---123456---ssmtwtf---ssmtwtf---ssmtwtf---newveg*0---recipe*0---

I did remind everyone of it in this thread on 7th August.

Reminder: We are logging up to 10 hours of exercise - and there is still time to post a recipe for the current week if you havent done so yet. Quite a few people havent got round to doing that yet.

Oh, and sorry for being so quiet and not contributing much....I'm trying to get everything done, I'm just failing miserably.....:(

Karl is right here too - we have all hit sticky patches. We know all too well what it is like. We all need a hug at times. Here is one for you :grouphug:

We have to focus on how much we have all achieved already in our project - and how much our health is benefiting from what we do. We are all only human - and we do fall at times - but we pick ourselves up and continue on our way forwards.

And just for the record - I didnt get my water allocation drunk yesterday - so we are all dropping challenge points too. My weight is a joke so I really wouldnt be surprised if I got no weight management points for the entire challenge.
Well, I'm pretty much out of the running for this challenge. I'm starting to suck so bad that what's the point? There's no way I can keep on top of this.

Adding to that, yesterday I was a fat, lazy lump of lazy fatness. I ate like crap (supper was chicken-fried steak, just to give you an idea), and did absolutely nothing.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I have a good day, then a bad day. Repeat until depressed. If I had stayed on track for the whole summer I could have done so much better, lost so much more weight.

I even snuck in an extra weigh-in the other day, and was up 6 pounds. It wasn't my "dry" weight so I'm not going to freak out about it too much, but it was disheartening.
Official weigh-in day is tomorrow and we will see what that says.

What I want to do is just crawl into a hole - with a slurpee and a big bag of chips. But I can't do that.

Instead I got up this morning and went for an hour and 45 minute hike. I just have to keep slugging away at this.
Well, I'm pretty much out of the running for this challenge. I'm starting to suck so bad that what's the point? There's no way I can keep on top of this.

Adding to that, yesterday I was a fat, lazy lump of lazy fatness. I ate like crap (supper was chicken-fried steak, just to give you an idea), and did absolutely nothing.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I have a good day, then a bad day. Repeat until depressed. If I had stayed on track for the whole summer I could have done so much better, lost so much more weight.

I even snuck in an extra weigh-in the other day, and was up 6 pounds. It wasn't my "dry" weight so I'm not going to freak out about it too much, but it was disheartening.
Official weigh-in day is tomorrow and we will see what that says.

What I want to do is just crawl into a hole - with a slurpee and a big bag of chips. But I can't do that.

Instead I got up this morning and went for an hour and 45 minute hike. I just have to keep slugging away at this.

As far as the challenge points go - I can assure you that the current points total flatters me in a way that will disappear before the end. I weighed in at WW today at 130 pounds which is in the outer reaches of my zone. I would get low weight control points if they were being allocated today. When you add in the fact that I am going to be on holiday for another week and a half - then I think a gain from here is more than a possibility. I really do not anticipate getting any weight control points for the entire challenge...

Also remember that I am having difficulty with my normal nutritional control. I missed my water yesterday - and am almost guaranteed to do the same tomorrow (looking at our plans). It is far from certain that I will manage it today as I have not had as much as I like to have had by this time of day.

It is easy to think "if only I hadnt lapsed" - the fact is that we are only human - we do lapse. If we had been perfect we would have never had a problem with our weight in the first place. But then we would have never come to the forum and met each other....

Well done for going out for the hike. I always said that irrespective what happens with my food - if I do my long walk I am having a good day on project. You are having a good day.

Good luck at the scales tomorrow.
Hey everyone.. the scale still hasn't moved for me.. ugh... its getting very discouraging but i'm still plugging away. i have gotten about 11 hours or so of exercise in since sunday which is hard since me and my boys are sick. it sucks but i gotta get my exercise in if i wanna see the scale move. i'm weighing in tomorrow so hopefully the scale will work in my favor.. haha. anyways.. i updated my scoresheet to the best of my ability. Hope you all are doing well and for those who need a little encouragement.. keep your head up. this weight loss journey is hard and one that requires us to really work but we can do it. Never give up. 1 lb at a time.. it may take us a while but we will get there eventually.

Ok well gotta go. just got the boys to sleep so heading that way myself as the boys tend to wake up around 7 am every morning no matter what time they go to bed.
Hey everyone.. the scale still hasn't moved for me.. ugh... its getting very discouraging but i'm still plugging away. i have gotten about 11 hours or so of exercise in since sunday which is hard since me and my boys are sick. it sucks but i gotta get my exercise in if i wanna see the scale move. i'm weighing in tomorrow so hopefully the scale will work in my favor.. haha. anyways.. i updated my scoresheet to the best of my ability. Hope you all are doing well and for those who need a little encouragement.. keep your head up. this weight loss journey is hard and one that requires us to really work but we can do it. Never give up. 1 lb at a time.. it may take us a while but we will get there eventually.

Ok well gotta go. just got the boys to sleep so heading that way myself as the boys tend to wake up around 7 am every morning no matter what time they go to bed.

Heather - I'm sorry to hear that you and your boys are sick. Well done for pushing ahead with the exercise despite that. Exercise is really so very beneficial for weight loss. I swear - if I hadnt done exercise on this project of mine - it would have hardly had much impact and would have been abandoned over two years ago... I know what happened on all my previous attempts to lose weight. It was not pretty...

It was the success that I saw with excessive exercise that caused me to be so fixated on exercise that I was out walking last year from the day after I got out of hospital. Sometimes we really have to push ourselves to get that exercise done - but it is worth it if we manage to force good results from a body that really does not want to lose weight.

You are so right - if we all stick together - and battle this thing one pound at a time - we will all get there in the end.

Good luck at the scales.
I suck.

My sucky week has paid off big time. Gained 4 pounds.

I've never wanted to binge more - a slurpee and a bag of chips and a couple of doughnuts to wash it all down. That sounds nice right now.

I'm tired of this up and down yo-yo crap that I've been going through this summer.
I'm tired of it all.

Sorry everyone, I just needed to whine and complain.
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i'm so there with you cord

I suck.

My sucky week has paid off big time. Gained 4 pounds.

I've never wanted to binge more - a slurpee and a bag of chips and a couple of doughnuts to wash it all down. That sounds nice right now.

I'm tired of this up and down yo-yo crap that I've been going through this summer.
I'm tired of it all.

Sorry everyone, I just needed to whine and complain.

I've been there too this summer cord. i went down to 233.8 and now i'm back up to 239 :( can we say little piggie.. haha i suck with food this summer and but hopefully now that my alex is starting school on monday and will be there from 8:25am to 1:25pm monday thru friday i will be able to get exercise in everyday while baby naps and that should help hopefully.

keep on going and no binging it doesn't help us. although a slurpee does sound good.
I suck.

My sucky week has paid off big time. Gained 4 pounds.

I've never wanted to binge more - a slurpee and a bag of chips and a couple of doughnuts to wash it all down. That sounds nice right now.

I'm tired of this up and down yo-yo crap that I've been going through this summer.
I'm tired of it all.

Sorry everyone, I just needed to whine and complain.

Sorry to hear about the gain. We do get punished at times... I hope that you manage not to binge - because tempting as it is it never solves anything - just makes the outstanding task harder. If you do binge though - know that every one of us has been there and done that - knows how tempting it can be - and has a hug for you. The damage is always minor as long as you put the brakes on and get back to the project as soon as you can. :grouphug:

I didn't in fact binge, well, I did, but not too badly. Two McDonalds cones (I couldn't resist - they were on sale for 25 cents each, the bastards).

Oh, and we made pizzas for lunch, and I had 3/4 of a 10" pizza. Not nearly as bad as it sounds, since homemade pizza (make our own dough too) is so much better for you than any frozen/restaurant/take-out pizza could ever be.

I know I have to work out tonight somehow. Didn't go to the gym or the pool at all today. All I have done is take a 45 min walk this morning, which isn't going to cut it. But I'm so tired and depressed.