Sleep problems

I occasionally have the same problem getting up in the middle of the night, what helps me is concentrating on wish scenarios, imagining getting what I want, and what I will do. it may sound crazy but it works for me, the positive thoughts help to relax me, besides thinking negative for things I can't change does nothing for me.
exercising before bed has really helped my with my sleep! With no pre-workout of course too, or then I will be up all night
It seems i cant seem to sleep longer than 4 hours. I am going to the doctor in 2 days but I know he is just going to give me Ambien or something similar since I already use Ambien. And I cant use it every freaking day of my life.

I feel like I am losing my mind.

If I go to bed before 11pm I tend to wake up between 1:00 and 1:30am - Many Many Many nights I am up to anywhere between 3am and 6am sometime as late early as 7am. Then i sleep till noon - which of course screws me up for the next night.

Has anybody had serious sleep problems before? If anyone has and has any advice please tell me.
I don't really know where this goes, so I hope this allright.
My problem is I have sleeping difficultys. I always have done for as long as I can remember.Once I go to bed millions of thoughts just pop into my head and I can't do anything to stop them. I've tried incense,hot baths, exercise,counting sheep,homeopathic medecine,relaxing every muscle and many other things whihc I cant remember. It's a real pain in the ass as I'm doing the first part of my baccalaureate in 2 weeks(end of school exams) and I'm too knackered to work properly.Not that this is an unusual occurence as I've always had this but right now I'd kill for some sleep.I go to bed around 9 30-10 then lay awake until midnight-1 o clock.When this is done every day it really gets on top of me.I'm trying to bulk and read here that sleep is very important.If anyone could give me some help I'd really really appreciate it.
THanks a million
Sir homeopathic consultation and treatment can permanently cure any kind of sleep disorder without any side effects .the medicines will not only help you in your sleep problem but also reduce the excess body fat.
Sir homeopathic consultation and treatment can permanently cure any kind of sleep disorder without any side effects .the medicines will not only help you in your sleep problem but also reduce the excess body fat.

Homeopathy is literally sugar pills. It has more of a chance of having a harmful contaminant than any actual medicine. So no, homeopathy won't do anything at all except drain your wallet.