Squats, pulls, and curls

I haven't really been paying that much attention to volume, but yeah. I do more big compounds now so I guess the volume is kinda high.
When you do good mornings, do you bend the knees a bit and lower the butt or keep the knees straight and bend your back all the way
excellent front squatting! easily got past 100kg's!!! :D [:
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yeah. I could feel it a bit in my hip on the last few sets, but had this been like a month ago, I wouldn't have been able to complete due to hip pain.
W4 D1

I'm lazy now since I have two workouts to write out so this won't be detailed

snatch worked up to 2 triples at 55kg

power cleans did some triples and doubles, all heavy

Front squat, worked up to a doubble at 105, it was too heavy, my hip started hurting I have put too much weight on the bar too fast

RDL worked up to double at 160kg, and did some more work sets

bench 3 sets of 85kg 5 reps


ab pulldowns

PWO: The usual
I'm starting the anabolic diet. so very low carb now for about 2 weeks, then carb up 2 days on the weekend, then start doing 5 day low carb and 2 days high carb to carb up. This means my PWO has changed, I just use 15g of dextroses. I think I will maybe track my diet here, but probably not in great detail.
Im guessing this diet is good for cutting? How low carbs are you gonna stick to, around 100g a day?

Im cutting very VERY shortly, i really want to be lean now, really lean! Im hoping to get down to around 200lbs, maybe less depending on how i look.

Keep us informed kark lad :)
Monday 31.02.08

Week 4 Day 2

A1 Cleans
1x2 198
1x2 209
1x2 198

These were good, no problem

B2 Power Snatch
1x3 154
3x2 165
1x2 154
2x3 143

C1 Snatch Balance
Back at my gym in Trondheim so now I have a platform and feel more confident dropping down under these, which really helps
1x3 110
3x2 121
4x3 110
I can finally start adding some weight here!

D1 Clean pull
1x3 280.5
1x2 302.5
1x2 291.5
1x2 302.5
1x2 291.5
2x3 280.5

These are actually hardest off the floor. once I get over the knee I can really explode up.

E1 Back squat below parallel
1x3 231
1x2 253
1x2 242
1x2 253
1x2 242
2x3 231

Deeper than before. This went pretty smooth.

E2 Rear delt flies head support
3x12 11

I need to get some rear delt work in, I'll superset it with squatting, it shouldn't take anything away from my squat

F1 Pendlay rows
1x4 143 (I did about 3 reps right before this, but I ripped up my finger and started to bleed, so I put a band aid on and continued
1x8 143
2x7 143

F2 Belt elbows frog
3 sets, got about 2 long holds each "set" this time. I am getting better, much better balance.

F3 High cable sidebends
1x15 61.6
1x12 69.3
1x12 77

PWO: 34g of whey protein powder mixed in water, 10g creatine, 15g dextroses. I will call this "usual anabolic" since I'm on the anabolic diet thingy.
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Monday 31.03.08 Food

the images is too big to be added. how do you add thumbnails? I guess I need to do that, but I'll just link it for now.
nope. haven't noticed anything. Had a hard workout today doing clean and jerks though, but I think that was just because that exercise is very tough. I'm completely fine now.
Wednesday 02.04.08

Week 4 Day 3

A1 Hang Snatch
1x3 110
2x3 121
1x3 126.5

I'm confident I'll be able to hit 60kg (132) next time, which has been the short term goal.

B1 Clean and Jerk
[clean reps + jerk reps]

[2+1] 187
[1+2] 198
[2+1] 198
[1+2] 187

Front squat strength is a problem here.
This really took a lot of energy, since now both the front squat and jerk movement is getting tough. don't think it had anything to do with me low carbing, but we'll see.

C1 Snatch pull
1x3 187
1x2 209
1x2 198
2x3 187
2x2 187

still a bit tiered here from the CJs, but no problems, I'm getting the weight pretty high up.

D1 Front squats
1x3 209
1x2 231
1x2 220
1x2 198
1x2 187
2x3 176

for the 3 last set the weight was lower than it was suppose to. Front squats hurts my hip again (though back squats are fine) I believe the lack of progress comes from me ruining it with adding too much weight to the bar too quickly. Next time I'll start lower and try to build up again over time. what sucks is that this affects 3 lifts, the front squat, the clean and the clean and jerk.

E1 Good Morning
1x3 198
3x2 209
2x2 198

E2 Rear delt flyes w head support
2x12 13.2
1x10 13.2

F1 Military press
3x2 132

F2 Wide BBBOV row elbows flared
1x8 132
1x6 132
1x5 132

I used more weight than I should have.. I only used 110 last time I think, but I thought it was more.

F3 Ab pulldowns
1x12 99
1x10 110

PWO: Anabolic PWO shake.
A1 Hang Snatch
1x3 110
1x3 121
1x3 126.5
1x3 132
Next time I'll go for more sets at 132

B1 Power Clean
1x3 220
1x1 242
1x2 231
4x3 209

I've had problems with progress here. but It did feel easier now, so I've gotten a bit better.

C1 Jerk
1x2 187
1x1 209
1x1 198
1x2 187

I'll add more weight next time, this wasn't all that challenging.

D1 Front Squat
1x3 198
1x1 220
1x1 231
1x2 209
1x1 220
2x3 198

Pain free, lowering the weight helped.

D2 Rear Delt flyes w. head support
3x12 11

1x3 341
1x1 363
1x2 352
1x3 341
1x2 341

I belted up for these. Belts do help a bit for me, but not a lot.

D1 Crunch w. knees up
2x20 33
Drop set: 2x13 11

I didn't do any benching or rowing today, I had to get home to get some food, I totally overslept today, so I've got a shorter day to get my cals in.

PWO: Anabolic shake.

I noticed energy was a bit lower today than It has used to be on this workout, but I got through it OK, and I'm fine afterwards.
Getting strong, karks!