Sleep problems

When I can't sleep I get back up and force myself to stay up till I can't stand it anymore. If that means I'm up a lot later than I should, well at least I'm getting stuff done and not frustrated about laying there not sleeping as the numbers on my clock tick on. Keep a tablet and a flashlight by your bed and write down things keeping you awake. THings you can jump on in the morning so you can put them out of your head for the night. When my insomnia gets really bad I take 1 tylanol PM about 30 min before I want to sleep. then I read on my couch and go to bed only when my eyes start crossing. :)

hahaha I was sitting here at 5:40 on a sunday morning and i wasn't going to post! that is a riot. I also get up when I cant sleep. Or my wife makes me leave the bedroom I should say.

This morning i was chit chatting about the fitness gym and whether I should go this mornin or later. She says "GO NOW!!"

Exercise before sleep! bad idea if you are doing anything other than that 40 cal/per hour activity-- what a riot 40 cals an ahour...

we can sleep when we are dead. I'm wih Sparrow. and I can't stand laying there mentally masterbating myself into some weirdo place.

FF is far too busy mentally FlyingFree to sleep, LOL.

FF you are a disturbed human being...........:) I would hate to ask about your dreams when you do sleep, LOL.

HEY!, you should listen to your wife more often!
I found a great herbal tea lately that seems to help me sleep. its called Bedtime Tea lol made by Yogi Tea. I have tried other teas such as chamomile and such but they didnt seem to work. this has a great blend of stuff! Contains valerian, chamomile, skullcap and st johns wort, to name a few.
I also have a huge problem with sleep at the minute. It started when I was physically (sp?) and mentally knackered all day every day, and when I got to bed at night (around 11pm most nights) I was exhausted but couldn't sleep. Went to the doctors, he asked a few questions about the usual, time went to bed, how much sleep etc..etc... and one of the things he though was the sleep I was getting wasn't deep enough. Fair enough answer.
He prescribed me Amitriptyline which are actually a mild form of anti-depressant, which, if I take one around 7.30 - 8.00pm, kick in around 2 hours later for a real, deep sleep. Only problem is getting up in the morning, the eyes do not want to open, and I still feel really tired for the first hour or so (maybe that's a normal thing)
These are working well at the minute, although last night I thought, I won't take one just to see. Ended up going to bed at midnight, wide awake for an hour, awake again at 3am, something past 5, fell out with the alarm at quarter to 7, snappy, feel ****ty at work, actually, feeling really down at the minute (although typing this is making me feel better as I can vent slightly what my head is feeling, because I feel like I have a real brain fog a lot of the time and my head feels messed up).
Sorry for whinging at you all, this was supposed to be about sleep, next, I'll be typing my full medical history!!

Thanks everyone :)
Hello cian,
I had same trouble some days. Then I work out in gym in the night. I will never stop until then. When not completely tried. After some days were find solution my problem. But it's not suitable for every human. So I will suggest you watching TV and read some historical books in the night.
Usually meditation can bring me to sleep. But if my mind is too preoccupied with many things I resort to listening to audio books pertaining to self improvement. The drone of the narration can make me sleep. Another benefit is; even if I fall asleep, my subconscious can still hear the voice and interpret the messages.
Hi Cian,

I would suggest you to practice meditation to get re leaved from this problem.Meditation helps to keep your body and your mind fit and focused and helps to lead a balanced and peaceful life. Try it and see the difference for yourself.

Actually I have experienced the same thing. Why dont you try doing other thing before actually lying in bed.. instead of lying down at 1030.. go to bed by 12 since you could fall asleep by 1am. What i do is i just surf the net then after awhile i get sleepy. If its till would not work, go and consult your doctor if its really bothering you...
You could try putting a drop of lavender oil on your pillows, that helps me sometimes.

Also, get a new mattress. Like a really nice one. Orthopaedic mattresses are meant to be amazing. I've been having trouble sleeping like you and mine is now in the post to give it a go!

Another thing is to make your room is pitch-black, or as close to that as you can. Turn off all stand-by lights on TVs, stereos etc. Make sure your curtains block out street lights.

Hope that helps. Trouble sleeping is horrible.
I have found that my antihystamine pills which I need to take daily anyway, make me drowsy. This has meant I find it easier to fall asleep many nights. I don't think pills are the answer but they can help when you need to sleep quite badly.

I used to find milk helped but also made me feel phlegm at the back of my throat which used to keep me awake. Now I don't have milk before I sleep I have water and it helps in the longer term.

Having no TV is an ideal but I think it depends on what you need, I need the TV on as the news helps me drift off. I put it on a timer for 20 mins or so and can fall alseep to it but it has to be the news, anything else is too jumpy in sound and can keep me awake.

I did once try not sleeping for 48 hours to see if I could then fall asleep the following night. I did fall asleep quite quickly, the first night was fine, I woke after 8 hours sleep...then slept for 15 hours the second night, right through the alarm clocks and ruined any new pattern I had tried to build. Back to square 1.

Its worth seeing a doctor to rule out any neurological issues as there may well be some that can affect your sleeping patterns.
I have the exact same problem. Some people get their best thinking done in the shower. I tried it last night and it seemed to have some effect, I was more relaxed anyway though it could've just been a placebo effect. Wow Great site. Either way thanks.
Hey man, sleeping problems are most common. Many people suffer from this. The root cause of this problem lies in your day to day routine. If you think too much about day's work or tensed about anything then this problem occurs. Try for some change. Take time off form work and relax, may be it will help you
I have helped a friend get off Xanax with strong lemon balm tea. First he tapered down slowly. Had trouble sleeping. I packed empty Snapple bottles with fresh picked lemon balm leaves and poured hot spring water in. Later when they were only warm, I added a little quality honey. He drank one each night before bed. Lemon balm is easy to grow in warm weather, and winters over. Good for you, also.
Enjoy and Cradle yourself to sleep with this Beauty ;) :D
If seriously, practically all people experience different thoughts popping up in their heads when they go to bed, as it's time to sum up everything that has happened to us during the day. Another thing is to let you the right thinking about it the next day, just say it to yourself and you'll be calmer a lot ;)
I don't really know where this goes, so I hope this allright.
My problem is I have sleeping difficultys. I always have done for as long as I can remember.Once I go to bed millions of thoughts just pop into my head and I can't do anything to stop them. I've tried incense,hot baths, exercise,counting sheep,homeopathic medecine,relaxing every muscle and many other things whihc I cant remember. It's a real pain in the ass as I'm doing the first part of my baccalaureate in 2 weeks(end of school exams) and I'm too knackered to work properly.Not that this is an unusual occurence as I've always had this but right now I'd kill for some sleep.I go to bed around 9 30-10 then lay awake until midnight-1 o clock.When this is done every day it really gets on top of me.I'm trying to bulk and read here that sleep is very important.If anyone could give me some help I'd really really appreciate it.
THanks a million
This happens to me too.

One tip I heard that helps is tracing back your day starting from the most recent activity: getting into bed or turning off the light.

The trick is to be very specific and as exact or accurate as possible:

Turned off the light
Pulled up the blanket
Read a book
Went to the bathroom

The idea is to flood or preoccupy the mind with white noise or a very mundane task that requires attention yet doesn't excite.

More often than not you won't get too far and you'll fall asleep.

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