so i have some good news. i just saved 15% by switching to Geico!
just kidding...
i went to visit 2 friends at my old part time job and i haven't seen either of them in about 1.5 months. the first thing that one of them says is "steve did you lose weight?" a few minutes later the 2nd one comes by and says "wow you lost weight"
ah such a good feeling to hear that. most people who i know don't notice due to seeing me more frequently. good to hear that some people can notice the difference.
Great job! That does feel great when people you haven't seen in a while notice the fruits of your hard work
How many times have you dislocated your shoulder? That's gotta hurt
I feel your pain.
subluxed (sp?) I can't even keep track anymore. It happens a few times a year. The little ones it pops out and right back in, that bad ones (like Tuesday morning), I have to concentrate on relaxing all my shoulder muscles and stand in a bent over position and let my arm just hang loose. It'll slide back into place after a few minutes, won't hurt for a few hours and then the pain and soreness sets in and its just uncomfortable. I've discovered that the stronger i get, the worse the subluxation and the harder it is to get back into place.
I've thought about getting it fixed (again) but 2 months in a sling and 6 months of PT are not something I want to be doing. Plus the money is something I don't have.
I'm sorry to hear that about your shoulder. I know a couple of guys who used to play football who had the same issue. One guy had surgery on his shoulder and the other guy left his shoulder "as is". The guy who had surgery says his shoulder feels great, but his ROM is somewhat hampered.
The other guy just kept lifting despite the problem and the stronger his shoulder musculature became, the harder it was to pop his shoulder back into place when it would pop out. It also hurt a lot more afterwards. He's thinking of having surgery now just because it's such a pain in the butt for him and he says his down time is increasing because of the pain. He's 42 years old now, much older than you are
If you do have surgery, make sure the surgeon is the best shoulder surgeon New York State has. Don't settle for anything less no matter how long you have to wait.
If I was to have it I would return to the surgeon who did the first surgery that was later dismantled by my friend with a quick yank on the arm in a weak position.
We're not friends anymore but not because of the shoulder. She didn't know it would happen and maybe it shouldn't have happened, but she always felt bad about it. I can still hear the tearing sound like it was yesterday.