Weight-Loss Sodium

sodium is a huge contributor to high blood pressure and heart disease... well at least high blood pressure...

It also causes water retention and bloat...

try the low sodium v-8 with a several dashes of tabasco to kill the flat taste... :D
Its so hard to find things at the store that have little sodium, especially canned or frozen foods. Thats why your best bet is to eat fresh vegetables not canned and maybe make a soup from scratch dont buy Campbells, even though they are fast and cheap. Sometimes I'll gain 3-5lbs just from water retention due to sodium so its definately not my favorite.
Sodium SUCKS! I have been paying more attention to my family's sodium intake lately...before I was all about watching the calories, sugars and carbs...now THIS! :rolleyes: It's really tough to do. I was under the "false" impression that if I just didn't season my foods with salt that all was fine, NOT!So many foods are LOADED with sodium, like cece said, its in things you hardly expect to find it in! I used to buy a lot of canned veggies, now I buy frozen...which is better but still not great.

I've decided that I'm going to have to get my lazy butt out on Saturday mornings and go to the Farmer's Market to get fresh veggies and stuff. It's worth it...I just have to kick myself in the butt and get out of the bed.
i used to think that frozen veggies were safe... I eat frozen spinach by the ton practically -it's cheap, it's easy and I love it... the store brand I was buying had close to 250 mg of sodium per serving.. and I rarely are just one serving (it was only 20 calories a serving) YIKES label reading is scary... the sauce free green giant ones are a little more reasonable.. though fresh is best.. and use good salt if you want that salty taste... (kosher salt or sea salt- it's got a much more intense flavor so you use less than you would table salt>)
Low sodium info

Ok...I've been stressing myself about sodium lately (I'm always stressing about something, feel free to ignore me). Now that I'm tracking it, I've noticed a pretty marked increase in my sodium here lately. I don't put salt on any of my foods but these darn companies are putting plenty IN it! :mad:

I have received some great feedback from our resident guru Mal, and I also found this site that I thought was worthy of sharing. Not only does it give low sodium recipes, but individual low sodium items as well as how much salt is in "Fat Food Restaurant" items. ;) *thanks Megan*

Just thought I'd start a discussion about this where we can all share our thoughts about sodium, as well as how we each deal with managing an appropriate level.

I look forward to your feedback. :)
will cutting sodium help

I just want to know if cutting way back on sodium will help me lose weight. That is something else I think I can do.
Hi Happy, I'm going to have to say yes. Sodium helps us retain water giving us that "bloating" feeling. Soda has alot of Sodium as does most soups! I had a can of soup one day and was shocked at how much it had in it. I would limit it thats for sure :)
Reducing your sodium intake will not only improve your health but it will also help keep your bodily fluids flowing. High sodium intake (as stated above) causes you to retain water...and sometimes you can retain 4-6 pounds of water weight...so yes, limit you sodium intake. :)

As to the soup thing, I bought some campbells soup and was going to eat it cause its low in calories but what I neglected to look at was the sodium content. 1 serving (2.5 servings in one can) has over 900 mg of sodium---holy crap!! Since I bet most people would eat the entire can you'd have taken in 2200 mg's of sodium which is 200 mgs over your RDA. It was crazy. I diluted the heck out of it and in the end scooped out the noodles and left the broth. Crazy!
Soup is evil! Glad somone else noticed the sodium :) I too thought it would be a good item since its low in calories.. needless to say I don't eat soup anymore!
I also fell into that. Luckily I've since learned to read the sodium content for EVERYTHING. It's ridiculous how much sodium is in everything.
I've taken to making soup. I roast a chicken like once a week and I make stock out of the carcass. It's a good base for veggie soups, bean soups, rice soups, etc. It's not as difficult as one might imagine, and while making the stock initially can take some time, you can do other stuff around the house while it's bubbling away and it freezes well.

I'm happy to share recipes if anyone is interested.

How much sodium should I be taking in a day. I've only been counting calories I did'nt even think about sodium.
Please help!
the maximum rda of sodium is 2400mg - unless you've got high blood pressure then the DASH Diet (dietary approach to stop hypertension) says 1500mg - which is impossible.

Don't sweat it so much - just get rid of the salt cellars in the house -there's so mch sodium in most foods, that a person really doesn't need to add any additional - especially because it's usually of of habit rather than taste that it's added.. and keep processed foods to a mimimum
thank you so much. i just started looking at some of the food I eat and was floored at how much sodium there was. I was about to quit because watching my diet and sodium was just too much. Im glade i know what Im allowed now.
Im going to keep track of my calorie and sodium . I know for a fact now that thats what is keeping my scale from moving at all. Thanks again.
I've noticed. thanks