Squats, pulls, and curls

how far are the legs supposed to be apart on BUlg squats. When I do them I have them close so I can focus on the Quad musclesl. And if I can have 70 lb DB in each hand and do 4 on each leg does that mean my squat is close to 280?

Anywyas Im just confused on how the bulgs are supposed to me done.
the bigger the split the more hip dominant and ham and glute it becomes. Just make sure you use the same length stance each time.
and what you use on bulgarian squats is not a good way to figure out what you use on your back squat. Its a bit different movement.
Sunday 05.08.2007

A1 Deadlift
2x3 286
1x2 308
1x1 341
1x2 308
1x3 286

last time i did 341 my back was very close to rounding, it was slow and it hurt like hell, it was slow this time too, but alot easier than last time, next time ill get more. Still managing using a regular hook grip, hope i wont have to switch to an alternate grip, i feel its much easier holding the weight close to the body with the regular hook grip.

A2 Calf Raises
1x6 10
1x7 10
1x7 11
1x8 11

I think im doing something wrong, as i cant seem to get reps down on these, i dunno, maybe im restricting range of motion somehow, the weight does go back to resting on the stack at the bottom of the weight, next time ill set the machine so that wont happen, maybe that will make it harder.

B1 Pullups
1x4 12.1
1x4 12.1
1x4 12.1
1x4 12.1
Chins: 1x6 (done 60 sec after the last set of pullups, this is just an attempt to get some more volume on the vertical pull movement)

B2 Overhead Squats
1x8 88
1x8 88
1x8 88

The pain in my hip flexor is still there, so no heavy squatting yet, but i decided to go for this overhead squat, as the pain was barly there, spechally after i stretched my hams to inhibit them.

C1 X Row
1x6 44 (renegade rows on the elbows, this was so ****ed that i decided to go for one handed two point rows instead)
1x9 44
1x9 44
1x9 44

I liked the two point rows, really felt them in my abs, i can probobly do more than 44 lbs though, i hope it wont be too much for my back, since i will be able to use more weight on these than on the renegade rows. But from experience, the back can usually handle a bit more work than the front anyways.

C2 Skullcrushers
1x5 40.7
1x5 40.7
1x5 40.7
1x5 40.7

weight is + whatever the bar weighs.. someones got to kick my ass soon for forgetting to find out how much it is..

D1 PC circuit
1 45 degree back extension 19.25
2 Ham Curl 55
3 Pull Through 88
60 sec rest
1 45 degree back extension 19.25
2 Ham Curl 55
3 Pull Throughs 99

On the first set of pull throughs i got a bit destracted, because someone was doing pullups, and the pullup bar is strategicly places between the two cable stations. You could probobly do cable curls or pushdowns while someone did pullups, but nothing else. For some reason the only people who doesnt use the smith machine for pullups was there when i was suppose to do the pull throughs, so there was a little wait between the ham curls and the pull throughs.
Other than that, i feel this is progressing really fast!

PWO: The usual

Met an old friend of mine at the gym, who used to live here, but now lives in Trondheim, which is the city ill be moving to the 11th. He gave me some tips on where to go to train, there university has a pretty sweet facility, and theres a program for students, you get acces to the facilities (there are two of them, on is big and really sweet, but always PACKED, so im gonna check out both, see what fits) for only 500 NOK for half a year, thats about 86,25 USD, a pretty sweet deal. For that you also got acess to all sorts of different sport activities, martial arts.. etc. Trondheim is one of the best cities in Norway to go to university, because theres TONS of students, NTNU (one of Norways most known universities) and stuff, its gonna be awsome, even though im scares ****less about leaving home and starting for myself in a small apartment.

Now, this was a long post, but you better read it and comment, or im gonna kick your ass. Its always fun to see people reading the log, so even if you got nothing in particular to say, just say "Karky, you da MAN!" :p
Tuesday 07.08.2007

A1 Power Clean
2x3 194.7
1x2 209
1xF 236.5 (I failed. I think i was too slow to dive under and catch it, i got my elbows under the bar, but it hit the shoulders way too far down, and i had to drop it.
1x1 233.2
1x3 194.7

After i failed i still felt like i could beat what i did last workout, so i took off some weight and did another single. Ive been progressing 5 lbs almost every workout for a long time, i was prepared for this.

B1 Good Mornings
1x8 145.2
1x8 145.2
1x8 145.2

B2 Leg Extensions
1x12 88
1x12 90.2
1x12 90.2

C1 Board Press
1x5 178.2
1x5 178.2
1x5 178.2

C2 Bent over BB row
1x5 139.7
1x5 139.7
1x5 143 (the reps here went like this: 1,2,3,4,fart,5. Luckily, no one heard..)

D1 Knee Ab rollouts
1x5 BW
1x6 BW
1x5 BW

D2 Preacher BB curl
1x11 44
1x9 44
1x8 44

PWO: The usual
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yeah i know, its just that squatting is kind of out because it hurts my hip flexor, and i just wanted to try some leg extensions :p Maybe i could do quarter squats, those dont hurt either :D
This is from Lyle. Try this for your hip flexors

couple of different things to try

1. stabilize yourself by holding onto something and then swing one leg forwards and back. Start with a low amplitude/speed (forwardes stretches hamstrings, back hip flexors) and graudally increasing the height of the leg swing. The key is that you're doing this with active muscular control. This is somewhere between a dynamic and ballistic stretch (where yo'ure throwing theg leg without controlling it).

2. A secnod approach is a lung walking version of the stretches above (rather than just doing them statically in place). So you walk forwards and descend into the lunge and stretch briefly (I usually hold 2 seconds), then stand up and lunge onto the other leg. what I've been doing pre-workout is this

normal lunge walk with arms overhead
lunge walk with arms overhead but leaning back and twisting away from the back leg (so if left leg is back, lean back and twist right); this gets more psoas
an even deeper stretch with teh arms in front where I twist the entire torso away from teh back leg (bad description)

so a full stretch series is like 4 reps of each variation for 2 seconds a piece.

much more dynamic than just sitting in a hip flexor stretch for 30 seconds

works balance too
i thought you werent suppose to stretch the hip flexors when you got anterior femoral glide, because it just aggrivates it..
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Friday 10.08.2007

A1 Snatch high pull
1x3 170.5
1x3 170.5
1x3 170.5

I used less weight this session than last, because last time was really a bit much. I get much better quality on the reps with this weight.

B1 Bench Press
2x3 172.7
1x2 178.2 (I was suppose to use 189.2 here, but for some reason I forgot to put on two of the plates :S)
1x1 200.2
2x2 189.2 (I did two sets here to make up for the mistake on the last doubble)
1x3 172.7
1x7 148.5 (just to get more volume)
Broke my pr, but just by one kg. I thought I would get more reps with 148.5, since I didn't use alot less last time and got 12.

B2 Cable Row
1x8 145.2
1x8 145.2
1x8 145.2
1x8 145.2

C1 Bulgarian Squats
1x8 77
1x8 77
1x9 77
I decided to do one more rep on the last set, I think maybe i'll move up to 10 reps per set then upp the weight and go down to 8 again. It's hard to progress weight wise every workout with DBs.

D1 Calf raise machine shrug
1x12 5
1x12 7
1x12 7

Can't remember the correct name. You use the calf raise machine, and shrug it. I dont know if I liked them though, I might go back to overhead shrugs.

D2 Dorisflexion in leg press
1x12 97.35
1x12 99
1x12 99

E1 PC circuit
1 45 degree back extension 22
2 Ham curls 55
3 Pull throughs 99
60 sec rest
1 45 degree back extension 22
2 Ham curls 55
3 Pull throughs 99

The last set here hurt really alot, but at the same time it felt good. I've had amazing progress with this method; my lower back can handle alot more than when I started.

PWO: The usual

Since this was the last time at my current gym, I resigned my contract with them. However, one of the staff there told me they have a deal with other gyms in Norway, and I can train at one of those until october for free! This is really great, because now I can probobly train this sunday and tuesday too, when I have just gotten to Trondheim.

I tried to use correct grammar here. I know punctation can be off, and i'm still not quite sure where to use the semicolon. :p I know it's when you combine two complete sentences, but still, its just not in my head, because it's all new to me, never heard of it before Evo told me :p

I think I have a tendency to just throw out commas everywhere, also where it should be periods.
Monday 13.08.2007

this workout was suppose to be done on Sunday.
I forgot my log book at home, so I will have to write down from memory

A1 Deadlift
2x3 286
1x2 308
1x1 341 (this was tough, but way easier than last time, I'm good for more)
1x2 308
1x2 286

A2 calf raise

B1 Pullups
4x4 13.75

B2 Overhead Squats
1x8 88
1x8 88
1x9 88

This was easy, I gotta start using more weight. I've been holding back because of my hip flexor thing.

C1 One handed DB two point row
1x10 44
1x9 44
1x9 44

C2 Skullcrusher
3x5 44
weight is + whatever the bar weighs.

D1 PC Circuit
1 45 degree back extension 22
2 Ham curls X
3 Pull throughs X
60 sec rest
1 45 degree back extension 24.75
2 Ham curls X
3 Pull throughs X

There were no numbers on the weights on the cable station, I just found a weight that was challenging. The Ham curls I just cant remember. It was this seated ham curl machine, it was really weird.

Since I just moved, I didn't have any PWO with me, since I don't have a container to put it inn. I did however, buy some horrible thing with 50g protein and carbs.

I just moved this Saturday, so this was a new gym for me. And my god it was even worse than my last one. Luckily they did have a power cage and stuff so I could do what i had to do.
i thought you werent suppose to stretch the hip flexors when you got anterior femoral glide, because it just aggrivates it..

You might be right. I'd never argue with Cressey; he's a billion times smarter than I am about this stuff. You know...give him an email and see what he says. I know he's busy, but he's always answered emails for me in the past.
thursday 16.08.2007
This is Tuesdays workout. Since I just moved to a new city, training is a bit random, I go when I have the time.

A1 Power Clean
2x3 198
1x2 209
1xF 236.5 (Second time I've failed this weight..)
1x2 209
1x3 198

B1 Good Morning
3x8 148.5

B2 Leg Extensions
1x12 14
1x12 15
1x12 15

The stack doesn't say weight, it just says what number that weight is on the stact.

C1 Pin Press
3x5 176

I forgot my board to do board press with at home, so I did pin press instead. I started with the bar on the pinns each set. The pin was set at about where I did board press from before. I let the bar rest completley on the pinns at the end of each rep.

C2 Bent over row
3x5 148.5

D1 Ab cable pulldowns
3x10 14

D2 DB curls
1x9 26.4
1x9 26.4
1x7 26.4

PWO: The usual

I seriously hate this gym. There are both kg and lbs plates, mixed around eacother, so sometimes I have to look all over the gym to find two 20kg plates. And the other people who train here is a story all to itself..

I did some research and found another gym with 2 squat racks and two power racks, which is pretty good IMO, but it's ackward getting there from where I live and I will probobly have to take another gym that I can get very cheap through my university anyways.
Monday 20.08.2007
This was a Friday workout done on a Monday

A1 Snatch grip high pulls
1x3 176
1x3 176
1x3 176

these were tough.

B1 Bent over close grip BB row
1x8 110
1x8 121
1x8 121
1x8 121

I did these because at first I thought there wasn't a cable row in the gym, which I found out later was wrong. But anyways, I might just continue doing these, I felt them good, and I use a close grip so it wont be the same movement as i do on tuesdays.

B2 Incline BB bench
1x9 132
1x8 132
1x8 132 (Barly got the last rep)

I was suppose to do heavy benching today, but all the benches were taken, and there was quite a line building up. The incline benching was very unstable, which I think is because the bench was so padded and soft it felt like I was lying on a couch.

C1 Overhead Shrug
1x10 110
1x10 110
1x10 110

I'm having a hard time balancing on these. But I guess that i'll get better with time.

C2 Dorisflexion in leg press machine
1x11 330
1x8 330
1x11 286

D1 PC Circuit
1 45 degree back extension 22
2 Ham curls 66
3 Pull throughs 60.5
60 sec rest
1 45 degree back extension 22
2 Ham curls 55
3 Pull throughs 60.5

You cant take any weight on machines and cable stuff into consideration here, since I've moved to a new gym, the machines are also new. The leg press machine was especially weird, easiest thing I've ever sat down on. When I did pull throughs I first set the stack at 85, and I quickly found this cable station was tougher than the one at my last gym.

PWO: The usual.

So today I was at the university gym for the first time. You'd think it would be awsome and at a high standard, boy was I naive. Like I said it was impossible to get a bench, probobly because it's monday and as everyone knows: It's the international chest day.

There are two squat racks at this gym and two benches, pluss a platform to do deadlifts and such. With the ammount of people using this gym thats just not going to cut it. The university has got two gyms though, one is a bit further away but I got a buss card so it doesn't really matter. I'll check it out one of these days and see how it is, but I've heard it's way more crowded than the one I visited today.
One pluss is that they got propper olympic bumper plates, which is kind of cool.
Wendsday 22.08.2007

A1 Deadlift
2x3 291.5
1x2 313.5
1x1 346.5
1x2 313.5
1x3 291.5

The single was really tough, my lower back almost got into flexion.
I also feel my grip is starting to give out on me. I'm thinking about putting inn some grip work somewhere in my routine.

A2 Calf raises
1x12 187
1x8 220
1x8 220
1x8 220

B1 Pullups
1x8 BW
1x7 BW
1x5 BW

Couldn't find any belt to add weight to the pullups..

B2 Overhead Squat
1x8 99
1x5 99

I terminated the last set because my knee started hurting (I still get some pain sometimes since after I got hit by a car). Also I wasn't feeling well, something which later in the day evolved to the flu, I got a fever and all sorts of nasty stuff, It's better today though (thursday). I decided to cut alot of the workout and just go for the PC circuit after the OHS and then head home.

C1 PC Circuit
1 45 degree back extension 24.75
2 Ham curls 44
3 Pull throughs 66
60 sec rest
1 45 degree back extension 24.75
2 Ham curls 44
3 Pull throughs 66

On the ham curls I tried plantar flexing the foot (pointing it away from the body). This makes the curl harder because the calf can't help since it can't contract from two points at the same time like the hamstrings can.

PWO: The usual.
Thank you. It takes about 1-1.5 hours. A bit long sometimes but I can handle it. I do alot of supersets so it doesn't take as long as it might look on paper.

Of the following "possible" metabolic pathways. Which one is false?
Protein is can be stored as fat, converted to carbohydrates, used directly as an energy substrate, or passed into the urine if the body is in excess of what it needs?