Senior needs help with my work outs.

Another descent walk this morning, the first 1.6 k with Bella, then out on River Road for another 2.5k.


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Our yard work got behind while we were on holiday so we were spending a lot of low level work weeding, trimming etc to get the flower beds & shrubs cleaned up. That’s caught up so it’s time to get back out for some cardio and leg workouts.
Today’s walk was similar to yesterday, 2 slower km with Bella, then a little faster solo for 2km


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One more morning walk at home with Bella before we head to our grandchildren to baby/dog sit for a few days while their parents are away for their 20th anniversary. They have a 15m pool so we’ll be swimming laps for a few days.
On a high note, my wife is 73 years old today. She ran 5k this morning with avg pace 6:35/km


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Finished my first 1/2 hr pool swim. Definitely need to work on my consistency. I always go out too fast& have to slow the pace to catch up on my breathing. Being a diver I should know better, but diving is leg work with fins, free style swim is mostly arms. Edited (spelling) I do cheat wearing a mask & snorkel making breathing easier.


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That's a brilliant idea and I need to try it!
Being a diver, I am more focused on the cardiovascular benefits of swimming laps, rather than developing great swimming technique. A mask & traditional snorkel allow you to breathe comfortably & not have to focus on rolling & timing your breaths. Stay away from full face mask/snorkel combos. They have too large dead air space and lead to CO2 buildup & blackouts.
My second pool swim this week. I tried to pace myself and be more consistent. It kept my heart in the midrange longer, but my distance was shorter.(no free lunch, lol)


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Got home Saturday & I could see the lawn needed mowing, but it was late afternoon and temp 32C. Heavy dew in morning so I didn’t get to start the lawn until 10:00am The temp was already 30C. I took a couple of water breaks doing the hand mowing. The high temperature showed in my calorie burn . 11/min.


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A much better morning for walking. 17C and slightly overcast. Bella & I went out for our 2k walk around the neighbourhood, then I went another 2k(solo). Broke the 10 minute pace, & checked my VO2 max It’s looked to be on a steady incline, although slowly. Looking at stats I should be above avg at 28.0 (for 70 year old male)


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Another beautiful morning 17C and clear skies, a slight breeze.
2k with Bella then 3 more alone.


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That sounds lovely! Much better than our still, muggy summer weather.