Weight-Loss September MPH Challenge

Woo! That's great, Geordie! Thanks for taking part, and I hope you enjoyed it.

Grand Running Total:
M: 673.78 mi
P: 888,866 lbs
H: 32 hrs 35 mins

Awesome job, everyone.
Well done everyone.

Tim and Gordie I dream to be able to stay on my bike that much some day, well done

Cord I would be up to doing the same thing for this month.

If not I will just put it in my diary.
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I'll just wait a day or so to see if anyone else has any numbers to contribute, then I'll post something about the total results, and maybe give out some virtual goodies or something.
Wrap-up: what did we accomplish?

Okay, looks like all the numbers are in, so I thought I'd see just what it was we accomplished over the month.

Primarily, we all got a lot of good exercise in, and we will reap the health benefits therefrom.

However, we also accumulated some statistics, and I thought it would be fun to see what they might equate to.

We walked/ran/swam/biked whatever over 674 miles, which is the distance of the legendary 1925 sled-dog odyssey to bring diptheria serum to the people of Nome, Alaska, that is still commemorated in the annual Iditarod race:

View attachment 11016

We lifted over 444 tons, which is the weight of the world's largest gas turbine, capable fo generating 340 megawatts of power:

View attachment 11017

And we performed other exercises for 32 hours and 35 minutes, which is slightly longer than the record time for the Cannonball Run, 32 hours 7 minutes, set in 1983:

View attachment 11018

(I could have put a car here or something, but c'mon, who can resist Captain Chaos?)

All I can say is, great work, everyone!
Prizes! (or maybe just No-prizes)

I thought I should give out some awards or something to the people who took part in this challenge.

There were three who stayed the course and kept at it right until the end.

For Geordie, whose total numbers crushed us all:

View attachment 11019

For Tim, who is Mighty:

View attachment 11020

For the ever-lovin' (although I don't know if his eyes are blue) Tony:

View attachment 11021

For me, because it's my challenge and I can have whatever I want:

View attachment 11022

And, for everyone elso who participated to some degree (and we do appreciate your contributions):

View attachment 11023

Thanks again, everyone, and enjoy your (no-) prizes!

Edit: I don't know why these attachments aren't working. This just happened on my before and after photos too.
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Acceptance Speech

I would like to thank my family and friends, Cord for running the challenge (cue Gwyneth Paltrow style tears). My late family pet Toby, who I know will be watching down (more tears). the folks at WLF (tears by the bucket load).